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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Caruurnimo waa ciil laga waynaado. This is just typical adolescent phase in their life. Whatever that makes them think they are outlawz is the next cool thing.
  2. Alshabab has a very strong presense in Bosaso. It is an open secret that they collect tax from businesses for guarantee of their security and assets. Today the Spokeman for Alshabab said that they carried out the murder because the P&O Ports was having a negative affects on Business community in Bosaso. Could this be the Business Community in Bosaso getting something for their tax payments? Afhayeenka Alshabaab Cali Dheero Oo Sheegay Sobob Layaab Leh Oo Loo Dilay Madaxii Shirkada Dp World Ee Dekeda Magaalada Boosaaso BORAMANEWS.COM 05/02/2019(BNN) Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab, Cali Dheere ayaa war kasoo weerarkii shalay lagu dilay Paul Anthony Formosa, oo ahaa maamulihii shirkadda...
  3. I watched the highlights only and I think the UAE waa isku xaartay. Wuxu maha dad nasab ah. Kudos to the Qataris and their winning team.
  4. Somalia: Al-Shabaab kills head of P&O Ports at Puntland's Bosaso port WWW.GAROWEONLINE.COM
  5. Che, That topic is very well covered on these forums. No need to bring it into this thread. However, if you wished a revisit of that topic, aniga marti iiga ahaw. Makhiri, Those onboard that sinking boat are the Northern Unionists. Not Somalilanders. Don't get it wrong.
  6. No, Cheeseman is not an obstacle. But the situation that Somalia is in, is one of the reasons that can be an obstacle. When it comes to Somaliland, reer Koonfurka all from young and old put up a face like the one below. They are all like "we are so weak, are you trying to take advantage of our sorry state?" The International Community that wants to deal with Somaliland are left perplexed. No one wants to be first, but the queue for second place is long. Which is why the IC wants Somaliland and Somalia to resolve their issues among themselves. But as of recently, that could have changed. The cute but sad cat face of Somalia is now being seen as a fraud. The following irresponsible actions have shifted the IC's views towards Somaliland further to Somaliland's side. 1. The unsubstantiated tantrums towards DP World's Berbera Agreement. 2. Cheeseman's attempt to stiffle Somaliland's Development arrangement with IC 3. Cheeseman's unwarranted decision to PNG the SRSG Haysom. 4. Cheeseman's unwillingness to honour previous office holder's agreements with Somaliland. All of the above are clear demonstration that Villa AMISom is not fit for talks with Somaliland. There are some in the IC that agree with Somaliland. Hence, the IC's insistence that Somaliland and Somalia should to resolve their issue, maybe on its last legs.
  7. Timo-dheerey, yes, he is right in his assertion every word. He could have been right about South Sudan or Central African Republic or other similar countries that only exist as "place holders" only, like Somalia. But you are missing the point here. Everyone is aware of the sorry state of these countries. The point that Musevini was making here is that, Villa AMISom/Somalia is part of the land that he overlords. Hence, he has a free pass to say anything he wants about it. Whereas South Sudan is a thorny sensitive issue and he would rather avoid making a fool of himself not to get his words twisted. He has a point here. His men are dying to guarantee the life support system that is enabling the existence of Villa AMISom. When Villa AMISom have a dispute among themselves, who do they run to? Yes, Ugandan Generals. When Cheeseman wants to fly out of Mogadishu, whose tanks he hides inside? Yes, Ugandan tanks. Somaliland has 99 problems but foreigners dictating or making fun of it is not one of them. In fact, if it wasn't the sadistic Southerners holding on to our legs, we would have been sending a Somali to the moon by now.
  8. But was he right to say "He doesn't want to mention others (read South Sudan), for diplomatic reasons..." But then takes a swipe at Somalia. To add insults to injury the crowd responds with laughter.
  9. Cheeseman and Co have been excluded from attending World Economic Forum. Now he won't even have a chance to talk to an empty conference room either.
  10. Cheeseman says he will suspend relations with Uganda. That doesn't include the Ugandan Army whose tanks that he seeks shelter inside. What a sad predicament.
