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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Dr. Bulxan insha ayu ka riday. Meelsha kuwa Somaliland ka falaagoobay uma iman in ay la doodaan. The man from Sool region came to the table with a very rudimentary point... he said 'Somaliland is not all united in their position, there are unionists". I expected that kind of talk from the streets. Guess what, difference of opinion is natural. Show me any country in the world where there is a uniform agreement. At the end of the day, it is majority wins. I agree with Dr. Bulxan only a total separation is the way forward. I do not even like the idea of an association. There is nothing we can associate with Mogadishu. We rather have that kind of setup with Djibouti.
  2. Camey is a poor soul. One can feel that he has been in an abusive relationship with Dr. Gaas. From the way he is trash talking his President, one can see how much ciil iyo cadho haysa. Hardly the traits of manhood. If anyone can feel sorry for someone, you should feel sorry for the wretched poor soul. With regards of the upcoming selection process. it is called a secret ballot, not an election. It is the oldest trick in the book of politics. The last time Somaliland had that sort of system was back in 1996 when President Egal was selected to lead the country towards one person one vote system. Somaliland's 3rd, 4th and now the 5th Presidents were all elected through general elections. As for Somalia making progress. The fundamentals are still as shaky as ever. I see it as a terminally ill patient only kept alive by IC's live support system. The soonest AMISom leaves the soonest the warlordism and factionalism will return.
  3. Burundi military opposes Somali withdrawal plan "The Burundi army on Sunday said it opposed a request by the African Union that it withdraw 1,000 soldiers serving in an African peacekeeping force in Somalia by February 28." Burundi army spokesman Colonel Floribert Biyereke said in a statement that the military would ask the government to argue for a proportionate number of troops be withdrawn from each AU member country, rather than solely Burundian soldiers. Burundi is the second biggest contributor to the 21,500-strong peacekeeping force with 5,400 soldiers, behind Uganda with 6,200 but ahead of Djibouti, Kenya and Ethiopia. The African Union is gradually scaling back its Amisom force as Somalia’s nascent armed forces are trained and deployed to replace them. Amisom was first deployed in 2007 to support Somalia’s fragile internationally-backed government and fight Al-Shabaab jihadists blamed for scores of bloody attacks. The African Union request, made through a diplomatic document called a note verbale, came amid recent tension between Burundi and the AU. The AU has called on Burundi — criticised abroad for its record on human rights — to ease its hardline stance on dissent and talk with its exiled opposition. A key consequence of an eventual troop drawdown is financial. Participation in Amisom is a valuable source of hard currency, and the scaleback is likely to have a big impact on Burundi — every quarter, the AU pays it around $18 million. That represents a major source of foreign currency for Burundi, which has seen funding from the European Union suspended over human rights issues. Burundi soldiers also earn much less once they return from serving with Amisom, and an AU official who asked not to be named said they were poorly equipped, and thus logical candidates for the first phase of departures. Read more here
  4. After the humiliation suffered in Tukaraq, both Gaas and Camey have now learned a lesson. In fact, the experience has made Camey to convey wise words to the rookie would-be presidential hopefuls. Camey warned, for the people of Sool region, whenever they hear Garowe talking about liberating Sool/Sanaag, it means losing more ground to Somaliland. In his speech he said "Those who are now talking about liberating Sool/Sanaag from Somaliland should learn something from the last time we heard similar words "The Faataha Gate". Since Gaas' famous Faataha Gate, Puntland lost 50km and Somaliland now is at the gates of Garowe".
  5. Good call. We need to have a close relations with the new leadership of Somali State. With Ina Ilay's wild dogs tamed and with ONLF taking the peaceful path and disarming its melitia, the region's has never had a better time to set things on the right path. Somaliland's businesses have been on overdrive since Ina Ilay's overthrow. The border crossing is now fully open, Somaliland plate vehicles are now able to reach every corner of the Somali State. This is only good thing for the commerce and people movements between the two sides.
  6. Somaliland has a very strong legal case. It is just politics that is not on its side. It will eventually get its hard won independence.
  7. Xildhibaan Ibbi wuxu kula taliyay Somaliland inay munaafaq ku dhaqmaan oo habeenkiina Mogadishu kuwa jooga hawshooda ka fu'shadaan, maalintii inkiraan. Jawaabta ay Sucaad Carmiye siisay waxay ahayd mid dharbaaxo oo kale ku noqotay. She put him back at his place. Jawaabtii Sucaad
  8. The beggars couldn't resist the money on offer. Any other people would have made the process a little bit more interesting. Laakin sidi hal dabo'la ayay first roundkiiba iska qadimeen. Then they all went to Dahabshiil to collect their sums. Maxaa meesha gaajo taal.
  9. Dr. M. Bihi is referring to the failed attempt to sniffle the SDF Fund. It backfired on Cheeseman so bad. The IC basically gave them the big finger. Which is why the SDF is bigger than ever before and still going.
  10. Hats off to Sucaad Carmiye for destroying the simpletons. Here is the full conference.
  11. There was recently an election here in Victoria. One of the amazing things in the developed world is that, when the vote counting began and most seats were counted upto 25%. A lot of the runners accepted defeat already. Can you imagine, at just 25% count of the total vote for each seat and the contestents accepting defeat. It is next to impossible in a Somali context. In fact, a Somali would never accept defeat until 100% of ballets are counted, even though it is mathematically impossible and a defeat can be forcasted much earlier. In such light, I can say Cheeseman is a defeated man who is waiting for the 100% count to be completed. Just wasting people's time. Our resident expert, @galbeedialready knows about it. Cheeseman is politically defeated. He may try to misuse the well intention-ed donations money that he received from friendly countries. But ultimately, money never solved anything. You will feed those willing mouths while you have the money but as soon as that comes to and end, your faith is written on the wall.
  12. A village which happens to be just outside your capital city. Inu Gaas full of Gas yahay aduunka dhan ayaa ogaaday.
  13. Apparently he spent few years in Hargeisa and got both the swagger and the accent perfect.
  14. There was a reason why SSDF was named Sii-soco Soo-soco Dumarka u Faana.
  15. Looks like they are taking part in a Nigerian film sketch.
  16. Not only a functioning state but also the people back then were humans. In 1991, the people have been to hell and back and their mental/physical and complete humanity was lost. Just the task and effort it took to sort out the land dispute would have been enough to make anyone give up. Leave alone the disarmament of civilians and bringing law and order back. You can build infrastructure but the build the humanity in people is much harder task.
  17. Now that is a timeless advice. It is obviously clear to anyone with few cells of brains how and where this will end. @Che -Guevara You are correct. This is from an earlier visit.
  18. @galbeedi You said this because it is very obvious that you have no clue or have no first hand information regarding the SNM vs SNA wars in the North. It was the SNA that militarised urban centres, after they were decisively defeated in the countryside. In camparison, when Mingistu was defeated in the country side of Eritrea, his forces withdrew to Tigray region and Afar area in Asab. They didn't do what Afwayne did when he was defeated. Afwayne wuu u dagaalamay sidii gunta. And that will forever be an ignoble mark on his rule.
  19. The ink has not even dried yet and the agreement that Cheeseman was tooting about is as good as used toilet paper. Reminds me of 1988 Awasa agreement between a desparate Afwayne and Mengistu Haile Mariame .