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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. What is with reer Mudug and this sadistic cowardly behavour of targeting little girls. This is like the countless time I hear similar stories. I remember the clan of a rapist was causing all the broahaha when the rapist was arrested in Burao for causing the death of his step daughter who he raped while she was in Galkaio.
  2. Recap: 1. President MBC and Dr. Abiye have matually agreed to support his initiiative to make the Horn of Africa a peaceful and more integrated region. Presient MBC reminded Dr. Abiye Ahmed that as young Colnel in the Somalia Air Force believed the same ideas and which were why they came to Ethiopia in order to break the cycle of mistrust and animosity that existed between Somalis and Ethiopians. 2. President MBC and Dr. Abiye have agreed to strenghten the already existing economic and security partnership between the two sides. This includes the 600 million dollar Berbera Coorditor project which will be initiated on 28th of February. 3. President MBC underscored that Somaliland sovereignty cannot be changed by the stroke of a pen of the Presidency, rather it is only possibly by Referendum. Hence, if the AU and UN and other International Community want to a Referendum that is binding, then they need to come to the table and we will organise a Referendum on the question. 4. Any new discussion/Talks between Somaliland and Somalia can only take place in an international setting and agreements that reached need to be binding and have consequences.
  3. Right now, Mogadishu has no choice. They will need to tow the line, or otherwise Ethiopia will bring back the warlords. I think, unless Mogadishu wakes up, they will be the biggest losers. Rest assured, they will not bring back Hargeisa. A decision to reverse Hargeisa's current position is next to impossible. Hargeisa will, obviously, leave no stone unturned to counter Mogadishu's sellout politics. And eventually, I have little doubt that Hargeisa will win, while Mogadishu will be left scramble to keep under its control what is left of Ex-Italian Somalia.
  4. Somaliland's relationship with Ethiopia is based on two things 1. Economy and 2. Security. In terms of Economy, it is the biggest destination for Somaliland's re-export market, worth more than 800million dollars. And in terms of security, Ethiopia being the largest army and economy in the Horn region, it is good to have a direct communications for the benefit of Somaliland citizens. The one who is desperate is Villa AMISom, selling out 4 ports to Ethiopia without any due course. In fact, it was inked within 30 minutes of Abiye Ahmed arrival in Mogadishu. And also god knows whatelse he signed away. We know Abiye Ahmed is on the record of "bringing all horn countries under Ethiopian rule". It is not outside the realm of possibility that Farmaajo has signed away that too.
  5. Cheeseman oo kolkay alamtra soo dhaaftay meesha ka kacay. But what can he do? Can he really make the right call here and call a spade a spade or will he crawl back into the cave that he usually goes in like Qalbidhagax hoping that he can weather the storm that way. Time will tell.
  6. Aabahay Faras ayuu lahaan jiray, dameer ayaan leeyay ayaa dhaanta. Times have changed. I won't be surprised if Kenyans arm Ahmed Madoobe's clan to fight Somalia. Somalis fighting from both sides.
  7. The silence from Villa AMISom, is deafening, specially after repeated threats and insults from the Kenyans.
  8. There nothing that Somaliland needs from the Cheeseman. Absolutely nada! In fact, it is the other way round. I see the desparation at display as red herring for the bad news that is coming. Cheeseman, after 2 years, has nothing to show for it. The IC are threating to cut back on support, specially the EU countries. Somaliland's gov't has nothing to worry about. It has time on its side. We can just sit back and watch, unless the offer from Cheeseman is too good to refuse (if you know what I mean...).
  9. As Cheeseman and Co are too busy selling themselves out to the lowest bidders, in an attempt to isolate Somaliland. They will eventually lose not only the maritime dispute (by force if necessary) and Somaliland as well and maybe more. Historians will look back at these events and shake their heads, how could these inept id0its ever ruled Somalia, they will be wondering.
  10. Kenya-Somalia border row: We will not surrender any territory to Somalia Kenya has declared it will not surrender any part of its territory in the ongoing dispute with Somalia over maritime boundary.Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma has re-affirmed her position on the maritime dispute with Somalia saying the country’s action on the disputed areas are in bad faith.“We will not cede any inch of Kenyan territory to any government,” said Foreign Affairs Cabibet Secretary Amb Monica Juma.Juma said Kenya is still waiting for a detailed response from the country on the key issues raised indicating that Kenya is trying its best to be ‘restrained’ and not overreact.“Countries have gone to way for far much less than this,” said Ms Juma.The CS in a late evening address noted that there could be sanctions against Somalia depending on the kind of response the country gives concerning the disputed boundary.Part of the explanation, she said, should include an apology to Kenya. “We will not cede any inch of Kenyan territory to any government,” the CS asserted.The dispute between Kenya and Somalia lies with four maritime blocks rich in oil and gas deposits. These blocks: 230, 231, 232 and 233 are what Somalia plans to auction by the end of the year to the highest bidder for exploration to start in 2020.This is despite at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which was filed by Somalia five years ago over the maritime zones.
