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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Diktoore, It will be Deni's nightmare if Col. Caare trespasses into Somaliland controlled area. The last thing Deni wants is to provoke Somaliland. Deni is got so many things falling apart that a Somaliland attack will cause major issues, if not a total chaos and breakdown in the Pirate enclave. It reminds me of the old Somali saying... maxaa iga qabsaday, waan qarsanayaaye... It will be very interesting to see which of the dire choices the Pirates take.
  2. Somalia is on the menu once again, and Cheeseman has no say in what is being cooked for Somalia. Both Kenya and Ethiopia will take a front seat in formulating a new way to handle Somalia beyond AMISom.
  3. Oodka, The Pirates chewed more than they can swallow. They actually thought that they can provide a safe heaven for anti-peace elements that will launch hit-and-run in Somaliland territory without any consequences. Who did they really think they were? In the next few weeks, they will have to make a choice. They will either kick Col. Caare out, which means he will be toasted. Or the other option is to freeze Col. Caare and just have him appear on TV every once in a while with empty rhetoric. The minute Col. Caare takes another suicidal action, that will be the day Pirates will face the full scale wrath of the Somaliland army. Qardho and Garowe are within striking distance of Somaliland forces and will be the primary targets.
  4. @maakhiri1 Soomali sir isuma seegana. Nin iyo xaaskiisi sidee loo kala ilaalinaya? Dadku waa iskua wada xidhanyay. Dhoobo wax jira oo inta badan la ogyahay ayu official ka dhigay. President Deni dawladiisu lug kali ah ayay hada ku taagantay. We already know that Galkacyo folks are no in good terms and in fact are planning to cut ties with Garowe altogether. Faroole and his Garowe clan are in the drivers seat, which is causing a lot of headaches for Qardho folks. With Somaliland ratcheting up the pressure, it won't be long before the proverbial sh!t hits the fan. And judging from the past 2 months, Deni is one step behind the curve.
  5. More East Sanaag politicians come out and demand for Puntland to close down Col. Caare's hide out near Qardho. Also says Yube waxa loo qaylinaya, Somaliland waxay u socota Badhan. Siyaasi Qurbaawi: " Badhan Isbaara u taal Somaliland sababta looga qaylinayo Yube maxay Tahay? (dhegayso) WWW.DALJIR.COM Siyaasi Siciid Cali Axmed Qurbaawi oo Waraysi gaar ah sinayeey Caawa Warbaahinta daljir ayaa ka hadlay xisada ka tagan gobalka sanaag iyo qabsashadda Ciidamadda Somaliland ee Yube. Qurbaawi ayaa ugu horeyn Waraysiga kaga hadlay Ciidamo ka tirsan Kuwa somaliland oo uu sheegay inay isbaaro u taal o
  6. I think Galmudug has the manpower and military to unite the city of Gaalkaio under the one authority. It is a shame that a small city like Gaalkaio should be divided into North and South. If Xaaf is able to pull that off, he will go into the history books as the man who united a city that for almost 20 years Puntland failed to unite.
  7. First group of Somaliland soldiers who were with Col. Caare return and ask for forgiveness. The group described Col. Caare as someone who lost and doesn't know what he is doing or what he is fighting for.
  8. Ex-Siyad Barre Military men are also feeling the pressure, they call on Deni to clarify his position on Col. Caare. Saraakisha Puntland oo dalbaday inay dowladu cadayso jogitaanka Caare ee Puntland (dhegayso|Daawo) WWW.DALJIR.COM Col. Cabdiwaaxid Maxamuud Xasan oo kamid ah saraakisha Puntland dalka dibadiisana ku sugan ayaa ka dalbaday Dowladda Puntland inay cadayso joogitaankiisa Puntland Col. Caare iyo wuxu damacsanyahay. Sido kale wuxuu ka hadlay dulaanka Somaliland ee gobalka Sanaag,isago sheegay in dalka dibadisa gaa
  9. Somaliland's power move in East Sanaag is putting a lot of pressure on Puntland to response on Col. Caare. It seems his days in Qardho are numbered. And if he were to cross into Somaliland controlled area, he will be smoked. Somaliland will kill a single rock with two birds, 1. end Col. Caare's 15 minute of fame. 2. Gain solid permanent military bases in far Eastern Sanaag region.
  10. (Dhegayso) Dhoobo-Daarood“ Joogitaanka Puntland Korneel Caare Madaxweyne Deni waa in uu siyaasad cad ka qaataa ” WWW.PUNTLANDI.COM
  11. @Dhagax-Tuur Is that a threat or a statement? If it was a threat, I don't give a flying fig about if Ex-Italian Somalia breaks like a glass into thousands of pieces, that is your problem. But as far as Somaliland is concerned, this is a done deal. Not Cheeseman, not anyone can change the course of this Republic. You will be a good spectator and making few noises from the sideline, that is all.
