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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This dude actually thinks that everything will be hunkydory and business as usual. Ninkan waligii dad cadaan ah lama shaqayn ayay u badantay. The IC's concerns and frustrations as shown in the open letters in the past week were a "notice". It seems, VillaAMISOM's actions may have hastened a more different response from the IC soon. We will wait and see.
  2. Cadnaan, Somaliland bari hore ayay Somalia meel iska saartay. Laakin Shisheeye (UN etc) ayaa Somaliland lugaha wali haysta. Kolka ciyaartu halkaa ayay maraysa la soco. Cheeseman will be very lucky to finish the rest of his term. Sidii Col. Yey Airport Jomo Kenyatta xilka looga xayuubiyay ayaa u laaban. Cheeseman wado khiyaali ah ayay iska ordaya, Ethiopia ayu rumaysanyay inay dalka u qabato deedna sidii Afwayne diig ka noqdo. Waa wax aan caqliga galayn.
  3. The US House Foreign Affairs Gurus make a call.
  4. Talaado, Janaayo, 01, 2019 (HOL)- Dhacdooyinkii u waaweynaa ee sanadkii tagay laga xusi karo Somaliland waxa ka mid ah dhacdooyinkan hoos ku qoran. 1. December, 21,2018, madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo madaxweynaha dawlad deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya ayaa ku kulmay magaalada Wajaalle. 2. December 17, 2018, xisbiyada mucaaradka ah iyo xukuumada oo ku heshiiyey in aanay doorashaddu dhaafin sanadka 2019 mar hadii ay dib uga dhacday muddii hore loogu qorsheeyey ee march, 2019. 3. December 15,2018, magaaladda Hargeysa waxa yimid wefti madax dhaqameed ka socda qoomiyada Oromadda ee Itoobiya, Madax dhaqameedkaaasi ayaa sheegay inay usocdaan is dhexgalka labada bulsho ee Oromada iyo Somaliland, waxaanay xuseen in Somaliland tahay dhuunta ganacsigoodu soo maro. 4. December 14,2018, ardayda maqalka naafada ka ah ee dhigta dugsi ku yaalla BOoramo oo ka mudahaaraday maamulkoodii oo laga bedelay. 5. December 12, 2018 , xukuumada Somaliland oo mustaafurisay dad ajanabi ah oo shaqooyin ka hayey Somaliland. 6. November 28,2018, guddida doorashooyinka Somaliland oo shaaciyey in aanay doorashaddii ku qabsoomi Karin mudadii hore loogu cayimay. 7. November 24, 2018, madaxweyne Muuse Biixi oo markii ugu horeysay booqday ciidamada jiidda hore ee deegaanka Tuko raq. 8. November 12,2018, xukuumada Somaliland oo mamnuucday hoteeladii habeenkii lagu caweeyo ee fanaaniintu ka heesaan, waxaana loo qabtay wakhtiga ah 11:50 PM. 9. Octobar 11,2018, wasaaradda arrimaha dibada Somaliland oo soo qabanqaabisay shirweyne lagaga hadlayo wixii 27 sanno u qabsoomay Somaliland iyo siyaasada arrimaha dibada Somaliland jihadda loo leexinayo. 10. September 30,2018, gudoomiyihii golaha dhexe ee xisbiga KULMIYE Jaamac Shabeel ayaa xilkii iyo xubinimadii xisbiga laga saaray ka dib shir ay iskugu yimaadeen golaha fulinta ee xisbigaasi. 11. September 25,2018, Cabdikariim Qalbi dhagax oo ka mid ahaa jabhadda ONLF ka muddana ku xidhnaa xabsi ku yaalla Itoobiya, ayaa Hargeysa booqasho ku yimid. 12. September 11, 2018, Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa si jujuub ah ula wareegtay haamaha shiidaalka ee Berbera, waxaana hore u maamuli jirey shirkado gaaar ah oo xukuumadii hore ee Axmed Siilaanyo ku wareejisay. 13. August 26,2018, Somaliland oo dib u celisay gaadiid badan oo laga soo baxsaday deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya. 14. August 15,2018, golaha Guurtida Somaliland ayaa ka hor yimid xeerka kufsiga oo golaha Wakiiladu u gudbiyeen madaxtooyadda. 15. July 23,2018, ururka cilmi baadhista Soomaaliyeed ayaa shirkoodii ku qabsaday jaamacadda Hargeysa, taas oo ay iskugu yimaadeen aqoonyahano badan oo ka kala yimid ummadda Soomaaliyeed. 16. May 26,2018, Duufaantii dabaylaha watay ee ka dhacday xeebaha Somaliland, waxa kormeer ka dib ka hadlay oo kharaasuhu inta uu leegyahay Madaxweyne Biixi, waxaanu yidhi ““duufaantii dhacday meelo badan bay martay waxaanay dishay 49 qof oo toddobo qof ilaa hadda aan lahayn, waxa ku jiray shan caruur ah oo aan shan jir gaadhin, waxa dhaawacmay toddobaadan qof, sidoo kale 80% xoolihii way dhinteen oo geelii ugu adkaa ayaa kuwii xeradda ku jirayna dhinteen kuwii banaanka jiray way dhinteen, waxaanay dhimashadu ku badan tahay labada degmo ee kala ah Baki iyo Lughaya” 17. June, 18,2018, makhaayadaha Burco oo qaarkood xabsiga loo taxaabay ka dib markii ay kordhiyeen qiimaha shaaha, taasina waxay keentay inay dadkii shacabka ahaa ka mudaharadaan qiimo kordhintaasi. 