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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. IGAD - Request for Expression of Interests (REOIs) for the consultancy service of Development of Somali Maritime National Policy IGAD.INT
  2. Firstly Cheeseman is blaming his failure to live upto his promise that in 2 years he will clear and dismantle Alshabab. Shifting blame on the poor soldiers is so cowardly. was there any other substance to his speech? other than that I said above?
  3. I have listed to HSM, Sheikh Sherif, Abdirahman Cabdishakur and I can say they have what it takes to be leaders. They can deliver a strong message with skill. But I have never seen such a dismal failure like this Cheeseman. Not only is he failing the speech itself, he is failed the message itself. The quality of the message is so poor and so childish, I just feel sorry for those poor people in the audience to that have to suffer.
  4. His reading skills is even worse. He has the IQ of 13 yr old and reading skills of a 7 year old. Even if you were strugling with the language, yet a person with high IQ can formulate the quality of the message, the delivery of the speech and driving the intensity and interest with the body language.
  5. Cheeseman spends 7 minutes trying to drive a small menial point "cuntadii iyo mushaharkii waa idin siiyay sow maha..." Like seriously 7 minutes for one small childish point. And then comes the unexpected chest of all that effort, the question: "Alshabab dalkii ma ka xorayseen? " Any other leader worth his salt would have past this same point as a quip (kaftan) and not his main speech.
  6. @gooni waa ayaan daro kolka taxi driverku professorka isku so taagtaago. Ixtiraam ayu kaa mudanyay qof aanad si naba aanad u gaadhayn, hadii noqoto aqoon, hadii noqoto maamul iyo mansab toona. Wax ka baro oo ka faiidayso.
  7. Since Cheeseman's blunder of PNGing a UN SRSG earlier in the year, the UN has been more keen to restart relations with Somaliland. The recent UN announcement of appointing an envoy to Horn of Africa is also a testament to Somaliland's call that it won't allow a new SRSG for Mogadishu to come to Somaliland. Hence, the UN Secretary General appoint a regional envoy which is a departure from how the Security Council used to engage Somalia/Somaliland issue.
  8. (MENAFN - SomTribune) Modeled after the successful ‘special aid arrangement' on which international organizations deal with Somaliland to ensure that aid flow directly reaches Somaliland without falling into intermediary hands such as that of Somalia is being explored by UN agencies working with and in Somaliland. President Musa Bihi Abdi, addressing the Somaliland joint parliament, today, revealed that the two sides were investigating ways to put such an arrangement in place for better delivery and accountability. "The UN and Somaliland are planning to put into effect what could be tentatively called the ‘UN Somaliland Special Arrangement' to make sure that what had been allocated for Somaliland support equitably reaches Somaliland intact," the President said. President Bihi said Somaliland government focused on creating an enabling environment for development partnership that international partners could be comfortable with. Due to this, he said, partners have either pledged or already delivered some 150 million US Dollars to the Somaliland Development Fund to go into infrastructure or other development programmes. The President reiterated that his government will continue to safeguard that environment. MENAFN2503201902070000ID1098299093
  9. Saalaxo waa daad ayaa qaaday, kolba sidii lax muqlaysan waa kan geed madaxa ku dhuftay. Bal ka warama inta laamood ee la go'day... 1. Ceel Afwayn 2. Mustafe Martin 3. Tukaraq oo Garoowe taageeray iyo tan ugu danbaysay ee Col. Caare oo sheekadaasi soo af xidhantay. Wuxu ilaaway in dadka reer Somaliland si kasta oo isku khilaafaan oo car iyo car iyo wir iyo wir joogto, hadana kolkay noqoto arimaha qaranka ay ka midyihiin oo wixii dhex dooda ah meel iska dhigaan.
