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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Puntland under Gaas was dealt with a double-whammy. On the one hand, Puntland was coming off the crazy money highs from Pirate haydays, when Faroole and Sons made millions of cash from their organised criminal syndicate. On other hand, Mogadishu's economic clout was eating away Puntland's lunch as far as business is concerned in South and Central regions.
  2. Galbeedi, You are basing your analysis on current dynamics. Which may not hold true come after the two largest Political Parties hold their National Conferences in the next few months, Feb for Kulmiye and April for Waddani. If as many are predicting Muse Bixi has his way, East Burao will miss out on the Chairman for the Party. There is only two possililities, a Reer Saaxil or Reer Awdal. Reer Saaxil are determined to block East Burao from returninig to the top job. If this scenario holds true, it will throw a spanner in the works as East Burao folks will no longer be a secured voting block for Kulmiye and may actually prove the wild-card in the next election. And considering Xirsi Haji Adan holds a leadership role in Waddani, it may be that they will lean towards Waddani Party. Maxamoud Xashi is also rumoured to be making a deal with Faysal Cali Waraabe for the leadership of UCID. It is going to be very interesting few months coming as that will shape up the Somaliland politics for the next 5 years.
  3. This is the Jewish domain that she is walking into. Hopefully she will stay strong as the Jews will leave no stone unturned.
  4. Muse Bixi is the fittest 70 year old Somali man i have ever seen.
  5. Xataa dharkii ayu u dhigtay. Dhaqan xumida akhlaaq xumo ayuu ku darsaday. This is Xaaf, the leader of Galmudug.
  6. Cheeseman can't say a word to the Kikuuyo.
  7. Reer Laascaanood waa dad taariikhleh. Kolay waa kaa nasiib iyo ayaan badanyihiin. You can only dream on, to be on Reer Laascanood's shoes.
  8. That was not the point really. We know the UN is useless in many ways. But it has been a solid partner "Diplomatically" with Mogadishu. I think you underestimate how much the UN has done in terms of trying to put together Humpty-Dumpty that is South Somalia. You can not blame the UN for the warlordism, factionalism, terrorism, Islamism, Clannism, etc. That is inherantly South Somalia's traits. What I am referring here to is the unprofessional conducts of the rookie Cheeseman. What soverneigty are you trying to keep? when your a*hole can be seen from the outter space. First, cover the a*hole, before you worry about putting on a tie.
  9. Diktoore, The new Cadde Muse of Garowe, he is a man of peace. We can work with him, at least we have something in common. The Dhiblow from Galkacyo, started his Presidency with "Faataxo" and ended it with a "Reer Pirateland Ahlu-al-naar weeye..." Fatwo. And in the process got Karbaashed. He asked for it. But Shoodhe Cadde Muse aka Saciid Dani, we will give him space and time.
  10. Here we go... World Tribune's Article ‘Collapsed state’ Somalia, bedeviled by militant Islam, bites UN hand that feeds it UNITED NATIONS — After decades of turmoil resulting from drought, civil conflict, famine, armed militias, terrorists and even pirates, the East African country of Somalia remains a shattered state. And while massive international humanitarian assistance from the United Nations and the international community may have mitigated the worst results of the cyclical famines and somewhat stabilized a teetering security situation, now, in a fit of anger, the Somali government has ousted the UN’s chief envoy in the country. After UN Representative Nicholas Haysom challenged a number of human rights abuses which included the deaths of protesters, the Somalis claimed the envoy “acted as though he is the head or the ruler of Somalia.” Somalia’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Isse Awad proclaimed the UN envoy “was no longer welcome”. UN officials were caught off balance with the abrupt action from a government which is largely dependent on UN aid and largesse. Secretary General Antonio Guterres expressed his deep regret over the Government’s declaration that his envoy was persona non grata. Hillel Neuer of UN Watch tweeted ironically, “Jan. 1: Somalia joins UN Human Rights Council Jan. 2: Somalia expels UN envoy for questioning their killing of protesters.” While most readers see Somali through the image of the movie Blackhawk Down, an account based on an epic 1993 battle in Mogadishu between U.S. special forces and warlords, the sad fact remains that for more than 25 years and despite some glimmers of hope, the situation in Somalia still reflects the undertow of poverty, lawlessness, and expanding Islamic extremist ideology. In a periodic briefing before the Security Council, Nicholas Haysom, head of the UN’s Assistance Mission (UNSOM) stated, “The humanitarian crisis is among the world’s most complex,” adding, “while conditions have improved over the last year, 4.2 million people still require assistance, two thirds of them children.” “Around 1.5 million people are severely food insecure at crisis or emergency levels and 2.6 million are internally displaced,” he stated. The UN’s 2019 Humanitarian Response plan, “targets 3.4 million people, or 81 per cent of the 4.2 million people in need of assistance, requiring $1.1 billion for its implementation.” Yet Haysom stressed, “Somalia has laid the foundations to make significant progress in 2019,” while underscoring the complex political challenges facing the fractious central government. “Achieving this will require all role players to pull in the same direction.” This remains easier said than done in a warlord and militia rich environment. Significantly Haysom