  12. Mr. Parfait Onanga-Anyanga of Gabon - Special Envoy for the Horn of WWW.UN.ORG United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Parfait Onanga-Anyanga of Gabon as his Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa. Mr. Parfait Onanga-Anyanga of Gabon - Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Parfait Onanga-Anyanga of Gabon as his Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa. Mr. Onanga-Anyanga brings with him extensive experience with the United Nations, having served most recently as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Central African Republic and Head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). In 2015, Mr. Onanga-Anyanga served as the Coordinator of the United Nations Headquarters response to the Boko Haram Crisis. Prior to this, he was Head of the United Nations Office in Burundi (BNUB) and System-Wide Senior Coordinator on Burundi (2012-2014). From 2007 to 2012, he was the Director of the Office of the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General. Previously, Mr. Onanga-Anyanga was Special Adviser to the President of the sixtieth and sixty-first sessions of the United Nations General Assembly (2005-2007) as well as Chef de Cabinet to the President of the fifty-ninth session of the General Assembly (2004-2005). From 1998 to 2004, he held a variety of political and managerial positions at the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization in Vienna and New York. Earlier in his career, he was acting Secretary of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee for Security Questions in Central Africa and served as First Counsellor for Disarmament and Political Affairs at the Permanent Mission of Gabon to the United Nations in New York. Mr. Onanga-Anyanga holds a post-graduate degree in political science from Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University, and a master’s degree in sociology from l’Université Omar Bongo in Libreville. Born in 1960, he is married with three children.
  13. Like Ethiopia and Kenya are using the useful idiot, why not Somaliland? The IC have asked for Hargeisa and Mogadishu to talk and agree on something. Hargeisa will due its deeds but if there is no one on the other end that can talk for Ex-Italian Somalia, then Somaliland will go back to the IC for a way out of this. At the end, it is not Somaliland that is going to lose an inch, it is a process that will eventually end up with Somaliland getting its recognition. Whether that process goes through Hargeisa and Mogadishu reaching a deal or whether the IC looks at Somaliland's differently, it doesn't matter. But one thing is for sure, the status-quo is not an option for the IC. Sooner or later, Mogadishu will bite the bullet and face up.
  14. Other points that the President touched included: 1. Somaliland's Passport will be generally accepted by UAE from June this year. At the moment, only Diplomatic and Officials are accepted. 2. Start of a major infrastructure projects like Berbera Corridor 3. Access to market for Somaliland businesses including Livestock traders. 4. Further strengthening the partnership between UAE and Somaliland, with a view of UAE officially opening an embassy in Hargeisa. 5. Somaliland and Somalia's first face to face meeting (not Presidents) will tkae place in Ghana. The meeting in Ghana will come up with a list of names from both sides and selection of the countries that will drive the talks further. Other related items that was not discussed here but been reported elswhere, include the opening of the Berbera Naval Base in few months.
  15. This is embarrassing. Cheeseman has a single thing on his table to do and that is strengthen security. Yet, the solders he wants to help strengthen security are without payment for months.
  16. According to the new Sool Governor and leadership, Sool region has seen dramatic increase in taxation revenue and now stands more than $1 million dollars each month. Previously, the Somaliland Central Gov't funded all the services for local governments in Sool. It seem this is becoming less and less the case as the local taxation collection self funds local needs. The Central gov't should not withdraw the money it used to allocate for Sool region but instead redirect that same money to advance the Somaliland authority to reach the borders of the Republic.
  17. My bad, it is actually 1 year ago not 2 DP World has already bought a number of container transport vehicles and mobile container handlers. Also a super-tug boat was purchased to get big ships docked to the port.
  18. 2 years later, Berbera Port is reaching new heights. 3 New Mobile Habour Cranes installed in Berbera Port.
  19. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Gashaandhiga oo yidhi "hadaan Puntland iska soo saarin Col. Caare, halka uu joogo ayaan ugu tagayna".
  20. AMISom's recent report unveiled what we already knew but was not official. The whole of Puntland melitia is no more than 1500 men. Galmudug has more melitia. Somaliland's Sanaag region army is more than 2 times bigger, let alone the ones stationed in Sool region. This will be a walk in the park for the army.
  21. Deni's call is "Shacabku ha is difaaco". Sounds like a man who already gave up fighting. Bad news, Shacabka Dr. Gaas ayaa danbaska ka dhigay. Wali waxay qoomamaynayaan xoolihii ay soo ururiyeen meelsha uu ku danbeeyay. Maanta oo Aabar xun hayso, ninka ku xisaabtamaya waa caqli yaraan.