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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Here is the press release. Jugjug meeshada joog. Is there any single point in this press release worthy of mentioning at all? 1. We drunk coffee together 2. He thanked us for that 3. We agreed that both are useless, failed and desparate. 4. We paid lip-service to fighting Alshabab Does not mention about the 28 Feb deadline for Burundi to withdraw its first soldiers. Which is highly unlikely to happen.
  2. BURUNDI’S CASE AGAINST PULLOUT OF ITS TROOPS IN SOMALIA By FRED OLUOCH The planned withdrawal of a further 1,000 troops of the African Union Mission in Somalia (Amisom), has been thrown into confusion after a directive by the African Union’s Peace Support Operations Division (PSOD) that the soldiers come exclusively from the Burundian contingent in Johwar, Hirshabelle State, also known as Sector 5, was met with resistance from Bujumbura. The withdrawal, to happen by February 28, was first directed by the United Nations Security Council in 2017, but Burundi has opposed the recent plan since it was declared last December. According to Dieudonne Ndabarushimana, the Burundi ambassador to Ethiopia, the country has a valid argument against the withdrawal of its troops following its election as a member of the African Union Peace and Security Council on February 14 — on the sidelines of the recent 32nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in Addis Ababa. The country is now expected to serve as a Peace and Security Council member for three years, a move that Bujumbura believes gives it good reason to push for the stay in the mission of its 1,000 troops. Burundi had since early this month tried to lobby for the reversal of the troops withdrawal, and even sent its Foreign Affairs Minister Ezechiel Nigibigira to Egypt to meet President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, before he took over the chairmanship of the African Union from President Paul Kagame of Rwanda in Addis Ababa last week. Proportional basis In making its case, Burundi is requesting that the Amisom troops be withdrawn on proportional basis from each of the five troop-contributing countries, as it happened when the first batch of 1,040 troops was withdrawn in December 2017. The pro rata withdrawal saw Uganda, which had the highest number of troops (6,223), withdrawing 250 troops, followed by Burundi with 5,432 troops releasing 217 soldiers. Ethiopia, with 4,395 troops, recalled 176, while Kenya (3,664) released 146 and Djibouti with the least number of 1,000 troops released 40. Burundian troops in Amisom are a source of hard currency for the country, and the government receives $18 million from the AU quarterly, as compensation for the soldiers. Amisom pays all soldiers $1,028 each per month, $200 of which is deducted by their respective governments for administrative costs. Amisom’s argument Amisom spokesperson Col Richard Omwega however told The EastAfrican that the Peace Support Operations Division acted in line with the UN Resolution 2431 of 2017. “The PSOD decisions are implemented by the Amisom force headquarters as directed without debate as per the structure of the military the world over,” said Col Omwega. PSOD is acting under the new Amisom operations blueprint known as the Concept of Operations (CONOPs), which will see several forward operating bases reconfigured and others wound up as troop numbers are reduced. CONOPs is part of the implementation of the Somalia Transition Plan, which involves reconfiguration of the forces into new sectors in preparation for final handover of security responsibility to Somali forces by 2021 when Amisom finally withdraws. This latest withdrawal will affect Sector 5, the base of the Burundian troops. Ugandan troops are deployed in Sector 1. Kenyan forces are in Sector 2, with Sector 3 under Ethiopian command. Djiboutian forces are in charge of Sector 4, which covers Hiiraan and Galgaduud, while Burundian forces are in charge of Sector 5, which covers the Middle Shabelle region. Last December, Burundi army spokesman Biyereke Floribert argued that the decision to withdraw Burundian troops did not conform with the co-ordination committee of operations in Somalia which states that “the troops will be withdrawn from all the peacekeeping contributing countries. The Burundian army demands a competent authority to ensure that this decision is reconsidered,” he said. The Somali government is also not comfortable with the planned phased withdrawal arguing that the Somalia National Army is not ready to take charge of the country’s security. Kenya and Uganda are not keen either on leaving Somalia before the country is stabilised. Kenya, for instance, is concerned that a premature withdrawal could re-energise Al Shabaab. Source: The East African
  3. blockquote widgetblockquote widget The Kenyans have not minced their words. In fact, they wanted to sour the relationship unless Cheeseman dances to their tune. They set him up in first move for the a knockout punch that followed. Meel uu ka so noqdo Cheeseman ma joogo. He has to tow the line, not doing so means lots of difficulty for him. The ball is on Cheeseman's court. Lets see how he responds. Ninkii xaaskaaga u socdaa, walaasha iyo gabadhaada tooona kuma qanco. Somalia answered politely and diplomatically is the biggest joke. Meesha niceness ma taal, dhulkaaagi ayaaba lagugu haystaa oo waliba cay laguugu daray.
  4. Cheeseman kal baqa ayuu leeyay ee kal xishooda malaha. This 'do no harm' letter will not save him from the wrath of the Kenyans. Cheeseman declared that he will accept the ICJ's rulings. But will the Kenyans accept it? That is the question. Which is highly unlikely. If only Cheeseman behaved like he did here, when dealing with Somali people. Who would have had any issue with him?