  11. Shuban biyood ayaa ku dhacay kuwii Somaliland iyo Ethiopia ka dhex shaqaynaayay. The next visit by President MBC is to Kenya. It is has been confirmed to me by close sources. This is probably will take place in March. All we await for is more shuban biyood.
  12. Somaliland oo War Cad soo saartay : "Waxaa la isku af-gartay in arrimaha Somaliland & Somaliya lagu xaliyo" [AKHRISO] | Somali News, Somalia news Analysis. GOOBJOOGE.NET Somaliland ayaa war kasoo saartay kulankii magaalada Addis ababa ku dhex maray madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi iyo Ra’iisal wasaaraha Itoobiya Abiy Ahmed. War-saxaafadeed uu soo saaray afhayeenka Madaxweynaha Somaliland ayaa lagu sheegay in Somaliland ay uga mahadcelinayso Dawladda Federaal-ka iyo shacabka Itoobiya sidii maamuuska lahayd ee ay u soo dhaweeyeen Madaxweynaha Muuse Biixi...
  13. @galbeedi Some people who know the Amharic language are claiming that the some phrases are lost in the English translation. Probably @Old_Observermay help decipher the following.
  14. The fundamental difference between Kurds and Somalilanders is that, Kurds are the creation of Western policy whethre it is the 'no-fly-zone' that US embosed on Iraq or all the other special treatments they get. Somalilanders do everything with their own hands. Biyo gacmahaaga ayaa lagaga dhergaa. We relay on our own ability to survive and thrive. There was a time when the UN used to entertain Somaliland joining Somalia, those are long gone days. No one can tell Somaliland what it doesn't want and anyone who is not with us, will get shown where the doors are.
  15. Why IC? Mukulaal/Bisada ayaa hadii cad loo tuuro intay liqdo hadana inkirta. Sxb inkiraada iska daa. IC is the reason why Cheeseman exists at all. He would be on his way to Garbohaaray if it weren't for the IC bankrolling the African troops to keep him safe.
  16. Duufaan, Meet with Cheeseman? Give me a break. Somaliland has zero interest in meeting of all pepole lame Cheeseman. It is unanimously agreed both IC and locals, that Cheeseman is a complete failure. Hence, meeting with Somaliland's President, could have been a highlight of his presidency. But President MBC will not let that happen, unless Cheeseman actually brings an offer that Somaliland can't afford to leave. And you know what that means. Btw, Legitimacy comes from the people that you govern not from outside. Gabbish!
  17. Actually, the opposite is true. Villa AMISom is sellout. Somaliland's case is very clear. Somaliland doesn't need to reach out anyone, other Somalis need to accept reality.
  18. You can skin that anyway you like it. Probably these words were meant to confuse gullible Unionists who will run with like crazy when facts do not support what they are running with. The Ethiopians have dissected the small brained Somalis and they know how to keep happy everyone. End of the day, that will not change an iota from the facts on the ground. Specially the fact that "Ethiopia" has entered into agreements and binding contracts with Somaliland. Our Southern folks will keep on entertaining themselves with nonstarters.
  19. Kenya said Villa Amisom is so immature and juvenile, they were right after all.
  20. The main take away from this initial meeting is that, Cheeseman's sellout politics is in the garbage bin. With Kenya soon to open a diplomatic office in Hargeisa, Djibouti upgrading its ties with Hargeisa and now Addis Abeba can't afford to ignore Hargeisa. All the ducks are in line for Somaliland.
  21. Saalax Badbaado is having diarrhoea today. Somalidu waa caqli lix saac, wixii ay shalay ku quraacdeen maanta hadii la waydiiyo ma garankaraan. We all remember how Cheeseman sold himself and his country's ports so cheap. On the first visit to Mogadishu, Prime Minister Abiye signed agreement with Cheeseman regarding the selling of 4 ports to Ethiopia and God knows what else. Cheeseman setting himself as a trusted pet dog thought the Ethiopian will go through him for everything and he will make it easier for the Ethiopians to get what they want. In return, he asked Ethiopia to cut ties with all the regional authorities including Somaliland. If I were Cheeseman, I would be trying to get my 'refunds'. Somaliland will safeguard its interests, that is the bottom line.