18. May 20, 2018, maxkamada gobolka Maroodi jeex oo saddex sanno oo xukun ah ku riday boqor Buurmadow. 19. May 7, 2018, Madaxweyne Biixi oo cafis madaxweyne ku siidaayey abwaan Niciima abwaan Qoranne oo xabsiga Gabiley ku jirtay ka dib markii lagu eedeeyey inay arrimo qaranimadda ka dhan ah ku kacday. 20. April 24, 2018, shidaal xun oo dalka soo gallay ayaa sababay in kumanaan baabuur ahi waxyeelo ka soo gaadho. 21. April 4,2018, Alla ha u naxariisto Fanaanadda caanka ah ee Sahra Axmed Jaamac oo fanka ku jirtay nusqarni kana mid ahayd foolaadka fanka iyo dhaqanka umadda Soomaaliyeed, ayaa ku geeriyooday magaaladda Hargeysa. Sahra Axmed Jaamac oo ka mid ahayd tiirarka waaweyn ee Fanka Soomaaliyeed waxay ka mid ahayd fanaaniinta ugu heesaha badan fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed,isla markaana heeso la wadaagtay ama la qaatay inta badan ragga fanaaniinta ah ee waaweyn, waxaanay ahayd qof cod tolmoon oo sida loo hela yar tahay. Marxuumad Sahra Axmed Jaamac waxay dhalatay sanad ku beegan 1956-dii, waxaanay ku dhallatay gobolka Togdheer, waxaana fanka ku soo biirtay hilaadii 1969-kii iyadoo wakhtigaasi la sheegay inay da’deedu ahayd 13 jir sida ay sheegeen dadkii ay ku walaaloobeen fanka Soomaalidda. 22. March 22,2018, xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee WADDANI ayaa soo jeediyey inla kala diro guddida doorashooyinka oo ay sheegeen in aanay ku kalsoonayn. 23. March, 13,2018, xukuumada Somaliland ayaa gabi ahaanba ka joojiyey shirkadaha isgaadhsiinta in lacagta Mobile lagu shubto aan lagu shuban Karin ama la isticmaali Karin boqol dollar wax ka yar, taas bedelkeedana loo bedelo shilng Somaliland si loo yareeyo sicir barar lacagta ku yimid oo sababtay in shilingkii si weyn hoos u dhac ku yimaado, waxayna ahayd arrrimaha danyarta taabanayaey oo si weyn usoo dhoweeyeen, waayo ka hor amarkan waxa lacagta Mobileka lagu isticmmaali jiray uun dollar, taas oo keentay qiimo jabka lacagtii wadanka. 24. February 11, 2018, Wasiirka horumarinta reer Miyiga iyo deegaanka Somaliland Shukri Xaaji Ismaaciil Boondaro ayaa xabsiga u taxaabtay sagaal qof oo loo qabtay Diiman la doonayo in la dhoofiyo. 25. January 28, 2018, Alla ha u naxariistee waxa magaaladda Hargeysa ku geeriyooday Abwaan Axmed Siciid Diiriye Afgudhiye oo ahaa abwaan caan ka ah geyiga Soomaaliddu degto. Abwaan Afgudhiye wuxuu ahaa gabyaa, majaajiliste iyo hal abuur heeso badan sameeyey, waxaanu koritanka fankiisa soo maray Somaliland iyo Jabuuti, waxaanu heesaha badan ku sameeyey magaaladda Jabuuti. 26. January 6,2018, madaxweyne Biixi oo safarkii ugu horeeyey ku tagay dalka Jabuuti.
  5. 3 injured in mortar attack on UN compound in Somalia Two United Nations staff members and a contractor were injured on Tuesday after seven mortars landed inside the UN compound in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Nicholas Haysom, special representative of the UN secretary-general for Somalia, confirmed that none of the injuries is life-threatening and condemned the indirect fire attack. "Today's indirect fire attack on the main UN compound in Mogadishu may amount to a violation of international humanitarian law, and I deplore this unwarranted act of aggression against our personnel," Haysom said in a statement issued in Mogadishu. The militant group al-Shabab has reportedly claimed responsibility for the attack, the first such attack this year. "No political agenda can be served through violence that deliberately targets staff members of international organizations who are supporting the consolidation of peace and the strengthening of governing institutions in Somalia," Haysom said. The UN envoy wished the wounded colleagues a full recovery.
  6. The noose is tightening around Cheesemans neck which is has prompted him to do the unthinkable. He has declared the newly appointed UNSG Rep as Persona-non-grata.