warned that the “Al-Shabab remains the biggest source of insecurity in Somalia. Despite the ongoing operations to degrade the terrorist group, which has the capacity to attack citizens and target electoral delegates, Somali security forces and the African Union Mission in Somalia.” Haysom’s comments came in the wake of his unceremonious ouster from the war-torn country. But what effect will Somalia’s rash actions have towards a UN which is trying to draw down some longstanding missions and operations? The African Union Mission, now deployed for over a decade, comprises a five country military force of nearly 20,000 troops from Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Notably this is not a UN peacekeeping mission but a regional solution approved by the Security Council. Back in October there was an intent to scale down the Mission, but the troop reductions were put on hold till the end of February. Given the precipitous actions by the Somali central government in Mogadishu, now the UN and wider international community may be reluctant to invest deeper in this fractured state of fifteen million people. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) describes the country; “Since 1991, Somalia has essentially been a collapsed state and has experienced chronic food insecurity, widespread violence, and recurring droughts and floods. The social costs of war have been enormous.” Current American aid stands at $312 million. Somalia comprises the Horn of Africa strategically abutting the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. The Islamic jihadi Al Shabab organization, a particularly lethal offshoot of the Al Qaida network, controls large swaths of this country and regularly targets civilians. Despite Somalia’s political quagmire, there’s some good news from the wider region; neighboring Ethiopia has settled its long standing frontier tensions with Eritrea. Somali pirate attacks on merchant ships transiting the nearby waters in the Indian Ocean have been nearly stopped by multinational NATO maritime patrols. The Security Council “underlined that 2019 would be a critical year for Somalia, and called on its leaders to work together to advance political and security reforms.” And maybe not bite the hand that feeds it? John J. Metzler is a United Nations correspondent covering diplomatic and defense issues. He is the author of Divided Dynamism the Diplomacy of Separated Nations: Germany, Korea, China (2014). [See pre-2011 Archives
  11. I do not think you are saying that Cheeseman doesn't get stripped down before being allowed into Xalane? The US Ambassador called Cheeseman to come to Xalane and accept his credentials in Xalane at Amb's residence. What is the point of accepting credentials when the relationship if upside down. The otherway round could have made more sense. It is just part of the daily humiliations that Cheeseman goes through.
  12. True, in the sense that they won't display in public. But through negative reports (not necessarily directly by themselves) but feeding others to doing the dirty work. As old man @galbeediwoud say "my sources told me". Not too sure 100% what will come out but it is most likely negative outlook and feeling of frustration with Villa AMISom.
  13. According to close sources that have very good connection to the parallel world of Diplomacy and Policy Analysis including ThinkTanks. They have and some have greatly diminishing their engagement with Cheeseman's gov't. According to the sources, SRSG Haysom is due to appear at Washington Think Tank around June this year, he will disclose a lot of things.
  14. Gaas makes an urgent appeal to his clansmen not desert their positions...
  15. Deg Deg:Ciidanka Puntland Oo Ka Baxay Jiida Tukaraq iyo Asad Diyaano Ka hadlay Ciidamada Puntland Ee ku sugan Jiida Hore Dagaalka ayaa Goordhaweyd Ka Baxay Jiida Hore Tukaraq. Ka Bixitaanka ciidankan Ee jiida waxaa ka hadlay General Asad Diyaano oo qoraalkan Hoose Soo Dhigay Bartu ku leeyahay Facebook. ‘Waxaan si xushmadi kujirto uga codsanayaa Ciidanka Difaaca Puntland ee kasoo baxay Furimaha Cadowga ay ku hor fadhiyeen Inay ku laabtaan Xarumahoodii hore wixii tabasho ama Sheegasho ah Waa lagala hadlayaa lagana qancin doonaa. ‘Dalka inagaa leh madaxweyne walba oo yimaadana asagaa Hogaaminaya waajibna tahay in lala shaqeeyo, walaalayaal Guud Ahaan Ciidanka Difaaca Waxaan leeyahay haddii Qofkaa Taageerada u ahaydeen ama Masiirka dalka samatabixintiisa u arkayseen aan La dooran maahan inaa Cadowga aad hor taagnaydeen kahor wareegtaan. ‘Waxaan rajaynayaa inaan Kulan deg deg ah La qaato Ciidanka Soo baneeyey Furimaha dagaalada Isla markaasna tabashadooda dhagaysano, Sidoo kale Dowladda Puntland Iyo madaxweynaha Cusub Waa muhiim Inay dhagaystaan Ciidanka Sheegashadooda.
  16. Btw, today marks 1 year since Somaliland dislodged Gaas from Tukaraq. Happy anniversary. The funniest thing is that, Gaas never accepted peace in Tukaraq. Not too sure if he ever will. Also the 3 Stooges, that dude who sworn to Allah by 3 names and promised a war. And VP Camey's "Mother of all Wars". What bluff masters. They are history. New leaders of Garowe will have enough of their own issues to even worry about Tukaraq. Somaliland, like Cadde Muse and Faroole, will promise to President Deni that it is peace, lets kiss and make up.
  17. We should aim bigger, Somaliweyn pipe-dream. But first, North and South need to divorce and wait until the other 3 are ready.
  18. Kismayo is the prized jewell of Jubbaland. Without Kismaio, it is like "if you scream in space, no one can hear you..." which is how folks from Gedo are feeling. By the time Kenyans leave, Ahmed Madoobe will be a top dog in that region. And by hook or crook he will try to stay in power until someone with bigger toys knocks on his doors.