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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. As usual, they left their hardware and dead behind.
  2. That is not how the world works. It is where the majority of people want that counts. You can bang your head against the wall for all you want, but Sool/Buuhoodle are not going anywhere. You will find out the hard way.
  3. There is an authority in the lands. If you want to do that sort of thing, you know where to go, just head south. He is being given enough time to rehabilitate himself and disarm. However, if he refuses, then the same faith will apply as his predecesors. The last of which was the man who used to organise hit-and-run at night times on police stations in Laascaanood.
  4. I have very high confidence he will get his one-way ticket to aakhiro very soon if he doesn't give up and join his peers.
  5. Col. Falaalug, one of the last remaining anti-peace elements in the region was wounded badly. His days are numbered.
  6. @Duufaan You are comparing oranges and apples. Somaliland's Youth National Service is much more than that. The primary goal of the program is to get the youth to learn and work together. As you may know, one of the biggest problems today in Somaliland is that, the youth have been segregated into their mini-clan silos. In the olden days, students from different backgrounds would attend different schools which composed of kids from different backgrounds and regions. To counter this clan-silo, this program will become a must have for anyone youth that will seek employment. This means, the youth will travel around the country and live in many different towns and villages learn the locals, probably get married to a local girl far away from his hometown and make friends or familial connections. And in the longer term, this will help in the cohesiveness of the society. That is the main objective here. it is a long term vision.
  7. Kenya, Ethiopia’s leaders arrive in Eritrea for tripartite talks
  8. It was obvious from the start that Cheeseman was just like the old Somali adage "Dameer dhaan raacday". Rag dhulkoodi maamula oo gacanta ku haya ayuu is yidhi isku meel ka wada kaluumaysta.
  9. OO, Cheeseman is between a rock and a hard place. He maybe hitching his luck with the upcoming Peace & Reconciliation Conference promoted by Puntland's Deni which taking place later in the month. But the biggest question is aligning the diverging interests and competing priorities. For Deni and other regional heads, their biggest issue is shortage of money. While Cheeseman maybe awash with donations, his biggest priority is meeting the deadlines that the IC has given him for him to get the money. The moment that Banadir region feels that the money is being funnelled to regions, this may actually aggravate the tense situation in Banadir. PM Khaire doesn't really care about the regions so long he and his cronies in Banadir are in a good position, both financially and clan order. The biggest loser in all of this Cheeseman. 2020 election/selection year will come, he is the weakiest link both in terms of internal politics and external regional politics.
  10. Madaafiic ku dhacday madaxtooyada Soomaaliya iyo qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho
  11. Deni talaabo fiican ayu qaaday, waxa laga filaya tan ta ku xigta inu gabi ahaanba ka tanaasulo sheegasho aanu awood u lahayn. Dadka deegaanka hiyi kaca iyo beenta uu ka daayo.
  12. @gooni Siyad Barre dadka wuxu uga tagay 5 billion dollar dayn ah. Lacagtaa hadii maanta loo dhigo qiimaheeda waa 15 billion dollars. Lacagta intaa leeg, halkee ayu geeyay? Waa ognahay in mashruuc walba oo wayn sida dekaddaha, Airport ka iyo iwm ahaayeen deeq ka timid dalalka caalamka sida China. Wadada aad ka hadlaysa horta waxa deeqda lacagta ah lahaa waa China. Biyaha Magaaladda Hargeisa waxa lahaa waa China. Wadada isku xidha Burco ilaa Laascaanood waxa lacagta bixiyay UAE. Halkan ka eeg (Source: Abu Dhabi Fund for Development ) . Hada iyo Berbera Corridor, waa bilow, ha ka hordhicin. Inflation Rate between 1980-2018 | Inflation Calculator WWW.IN2013DOLLARS.COM $5,000,000,000 in 1980 is now equivalent to $15,237,065,129.45 in 2018.
  13. Somaliland's Camel Corps were well regarded in the British Empire. Deployed across the Empire from Egypt to, India and all the way to New Caledonia. And in Africa, the Camel Corps were deployed in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.
  14. @Abtigiisis sounding like a seasoned polished politician. With the ground breaking of project done, lets hope it is delivered on time and quality of the road is of high standard. Time and again, I have seen sub-standard results where contractors use cheaper materials or cut corners and hence quality is affected.
  15. PUNTLAND OO CIIDAMA GELISAY MAGAALADA GAALKACYO Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi la geeyay ciidamo ka tirsan Daraawiishta Puntland oo laga keenay dhinaca gobolka Sool. Cutubyo ka tirsan guutada lagu magacaabo “Caana-ka’dhan” ee ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland oo ka soo baxay degaanka Bixin ee gobolka Sool ayaa saaka gaadhay xaafado kamid ah waqooyiga Gaalkacyo sida ay sheegeen suxufiyiin ku sugan magaalada. Dowladda Puntland ayaa la sheegay in ay ciidanka ku amartay in ay hawlgallo culus ka bilaaban Gaalkacyo si loo soo celiyo amniga oo todobaadyadii u dambeeyay sii xumaanayey. Sarkaal ka tirsan ciidanka halkaa la geeyay ayaa warbaahinta Puntland Post u xaqiijiyay in qorshuhu yahay soo celinta iyo sugidda amniga oo uu sheegay in haatan aan booliis wax ka qaban karin. Ciidamada Gaalkacyo la geeyay ayaa ka soo dagaallamay degaanka Tukaraq ee gobolka Sool halkaas oo horraantii 2018 dagaallo qaraar ku dhex mareen ciidamada Puntland iyo Somaliland PUNTLAND POST Puntland oo ciidama gelisay magaalada Gaalkacyo – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi la geeyay ciidamo ka tirsan Daraawiishta Puntland… Sii akhri
  16. UK's Defense top Africa official has paid a visit to Hargeisa meeting with Somaliland's Ministry of Defense.
  17. AMISOM hands over Operational Readiness Assessment findings to the Somali government - Somalia | ReliefWeb RELIEFWEB.INT English News and Press Release on Somalia about Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding; published on 26 Feb 2019 by AMISOM
  18. On the right you have Iraqi leader Barham Salih. Just before he took office, he renounced his British Citizenship. To the left, you have poor Cheeseman. He cherishes his American Citizenship so much that, he is willing to forgo representing his country to the full extent - i.e. He can't participate in the UN General Assembly to represent his country. " Iraq President Barham Salih renounces British citizenship WWW.RUDAW.NET ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Barham Salih, the president of Iraq, has renounced his British citizenship in line with Iraqi law, the presidential spokesperson confirmed Sunday. “Legal proceedings regarding the dropping of his British citizenship have completed,” said Lukman... "