  11. Because he knows his Army in Mogadishu run the show that he can say anything he wants about Mogadishu.
  12. @Duufaan Horta Passportka Somalia is as worthless as a piece of rubbish. It would not even help DP World Berbera when it wants to send its employees to Europe or North America for training purposes. If a European country refuses to accept Somaliland's Passport, so be it. Most likely they won't accept Somalia's passport either. Having said that, Somaliland passport holders are able to travel to a number of countries including Thailand and Malaysia, UK, UAE and even Australia. Former Somaliland Minister for Interior Ali Maxamed Warancade was with us here in Melbourne for a month long visit using his Somaliland Passport. DFAT (Depart of Foreign Affairs & Trade) was able to accept it because the UK's Foreign Office and Commonwealth already accepted previously. Here are DP World Berbera's employees in Thailand taking training course.
  13. Xigasho Caasimadda. They say xashiishku waa is urursadaa. The janitor doing what he does best, collecting garbage.
  14. Where is the Foreign Minister or people from the Foreign Ministry? This is their domain. Oops, they were told to stay away.
  15. Cagjar was a temporary leader anyway, he was just there until the elections takes place next year. The current fallout between Ahmed Shide and Cagjar is rooted in the recently published power distrubtion formula which the O-clan got numbers that they didn't expect. In the numbers that Ahmed Shide brought to the table, the majority of regions of the Somali State, the O-clan was outnumbered. Hence, the number they were given for the Central Committee seats of ruling ESPDP, was much lower than they expected. There was an outcry and rejection from the O-clan chauvinists recently. It seem Cagjar has succumbed to these people and this could cause him to resign. The reality on the ground and the O-clan's dreamed up numbers are two ends that cannot be reconciled. Cagjar has found himself between these two rocks. But where does all these put ONLF? I reckon they have painted themselves up against a tight corner. Military defeated, and politically irrelevant.
  16. I think the only politician that had a vision for Somaliland was Mohamed Xaji Ibrahim Egal. Everyone agrees that he was not there for fame or money, he was there to put the foundations of a state. And for close to 20 years, we have survived because of his few ideas that he put forward. There was no one that actually revisited those ideas and either improved on it or suggested new ones. We are at a critical time to re-evaluate where we are at. We need to reform the system holistically. We need to find a way to make the Parliamenterians affect the political landscape. At the moment, they are just there as a rubberstamp, yes they make laws but they won't have any affect on direction of the Executive. I would suggest that, if the Political Party of the seating President gets less than 50% in parliament, that should trigger a new Presidential election in 6 months after. Equally, if a Political Party doesn't get a minimum of 1 seat from each region, then that should also trigger for local elections to get a new national political Party. By doing this, both the Executive and Political Parties will be worry about the Parliamanent results. Which will translate more voice to the districts that these Parliamentarians came from. The Political Parties themselves need to be reviewed on how they elect their leadership including their candidates. I think a members only caucus election should do the trick from each regional capital, much like US nomination process. This should be handled by the NEC. The National Electrocal Commision (NEC) needs to be reviewed. It needs to be as trust worthy and as representative as it can get. Not the lopsided one that we currently have. By making the Path to Power as clear and corruption free as we can make it possible, then a lot of what we have learned from the current system can be fixed. The Test, Feedback, Review model cycle should be adapted.
  17. If you were the Gov't of Somalia, then yes. Because the UN assumes a lot the Gov'tal responibiilites including protecting Villa Somalia itself. Duh! Anyway, this is a nice read. The UK's Brief Paper on Situation in Somalia. As previously reported, the IC has given Cheeseman until Jul 2019 to get back on track vis-a-vis agreements made during London Conference 2017.
  18. This guy has been PNG'ed by the UN itself. He hasn't been allowed into the UN building for close to a year and has a personal beef with the current UNSG. Considering all that, I would be taking pinch of salt of how reliable his information can be.
  19. Municipal elections were last held in 2012. Parliamentary elections has been delayed multiple times. Parliamentary elections is a politically charged issue. As Somaliland moves away from clans, (Yet clans are not ready for this move), it has to find an equitable and fair power distribution. Both President Daahir Rayaale and Siilaanyo hand balled making a decision on this. Now it is President Muse Bihi to bite the bullet and get something on the table. I am hearing that there is some options on the table which will not be final but will be used to get the new Parliamentary elections happening.