  5. Saalax Badbaado, I am waiting for the day Cheeseman gives himself "go ahead" and comes close to the border leeave alone crossing it. Cagjar masterkiisa ayaan meesha ka tuurayna dhawaan. Just watch and learn.
  6. Gooni, Hadii aad adigu beenta aad ku dhaqantid, maha inay dadka kale oo dhan sidaada wada yihiin. Mid ayaan ku xasuusinaya, reer waqooyi sidooda ba beenta kuma dheereeyaan. Reer Koonfurka runta iskuma taxalujiyaan sidoodaba. Reer Waqooyiga, hadii aad hebel waa beenaale suuqa u gasho, cay loola hadhay ma jirto. Laakin dhanka Koonfurta, hebel waa beenaale waxay ka dhigantay waa xariif wax kala tuurta. Isku si wax uma wada aragno.
  7. Some people actually think this is jokes. I remember the Air attacks of Siyad Barre as a young kid. In particular I remember at one time when a bullets from the Fighter jet hit a rocky area not far from where I was hiding, the shrapnel from the rocks and bullets flew all directions almost hitting me. I was lucky but there was an uncle's wife died. She just gave birth few months earlier to a son. Her son is currently enlisted with Qatar Army, I talk with him over WhatsApp. There were others that got wounded. I didn't see it myself but others saw the fighter jet downed by SNM Anti-craft. Another day, my mum and elder brother were out fetching water from Watering area North of Hargeisa (Beeyo Khadar village), and the attack Aircraft spotted them. They desperately managed to hide inside a Worth hog's borrow. The sound of the MiG fighter jet still gives me shivers. So, at least myself, I am internally grateful to this man who refused to follow the murderous regime's orders to kill indiscriminately.
  8. It seems like the clan based map of Puntland is getting a slap on the face there.
  9. I watched the presentation and somewhere at the end there was this guy who was introduced as a New York businessman with 20 billion dollar assets. The Somali Gov't official said this guy will earnmark 10 billion assets. When the NY man took the microphone, he said he has 3 billion funding available. So right there on the podium, already, there is misunderstanding and conflict. By the way, being 20 billion asset doesn't mean they have cash. Assets can be anything, people who have billion dollar assets can go bunkrupt because of cashflow and no one is interested in their assets, case in point that is fresh is the Indian brothers Reliance Industries. Btw, this is the sort of people you will never want to associate with. But it seems some in Farmaajo's gov't have already been bought out. What they should have focused instead of bringing onboard shoddy crooks like the NY man, they should focus on Oil and Gas companies that have track record in this type of business. It seems to me, Somalia's assets is being squandered by irresponsible indivituals.
  10. This is the first initial step to get very rudimentary seismic data. The data collected at this stage only shows the structure of the rock formation below. Further surveys will be carried out by the winning company of the block. Considering Somaliland's experience, which engaged TGS from Norway to do this type of initial data collection. It will take about 5 years to get to stage where a well will be dug and oil/gas can be proved. With Gas, it is the real deal. Gas is fetching higher price in the energy market today, while Oil is slugging. But the Capex for extracting Gas is much much higher. A specialised freezing plant will need to be created, which uses very high amount of energy. The frozen gas can then be transported to market. The other option is to pipe the gas out from the well all the way to the market like Russia does for Europe. Only Qatar has the sort of money that can make Gas export reality.
  11. Cheapest form of propaganda. I would love to debate anyone on this topic. The SNM's history is very clear for anyone who studies it. It did a lot of extra ordinary things including taking 'peace' and 'forgiveness' when it could actually do what the USC did in the South. It opted to relinguish power and transfer it to civilians, when other movements around world are power hungry. They guaranteed equality for all, including leadership, when its peers were clan mafias. Case in point, its top braz were made up of many different clans including USC clans (before they branched off), (Southern D*R clans), Borama clans and **WAIT FOR IT*** even members from Sool clans. In fact, Garaad Jamac (the senior Grand Garaad of Sool) came to Baligubadle when he saw the writing on the wall for Afwayne regime in 1989 and asked to join the Guurti which was then headed by Sheikh Ibrahim Shiekh Madar. His inclusion in the Guurti was a catalyst that made sure the SNM didn't go into Buuhoodle or Sool region for revenge attacks. Borama and Laascaanood are the two regional capitals that people never got uprooted because of civilwar. And they were the two weakest towns that could have been ran over if the SNM had bad intentions, like the USC or other armed clan movements. Only a fool will try to muddy SNM's image, because SNM's stands head and shoulders above any other armed movement.
  12. 80% of Siyad Barre's Army was stationed in Northern regions. By 1991, his army was nothing more than a shell of its former self. This didn't come from thin air, it was purely the defeat they got at the hands of the SNM. Within 3 years, the SNM achieved what other Armed movements take 30 years to achieve. They actually whoopped the Somalia Armed forces behind bad. The USC just marched into Mogadishu. The first notable resistance they met was in fact near the Villa Somalia building. We can also claim Mogadishu was defenceless.