  10. Ciidamo horleh oo ka gadooday mushahar la'aan afar bilood ah.
  11. "Go’aankii Looga Aamusay Qaraarkii Israa’il Waxaa Gaadhay Farmaajo” Siyaasi Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Oo Farmaajo Ku Eedeeyay Go'aankii Ay Somaliya Ka Aamustay font size Print Email 24/03/2019(BNN) Siyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame oo ah hogaamiyaha Xisbiga Wadajir ayaa ka hadlay xaalad ka dhalatay go’aan ay dowlada Soomaaliya ugaga aamustay qaraar ku saabsanaa go’aanka uu Madaxweyne Trump ku aqoonsaday dhulka ay Yuhuudu xooga ku haysato ee Golan Heights. Go’aanka kadib ayaa Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada Dowlada Soomaaliya waxa ay si deg-deg ah ugu yeeratay safiirkii ka fadhiyay magaalada Geneva waxana uu siyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakur qoraal uu soo dhigay bogiisa Facebook ku sheegay inaysan safiiradu gaari Karin go’aan dowladeed iyadoo aan la tashan madaxda sare ee dalka. “Ma jiro safiir go’aan qadiyad caalami ah ka qaadan kara iyada/ isaga oo aan la tashan Madaxda sare ee dalka. Waa la ogyahay cida go’aanka qaadatay iyo cida ku cadaadisay intaba.”ayuu yiri Cabdirasmaan Cabdishakur. Siyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur ayaa ugu baaqay Madaxweynaha Jamhuriyada Federalka Maxamed Cabdulahi Farmaajo in uu qaato mas’uuliyada go’aanka uu ka gaaray arrimaha qadiyada muslimiinta. “Madaxweynuhu waa in uu si geesinimo leh masuuliyada u qaadato oo uu san Safiirka madaxfurasho ka dhigan, wasaaraduna warqado shacabka ku jahwareerin. Safiiradu waa in ay cadayso in go’aanku amar dawlad ahaa ee aysan aqbalin in maalmo Muqdisho la keeno, ka dibna shaqadeeda lagu celyo, iyaduna eeda qaadato.” Ugu dambeyntii siyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame ayaa qoraalkiisa ku cadeeyay in hore go’aan sidan oo kale ah uu ugaga aamusay safiirka dowlada Soomaaliya ee Qaramada Midoobay taasoo ku saabsanayd aqoonsiga caasimada Israel ee Qudus. “Sidan oo kale ayuu Madaxweyne Farmaajo ku cadaadiyey Safiirka Soomaaliya Qaramada Midoobay u fadhiya in uu ka aamuso go’aankii lagu canbaareeyey in Qudus ay tahay Caasimada Israel. Hadii uu Madaxweynuhu ku qanacsan yahay in ay aamusnaanta go’aanadan dani ku jirto, ha yeesho geesinimo uu masuuliyada go’aanka ku qaato. Laakiin ma dhici karto, laga soo bilaabo dhiibistii Qalbidhagax in la yiraahdo Madaxweynuhu ma ogayn.” Illaa hadda dowlada Soomaaliya si toos ah ugama hadlin go’aanka ay wadamo badan oo Islaam aad uga caroodeen ooku saabsanaa in laga aamiso qadiyada Bariga Dhexe oo lala safto dowlada Israel. Xafiiska Wararka BoramaNews
  12. @Dalmar1 Granted HG is a 99 problem in itself. More like Mahad Salaad's Caydh boys and Khaire's Murursade powerplay in Banadir region. It is a quagmire to say the least, but that is the picture that is currently emerging.
  13. Alshabab managed to storm inside one of Cheeseman's ministries and killed the Deputy Minister for Labour and among others.
  14. @galbeedi This is related to the power struggle between Abgaal and HG/Murursade on the other hand. Mahad Salaad and his Caydh clan, through Gen. Indho Cade, as well as the Ex-Qanyare melitia now under Khaire want to consolidate power in Banadir region. The culling of the Abgaal clan melitia, under the pretext of army registration, is just one of the way Khaire/Mahad want to get rid of the powers that they fear will be a big problem come 2020 selection process. The Abgaal are obvoiusly resisting and things could only go downhill from here. The 1990s Gen. Aided vs Cali Mahdi spat is just got different faces and actors.
  15. This new relationship between Hargeisa and Asmara is being pushed from the behind by their matual friends in the UAE. The idea that Afwerki is trying to convince Hargeisa to go under Mogadishu is beyond ludacris. It is next to impossible. There is no politician in Hargeisa that can undo Somaliland period. The easiest and most natural option is to recognise Somaliland, it is already functioning, it is already de jure status which means no foreign power is overlording it. If Somalia cries, so be it. What can they do other than weep from the sidelines? But to force unity, will set the clock back to dark days. It will surely be a recipe for more death and destruction.
  16. Xog: Shaqaalaha beesha caalamka iyo ajaaniibta kale oo ka baxay Muqdisho Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar ay heshay Caasimada Online ayaa sheegaya in maanta iyo shalay magaalada Muqdisho ay ka baxeen qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobay, Midowga yurub, Midowga Africa iyo inta badan shaqaalaha kale ee ajaaniibta ah kuna sugnaa magaalada Muqdisho kadib xaalad cabsi ah oo ka jirta Gobalka Banaadir. Sirdoonka ajaaniibta ah ee ku sugan Xalane ayaa sheegay in magaalada Muqdisho ay soo galeen Al-Shabaab badan, sidoo kalane ay ku soo dhawaadeen Al-Shabaab kale oo hubeysan kuwaas oo duqayn ku garaaci kara xafiisyada Qaramada Midoobay ee Xalane. Xog: Shaqaalaha beesha caalamka iyo ajaaniibta kale oo ka baxay Muqdisho | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Warar ay heshay Caasimada Online ayaa sheegaya in maanta iyo shalay magaalada Muqdisho ay ka baxeen qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobay, Midowga yurub, M…