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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Firstly, I do not even support these regions. I think it is the biggest waste of time and effort. Everyone will come to that realisation sooner or later. Galmudug itself is unable to sustain itself at this moment. It shouldn't exist, so is HirShabeele. I think, the those regions that should exist (temporarly/pending review say in 20 years time) is Puntland, SW and Jubbaland. These regions are consequential, i.e. it is fact on the ground. SW and Jubbaland are supported and guaranteed by Kenya and Ethiopia. While Puntland is a self-sustaining region. HirShabeele and Galmudug should fold under Mogadishu. They cannot independently sustain themselves at this moment and they do not have Kenya or Ethiopia to guarantee their existence. With regards to Sool/Sanaag, there already exists power and authority. You cannot just like jolt from the sky (jug so dhacay) claim you are going to create a region from Mogadishu. When Mogadishu leaders cannot even set their foot on the ground. How absurd.
  2. I am not defending Madoobe. Just stating my take on his situation there. You do not have to support someone to state the obvious. With regards to Biixi block. Not too sure what that supposed to mean.
  3. This whole idea of SSC becoming a Federal State is a pipe-dream. It will never happen. And Puntland claiming these regions is causing unease and unnecessary problems for itself. These problems include humiliation on the battle fields, diverting focus on more urgent issues like fighting Terror groups, squeeze on budgets etc. Somaliland will keep the screws turning so eventually Puntland will choose the obvious option which is to just fold back and leave.
  4. Unlike the others who were either got installed or replaced someone else... Ahmed Madoobe can claim "kaadidaydaan u so cabay" card. Jubbaland is a very complex place and he is ruling there by iron fist.
  5. Unlike the M00ryns from Galkaio, Deni hails from the traditional leaders of Puntland, naturally the cool heads. Besides, two of the man backers of Deni, Ciise Dhoolawaa and owner of Hargeisa's Royale Hotel have very good close relations with Somaliland. I am expecting, this close relations will translate into a more cordial relationship with Deni. Ciise Dhoolawaa, Ex-Petroleum minister, is expected to be very influential in Deni's Gov't.
  6. There are rumours that Deni was the proud recipient of the large sums of wired money from Somaliland. hmm.
  7. Sadexda uso baxay finalka, waa sadexdii ugu Cali Beesteyn sanaa. akakakaka
  8. The Ayuuto is coming back to Bari region.
  9. First Round... Waxa hogaaminaya waa Deni iyo Asad Gaas waa hadhay. Dr Cali Ciise hal cod ayu helay... Cali Xaaji Warsame zero cod.
  10. It is more of respecting his colleagues at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, than anything else. But the actuality of the visit is based on the original tweet.
  11. Diktoore, Digest this statement As I understand it, that statement reeks of dismay, disbelief and the fact that the UN SG is assuming the morale high grounds here by saying that this is not about Phantom Government that we are replacing the SRSG but it is for the Somali People's Sake. That in my opinion is very powerful. It show lost in trust with Villa AMISom. It also conveys that the UN should not become a scapegoat for the failed and failing Cheeseman. Hence, Kaadi badane waa loo gogol badiya.
  12. This is huge. indeed. What is even more interesting, he is staying overnight in Hargeisa and probably will pay a visit to Berbera tomorrow morning.
  13. Good to hear about your travels oldman. It is such a shame that you didn't have the courage to go across the border which is like stone throw's away from Jigjiga. Even on the back of a Donkey, you could have sneak into Borama from Aw Barre. Hopefully in your next posting you may touch one or two about the 2020 elections in Ethiopia. Apparently that is a litmus test for Oromo Leadership. Many people are saying doom & gloom to befall when Amhara takes control of the ship. Have you felt any of that siesmic shifts beneat the Abiy Earth Quake?
  14. The UAE's Naval Base is progressing well. It is due to open in September this year. Here are two Satelite images taken in late 2017 and in late 2018.
  15. There are rumours that UK is interested to open a Military/Naval base in Berbera. UK to Establish New Overseas Military Bases After Brexit – Report
  16. Apparently, Somaliland has sent cash across the border so its preferred horse comes on top. Not too sure who the preferred horse is yet, but this the hard cash that left SL Bank in Laascaanood last night has been circulating. Most likely the candidate is from Qardho/Barri region. This is essential in two ways, one to help re-align East Sanaag politics and two to close down Qardho melitia base for Col. Caare (Hopefully in the process bring about a peace agreement).
