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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Edie Amin, the dictator that Musevini deposed, fashioned himself as the 'The Last King of Scotland'. Sure enough, it runs in the Ugandan leadership.
  2. An old BBC interview regarding classhes between Somaliland Security forces and Garowe melitia in Dhahar which is about 20km from Qardho.
  3. Awoowe, the ultimatum is given. Somaliland will use Col. Caare's foolish endeavours to gain permanent army bases in East Sanaag. I am sure Puntland will take the sensible option and don't let Boqor Burhan and his family become a Refugee. Because that will trigger another 'Guba' chain of poems. It will be the ultimate humiliation. Consider yourself robbed of your 'Col. Caare posts'. Your choice of favourite topics is getting smaller by the month.
  4. Col. Caare can stay in Puntland for all he wants. But he can't use Puntland as a launching pad to cause security issues in Somaliland. The army has spoken, I am very confident of the Army's capacity to occupy not only Qardho but also Garowe. The writing is on the wall for Deni.
  5. Even the finger pointing at the useful tool
  6. You are a gullible man. Unlike you, my friend, we read between the lines and look for the devil in the details. Cheeseman has agreed to settle the issue out of court. Taa qofkii is indho iyo dhego tiraya ayuunba hadal ka keenaya. But that is not even the main issue. It was clear from the Kenyans that they will get what they want by any means necessary. But The biggest humiliation is being the 'escort' of Dr. Abiye Ahmed, flying from Addis Abeba and going to Nairobi. Never in the history of nations has this sort of thing happened before. Yes, Presidents and leaders travel in the same Airline but never in the same degrading and humiliating manner.
  7. Dr. Abiye Ahmed's escort has been played like a desperate hooker.
  8. @gooni Ma ku cibaaro qaadanwayday "Isha Puntland ka lulata/laalaada'na"? Indho adagidaa.
  9. The face tells it all. . With Kenya's demands secured and under the belt, Uhuru Kenyatta is all smiles.
  10. The Pirates are desparate. The length and humiliations they had to suffer to collect few shillings, is on another level. In any other, self respecting authority, they would have built something that resembles like a proper office as a first step.
  11. You are back! What is cooking, this time round? It is perfect time of the year in Somaliland and specially Awdal, the rainy season just started, land is lush green and everyone is busy with their farms and animals. Yaan la gaa waayin Hargeisa iyo Borama. Anyway, Cheeseman wuu ku daayay.
  12. Waad asiibtay Barwaaqoy. Abwaanka tuducdaa maahmaahda noqotay iskaleh, waxay u badantay inu si fiican u darsay India's Kamasutra books.
  13. In the month of February, he went to Burundi begging the Burundi leadership to help meet the dead line of 28th of Feb. The Burundi leadership stick to their plan, only withdrew 200 men which they said was their ratio of the 1000 AMISom soldiers that were to be withdrawn by end of Feb. Hence, Burundi refused. Kenya, kidnapped over 100 SNA soldiers from his hometown and there are no words from Cheeseman. Not even about calling for their safety and immediate release. Again, the Kenyans blatantly told spelled to Cheeseman to cease and desist any claims over the disputed maritime border. They called for bilateral settlement outside of ICJ. It seems, Cheeseman has succumbed to the Kenyan's demands. He is due to meet with Uhuru in Uganda in the next few weeks. The list goes on and on.
  14. Waxa hore loo yidhi, naagaha ayaan dhankii loo rogo iyo dhinacba diidayn. Cheeseman meel walba oo sida ayga farta loogu yeedho, xataa hadii 70 qof dhimatay, aan todoba cisho baroordiiqo waa garanwaayay.
  15. @gooni Your homework is to find out how many countries in the World that Somaliland has bigger landmass and bigger population head count. I will give you a head start, Eritrea, Uganda, Djibouti...
  16. What a sad sight. Under the trees, they stop passing by vehicles and collect ransom money.