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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This is news. Nothing to do with my identity and goals. We called that Cheeseman was a fraud and now almost any Somali worth his salt knows that he is a total fraud. A sell out. After years, the situation in Mogadishu is at its worst.
  2. Somalia's Army leave frontlines and go home as Cheeseman fails to provide their salary and food items.
  3. Diktoore, Such is the destiny of the enemies of the Somaliland Republic. Look back in the history books and it is littered with such ignoble fools. Col. Caare wuu ku daayay. It only took one warning aired on TV. Just loved it. Saalaxo You asked for it.
  4. We all remember Garowe's infamous 3 Stooges who used to come on TV like it was a daily fix of ''Soap Opera' drama. But Somaliland's National Army comes on TV once and sends a strong unequivocal warning to Garowe to 'cease and desist' and not only do Garowe tow the line but also @Saalax favourite topic of 'Col. Caare' goes into mute. That is the 'Shock and Awe' we are talking about.
  5. In the last two weeks, we all know the people that got 'shocked and awed" by Somaliland's power moves. Even social media Nabar iyo Naxdin insects are nowhere to be seen. I remember the uproar and broahaha of 2017 when DP World and Somaliland agreement was inked. The battlecry was "Cheeseman, Do something?", Cheeseman cancel the deal... Cheeseman this or that. Fast forward to 2019, the insects have all crawled back into their small hideouts 'Shocked and Awed". For Somalilanders, it ia all 'Pleasantly surprised" that the Eritrean dictator couldn't resist to findout more about the HoA's little Sparta. In fact, from what the FM of Eritrea has told Somalilanders in a dinner in Hargeisa, the Southerners misinformed them about Somaliland. But what he sees with his own eyes is totally different.
  6. Hindi'dii u shaqo tagtay maamulka MJteeniya, oo iskaga soo huleelay kol hadii busaarad aafaysay maamulkaa. Ninki Gudoomiyaha ugu magacowna Maamulka Garowe oo Laascaanood iska soo dhiibay. Deg Deg Daawo::Gudoomiyihii Puntland ee Gobolka Sool Oo Maanta laascaanod Iska Soo Dhiibay, | khaatumo news online KHAATUMONEWS24.COM
  7. The joke in Hargeisa today... Eritrean Foreign Minister is quoted as saying "Somalidii qabka iyo sumcadda lahayd Hargeisa ayay ileen joogeen" Cheeseman iyo Husseen Aided iyo ONLF madaxa hoos uwada fuurarinaaya oo baahi iyo bahdilnaan ka muuqato ayuunbay arkeen, ileen Soomaali madaxa iyo shafka sare u taagaysa oo xarago karaamo ilaahay ku manaystay Hargeisa ayaa ugu horaysay.
  8. @gooni Waxa ii muuqata in aanad wax badan taariikhda dhulka kala socon. Hadii aad kala socotidna tahay tii Afwayne macmalay, sal iyo raad toona lahayn. Manhajka ardayda Somaliland ee min Badhan, Laascaanod ilaa Saylac school loogu dhigo ayaa dib loogu saxayaa taariikhdii gacan ku rimiska ahayd ee Afwayne. Taariikhda runta ah hadaan wax yar kaaga sheego, dhulkaa horta la iskuma haysto. Dhulkaa xuduud ayay leeyihin iska dadka ee xooluhu ogyahay. Xuduudka waxa kale oo dheer soo jireenka dhaqan dhaqaale, horaa loo yidhi Oodi ab ka dhaw. Taariikhda hadii aad dib u raacdo, ma dhicin mana jirto xili (goor) beesha MJteen u talisay beesha Sool/Sanaag. Biyo iyo saliid hadii aad isku dhex walaaqdid, aakhir waa kuwii kala baxa.
  9. Isaiah Afwerki is one of those leaders who still remember how the SNM's swift victory over Siyad Barre was a like god send morale booster for his ailing and demoralised fighters. After almost 15 years of fighting the Eritrean People's Libration Movement was running out of steam and options. But the SNM's victory over Afwayne in 1988 rejuvenated the movement along its sister guerrilla movement the TPLF. Anyways, a meeting between President MBC and President Afwerki will be an interesting one.
  10. Caqliga fadhidka ah waa kaa. Ragga aad sheegtay, goboladoodi ayay joogaan oo seexdaan oo u shaqeeyaan. Kuwa Garowe jooga ee aan cag soo dhigi karin, kuwaa ayaa runtii ah Hindi shaqo tagtay. Laakin nin gurigiisi ka soo toosaya, oo dadkiisi u shaqaynaya, ninka waa nin ragga. Adhiga berbera laga dhoofiyo ee Berberaawi Blackheads la yidha inta aan markabka la saarin shaanbad "Berberaawi" la yidha ayaa badhida wayn lagaga dhuftaa (Brand name). Ninkasta oo Garowe yimiaada shaanbad ayaa badhida lagaga dhuftaa, laga soo bilaabo Col. Cabdilaahi Yusuf ilaa Dr. Gaas. Mid walba badhida dhulkii laga qabsaday shaambad la magac ah ayaa kaga taal. Madaxweyne Deni waa "taako ayaa hadhoo waa tukubayaa".
  11. Here is the program in full. It is oozing of anti-UAE propaganda.
  12. The new EU without the UK is got only two dogs. The Germans and the French. The Germans will takecare of European relations and the French is tasked to look after International Affairs. I wouldn't discount the French's new found powers.
  13. My uncle was a high official in the Education Ministry which was on the ministries that done the biggest change to the country at that time, in terms of lifting literacy and numeracy from dismal levels to an enviable level within a very short number of years. When recalls his first visit to Mogadishu which was around late 1960s, he would say that the biggest difference between Somaliland/Northerners and Southerners was the way they viewed work. The Northerners had the British work ethic of coming to work on time and doing the job. While the Southerners chitchatted all day and didn't achieve as much work at the end of the day. The other difference was that Northerners mostly had world class educational background from Universities in London, India or even Egypt, Sudan. Because of this global outlook and experience, the Northerners would approach a problem differently.
  14. In the initial years, M. Siyad Barre's Gov't lifted mountains, and Somaliland politicians were at the driving seat of this change. Not only in terms of actually introducing grand-scale changes, but also social engineering, uplifting the morale of the society with catchy and motivating songs, poems and radio shows. Somalilanders were at the thick of it. But then, the dictator listened to the family more than his policy makers. The family grew more and more in control and became paranoid,as it was downhill from there onwards... And that is where the cookie crumpled.
  15. Reer Puntland "Awal hore Tukaraq ayaa laga hadlaayay e hadaan Garoowe iyo Qardho laga hadal, beenaale igu sheega" "meesha cid Somaliland hor joogsan karta ma joogto. "