  17. Diktoore Oodka, I highly doubt that Amb. Donald Yamamoto had anything to do with this. The Ambassador is highly experienced one, this was the work of juvenile Cheeseman. The SG's statement (read here) highlighted what everyone worth his salt in as far as Diplomacy 101 is concerned was saying. You cannot use PNG on SRSG. The normal channels to only a request through the Secretary General's office. By accepting this violation of International norms, the UN SG has given Cheeseman a lifeline. If he were to reject it, which is within his powers, it would have been a huge embarrasment for Cheeseman and Co. The UN SG talked with Cheeseman 2 times over the course of deliberating a response. I am very much sure Cheeseman begged the SG to accept the F*Kup and the price for accepting this could be enormous, diplomatically speaking. @Duufaan, On face value, it may seem a win. But in real terms, this is a huge lose for Cheeseman and Co. If only you could have a sneak peek into the Diplomatic community's messages in the last few days, then you could have realised how seriously damaging this is. With regards to Somaliland, it has made the right move. When this sort of F*kup happens, you have to make a move and it made the right move. I am sure in the Diplomatic spheres, it is being discussed in good-terms. And I am sure a lot of people who have clout in the diplomatic world must be looking into Somaliland's case in a different light. All we will await is the fallout from this in the next months or year.
  18. Very predictable indeed. Taking a leaf from Afwayne's style of fake-populism - which was mainly meant to mislead the public that he has support from the people - when in fact the opposite was true. It is a sign of the noose getting tight and end is nearer than we thought before.
  19. Key points: 1. Persona-Non-Grata is used by countries that have very sour relationship or no relationship at all with the foreign state or body that they are expelling. 2. The Security Council have powerful mandate that they are the only body that can interfere in other countries' internal affairs. They can approve sending foreign troops into another country for example. 3. SRSG are not typical diplomat. SRSG operate under Security Council resolution and carry out their mandate according to the resolution. 4. So far Nick Haysom has not been affected by Cheeseman' PNG-gate.
  20. BBC Debate... Raadiyaha BBC Soomaali - BBC News Somali WWW.BBC.COM Wararka iyo xaaladda taagan ee dunida oo dhan, faallo, muusig, madadaallo iyo cayaaro.
  21. With regards to MBC's differences with Michael Keating. This was mostly in relation to Tukaraq. As you may know, MBC came to office in December of 2017 and Somaliland moved to Tukaraq in Jan 2018, barely less than a month after being sworn in. Michael Keating proposed for Somaliland to vocate Tukaraq and go back to Gambadhe hence making Tukaraq a no-miilitary zone. Puntland will remain where they are and will not move to Tukaraq once Somaliland vocates. MBC disagreed and told Michael Keating that Somaliland's borders are few 5km from Garowe, hence Somaliland will only go forward not backwards. We all know how things stand there. With regards to DP World, as far as I know both the Military Base and Commercial Port are on track. In fact, it is Villa AMISom that ran to every organistion from Arab League to United Nations and came back empty handed. So whose defeat is it? I will be happily posting information of DP World/Military Base as they come. Stay tuned. With regards to Air Traffic Control, It was President Silaanyo and President HSM that signed an agreement regarding this issue. The agreement was to share the control of the Somali Airspace and move the control centre to Hargeisa. Somaliland, like any other functioning Govn't, is still sticking to what their President have signed. However, it is Villa AMISom that do not respect their previous office holder's signatures. Which will bite them back when the current office holders leave. The ones that will come after them will null and void their agreements and so it goes. In the end, Somaliland will win this. And is actually one of the points it has on the table when Somaliland and Somalia open new round of talks. Whoever that is mediating the two will need to come up with assurances that will satisfy Somaliland that Mogadishu will not back-pedal on biliteral agreements. The SDF issue was a failure for VIlla AMISom. All the donor countries sided with Somaliland. The IC have asked Somaliland to talk with Somalia and reach an agreement. Somaliland have fullfilled its side of the bargain. And all these issues that Villa AMISom is creating without hope of winning, will only reinforce the IC to eventually wake up to the reality and start siding with Somaliland on this issue. And remember, Somaliland only needs a Golden-Goal so to speak in Football terms, and the Hargeisa+Mogadishu issue will be all over.
  22. Care to eloborate what the political defeats you are talking about? If you are talking about Ethiopia. Ethiopia adiga ayay wax wayn kula tahay. We have matual interest, if Ethiopia no longer sees any interest in Somaliland - they are perfectly within their rights. However, from our point view, we have both economic and security interests with Ethiopia and will pursue those interests regardless. Abiye Ahmed is just an indivitual - he will go one day but Ethiopia will remain. On the contrary, 2018 was a remarkable year for Somaliland.
  23. Eventhough you are correct in saying that everone knows what Mogadishu does - have zero bearing on Somaliland 'on its own'. Yet, when it comes to the 'powers that be', those who are withholding Somaliland's recognition, then it is good idea that Somaliland has to be on the record just to hammer the point of difference home. As you can hear from Somalia's Foreign Minister the issues that have prompted VillaAMISOM are much deeper and involve the Somaliland Somalia issues as well of which SRSG Haysom is taken a renewed interest with a view to settle the issue within his term in office. Obviously Somaliland knows a lot of these behind the curtains communications and wants to be heard that we have no problems with the work done by SRSG Haysom thus far. It is politics.