  7. If Garaad Saleebaan comes to Hargeisa, it will be a major coupe for President MBC. Garaad Saleebaan was the only Garaad for the past 27 years to consistently oppose Somaliland. While other Garaads came and go. Support from Garaad Saleebaan will hasten the removal of Puntland from the last few towns in Sool.
  8. The word is out that majority of Sool/Sanaag MPs are those that Gaas preferred to help him re-elect. He slipped out of the town to escape any link to the forgery and engineered list. The new parliament has already been sworn in including the 5 men that Garaad Saleebaan mentioned. I have little doubt that Gaas will return.
  9. Poor Cheeseman thinks that Ethiopia can keep him in Villa AMISom. He turned his back on those that have sustained the whole project, i.e. The EU/US donor countries. With Cheeseman failing to meet International Community's milestones and key expectations as agreed in the London Conference 2017. The IC have now set Jun 2019 as deadline to have very basics in place. Which is totally unattainable. But never the less that their date before they unwind their support and the whole AMISom "BS" collapses. Here is a sneak peek of what is to come.
  10. From Jan 2018 to Jan 2019. Garaad Saleebaan oo u badantay in Hargeisa iska dhiibo.
  11. Honestly, I laughed at the thought behind this headline. It feels like, this is the last credit card before declaring political bankruptcy.
  12. A doze of reality check. It is a revelation indeed. The majority of hotel bombings are from assassination squads operating from Villa AMISom and other power centres. Another quote: "Farmaajo is betting Ethiopia will help him install him as a new dictator for Somalia, or Somalia will be back to sqaure one in civilwar" Other noteables: 1. No elections taking place in 2020 2. Alshebab will not be defeated 3. No Somali security force worthy of its name. 4. Current political leadership in Villa AMISom is on wrong track. 5. Corruption and power misuse
  13. Cheeseman trying to take a leaf from Ina Yey's short lived dream to use "Xiniinyo Xabashi" to subjugate and bring Mogadishu under his clans' control.
  14. Ahmed Madoobe knows that the vultures are circling. His hegemony over Kismaio could be undone in a flash of a light. Both Alshabab and rejuvenated JVA under the auspices of SNA led by old nemesis Gen. Indho Cade are hatching plans to unseat him.
  15. Treachery implies that there was trust in the first place. Which can't be said with regards to ONLF. In fact, ONLF is lucky that we didn't declare war on them like they done during Afwayne era when they fashioned themsevles like Omar Al-Bashir's Janjaweed melitia.
  16. One can never accuse Somaliland of Munaafaqnimo. It applied its policy clearly. Break it at your own risk. But the Munaafaqadda in South Somalia is on another level. Here you have their shameless politicians crying for "Somalinimo", "Midnimo" and what have you. Yet, doing this. I am sure, the ONLF members appreciate and respect the honesty and clear policy that Somaliland has, in comparison to the dishonest, insincere and cowardly backstabbing from South Somalia. This youngman's story is also a testimony that Somaliland had no witch-hunt policy towards ONLF. It is open secret that a lot of low ranking members lived in Somaliland without any issues. A sidenote, what SOL's janitor failed to tell the gallery is that, the ONLF would never go to Baydhabo. In fact, it is safer to go to Jigjiga than to Baydhaba. At least in Jigjiga you can hide in the safety in numbers. In Baydhaba, they do not handover, the Habashis rule the place and the locals there have no say who the Habashes kill, jail or do whatever. Nin naagtiisi lagu hor faraxumeeya muxu ka hadli karaa?
  17. Defence CS Omamo surprise Christmas visit to KDF soldiers in Somalia (Chief of the Defence Forces General Samsom Mwathethe and Cabinet Secretary for Defence Amb. Raychelle Omamo visit to Kenya Defence Forces Soldiers in Somalia) It was the day before Christmas when Defence Cabinet Secretary Raychelle Omamo and Chief of the Defence Forces, General Samson Mwathethe paid a surprise visit to KDF troops serving in various Operation Bases and spread some cheer. Omamo and Gen Mwathethe were on a military camps surprise visit that saw them surprise the hardworking men and women of KDF who are on duty in Somalia. The visit took the duo to Manda, Hulugho and Kolbiyow military camps and thanked them for their dedication to duty which they affirmed is what’s keeping Kenya safe. “I have come here to be with you and to share the spirit of this season with you, exceptional brave men and women. I want to let you know you are appreciated and that Kenyans are proud of you. We appreciate that you have stood firm and fought off threats to our motherland and stood firm, even in the face of great challenges. We thank you for the sacrifices you have made, even beyond the call of duty,” CS Omamo said. During her visit, the Defence CS intimated that her visit was also to see and experience the soldiers’ everyday life in order to find out how she can better support the soldiers.
  18. Somaliland Army Chief "We will destroy them in their hideouts" Somaliland Army leadership do no bluff. They say what they mean, they mean what they say. The Army will give Garowe space to hold its selection process in peace. However, any new leader that will replace Gaas next year is on notice.