  13. @galbeedi You have been fed with lies. I have first hand information about this. You will need to come to Borama and you and I will talk to knowledgeable elders from Borama who actually took part in the peace making initiatives. These issues were discussed at great length during the peace conferences. This Ethiopian boogieman is just a phantom invention by diaspora folks, some who have never returned to mother country, like yourself. The Borama incident was nothing more than local clans fighting each other. Simple as that. Yes, death happened, the same way death is still taking place between localised clan fights. Btw, Borama clan was one of the first clans to disarm all their local clans and incorporate into the Somaliland National Army.
  14. The Somali Gov't used the tax payers money to come up with a grand plan to defeat what it saw as a threat to its existence. And the local clans, having long held locally animosity jumped head first into the gov't pogroms. The result was the armament of anyone willing to fight for the gov't against the SNM clan. Anyone was enlisted from Somali Aabo (Oromo) to Gabooye and anything in between. This is not a mere fantasy, this is actually happened.
  15. By the way, there was never ever Ethiopian army crossed into Somaliland, in support of SNM or doing other independent operations. It never happened. The only time that I know they crossed was when the TPLF captured Addis Abeba. Some of the Amhara generals left the Somali Region and fled into Somaliland. They were refugees seeking political asylum. Borama waxa galay oo kaliya clan melitia from Jibriil Abakor of Gabiley. Yes, they did a lot bad things. It was purely a local clan doing revenge attack on their local foes. As soon as SNM central command learned about the operations, they call to it an end. If this was a pre-planned SNM program, Borama would have ended up like Baydhabo when Caydid moved his melitias there and occupied for years until Ethiopians came to dislodge him. Within 24 hours, the Jibriil Abakor melitia were told to move out of Borama because it was against the grand peace plans of the SNM.
  16. It wasn't just the Awdal folks that took their "once in a blue moon" chance, by lending their support with what they thought was one of the strogest Armed forces in Africa, (it was a good bet...). But also the Gabooye and other smaller clans took that same calculated risk. Siyad Barre's regime left no stone unturned. They armed the O-clan Refugees, the Gabooye, the Awdalites. The only clan that is on the record that refused was the Issa clan of Djibouti.
  17. @galbeedi Sxb, nin wayn oo at least wax qiraya ayaan kuu haystay. Laakin sidii fish and chips kids ayaa wax uso qortay. I am sorry. But hadii aanad runta ku dhiiran karin, malaha waxa fiican inaad beenta uu iska yaraysid. Kuwa Mogadishu ku so barbaaray, dhaqanka reer Waqooyiga ah ee in runta mar walba laga hadlo, waa hore ayu ka suulay. I think it is because of the Mogadishu waters that cause this abhorrent deterioration of morality. Anigu Koonfurta wixii ka dhacay, kuma dhaaran karo, because I get the info as a 3rd person or 4th person - as far as Somalis concerned, that reliability deteriorates very rapidly as the story is retold. Wax walba indho adayg laguma dayo.
  18. No one is denying about corruption in Somaliland. I do not believe a foreigner keeping keys to the bank is able to resolve corruption issue. As the old Somali poem goes. Gacantii ninkii lahaa go'ynaya way Gumudantaa. In another words, it has to come from us to put an end to it. Leadership is important. I think Somaliland is capable and is at a stage to set this straight. If the old Somali saying went: Wanka Gowrac, Dibugu Ha ku Quuste, I think we need to rephrase that into "Awrka Gowraca, Sumalku ha ku Quustee". We need to roll the heads of some of the bigwigs, one bigwig from each region/clan, in order to avoid any clan witch-hunt accusations.
  19. Dagaalkii ehliga ahaa waxa dusha eeda oo dhan looga saaraya taliskii Maxamed Siyad Barre oo beelaha hubka isugu dhiibay. @galbeedihadii aanu taariikhda ka been ka sheegeen, isba waa qiraya in beesha Awdal Clan kaalin buuxda ka ciyaartay dagaalkii Siyad Barre ku so qaaday beesha SNM. Dadkii Beeralayda aha eee Reer Gabiley iskama dhiman ee waxa laayay ciidan beeleedkii Siyad Barre hubeeyay ee Borama ku abtirsada. Hadii laga hadlaayo dagaalkii beelaha, dee inaad qirtid beesha Awdal Clan hiil iyo hoo la garab istaagtay Dawladdi Maxamed Siyad Barre. Kuwa caruurta ah ee taariikhda waxba kala socon, ayaa lagu jahawareeriya xuska 1991kii. If we open the books, no one is a saint. Mida kale, Magaalooyinka beesha SNM dadkii loot gareeyay waa la ogyahay. Reer Borama did most of the looting, second were the O-clan and then the rest of Somalis. Hargeisa dhagaxa kali ah ayaa lagaga tegay. For example, we left our home fully intact one morning, thinking we will come back in a week's time but never did. And the same one true for almost 90% of hargeisa's residents. All that were looted.
  20. Corruption is like termite, it will eventually bring the host/tree down if it is not checked. At least Muse Bihi is taken the right steps towards naming and shaming and hopefully putting an end to it. Kudos to the Parliament and MInister for Finance.