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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The UAE is holding IOG by the balls, so to speak. It is designed to make Djibouti tow the Western line and not go too far with China.
  2. Court orders Djibouti to pay $385m for exclusivity breach: UAE news agency The United Arab Emirates said on Thursday that the London Court of International Arbitration had ordered Djibouti to pay Doraleh Container Terminal (DCT), partially owned by DP World, $385 million plus interest for a breach of exclusivity. UAE state news agency WAM said that the court had found that Djibouti had breached DCT’s exclusivity rights by developing new container port opportunities with China Merchants, a Hong Kong-based port operator. The government of Djibouti seized the Doraleh Container Terminal from DP World in February over a dispute dating back to at least 2012. Court orders Djibouti to pay $385m for exclusivity breach WWW.THEEASTAFRICAN.CO.KE Court finds that Djibouti breached DCT’s rights by developing new container port.
  3. IOG runs a criminal enterprise that masquerades as a country. He already confiscated DPWorld's Doorale port, he won't have any issue to confiscated a private citizens' assets like Ina Osman Geelle Arabs or Ina Booreh's. Ina Geelle Arab is doing very well in Somaliland. In fact, he donated close to 6 million dollars to Hargeisa Water Supply project in 2018. On top of that, he donated lots of money to water supply projects in Burco and Bali Gubadleh.
  4. Col. Caare made bad choices. Rather than deal his grievances within the boundaries of the Republic, he thought, of all people, the failing Garowe Administration will provide him a safe heaven and a launching base. Probably it made a perfect sense for Dr. Gaas when he is not on his prozac medication i.e. when hulicinating. But for President Deni, hosting anti-peace elements and providing a launching base, was a big mistake. Which is why he is limiting Col. Caare's movements, most likely under house arrest.
  5. Press releases On 1 April 2019, the European Union and the Government of Somaliland organised a workshop on “Investing in resilience in Somaliland”. The event gathered government institutions, donor partners, district commissioners, civil society organisations and other key stakeholders. Participants discussed the challenges generated by recurrent droughts and measures to strengthen the resilience of households, communities and local authorities. With a combined support of €19 million, the EU, UK and Sweden are accompanying the efforts of the Government to anticipate, prevent and address the impact of droughts. The workshop focused on how to achieve greater coordination and identified best practices and innovative mechanisms which could be promoted and scaled-up, such as cash transfers, social networks, job creation, economic development and water infrastructure development. Minister of Planning and Development, Hon. Mr Awale Ibrahim Shirwa said that “thanks to our collective actions, our communities and our local institutions will be better prepared and equipped to face future droughts.” He emphasised the government’s appreciation of the foreseen activities aiming at developing and diversifying income‑generating activities. “Because tomorrow starts today, because prevention is better than cure, the European Union and its Member states are committed to continue supporting the domestic efforts towards inclusive socio-economic development and better risk management“, said EU Head of Resilience, Infrastructure and Productive Sectors, Dr Hjördis D’Agostino Ogendo. Background EU, Sweden and UK are investing more than €19 million to address urgent needs and to reduce the vulnerability of Somaliland communities severely impacted by recurring droughts. More than 58,000 households from 16 districts across 5 regions of Somaliland will benefit from the initiatives. Projects will contribute to empowering the communities to identify and implement their own development and contingency plans, to boost their economy by increasing the productivity of existing livelihoods and by diversifying their sources of income. It will also improve their access to water and health. Ongoing interventions implemented by 12 local and international NGOs regrouped under 3 consortia (BRICS, SOMREP and CRISP) are: Building the ability of communities and institutions to better manage climate shocks Protecting, strengthening and diversifying livelihoods Enhancing the management of strategic natural resources : rangeland and water Contacts: Pauline Gibourdel Email: Source: European Union External Action
  6. Saalaxo, It doesn't matter what the elders say. I know reer Axmed Dhagax and they are true blue Somalilanders. Whatever happened Col. Caare? kkkkk or Mustafe Martin? Ceel Afwayne? or may be Tukaraq? Like a small rat you were smoked out of your favourite old topics and you are running like a headless chicken with anything you think may be negative news.
  7. Both Ex-Ministers Guri-Barwaaqo and Xawar are removed from cabinet due to the corruption case against them in the courts. I think, this is a first in Somaliland and more need to come in order to cement the idea that no matter what position you hold, you will face the music.
  8. Waa seeraha Borama oo casarkii lagu dhex tamashleeyo. Basra Ina Suldaan iyo Bilan oo baarka ii fidhaysaan barkahanahay dhabteeda. Indhihii basaasaw Borama ma aragteen? New bridge being built near Borama, Awdal. Buurta Saw, just before you enter Borama
  9. @galbeedi I will be highly surprised if Cheeseman replaced Khaire. Khaire has got Cheeseman on a chokehold. He is not going anywhere. Anyway, Cheeseman is in the middle of a muddy field, he is only going down from here. The IC have given him until July to get the electrol laws passed. This was meant to be finalised in July 2018. This is highly unlikely, but lets assume this goes through. Lets assume they copy the Somaliland electrol laws word for word just to save time. The biggest issue in my opinion is not about the laws at all. It is the people's mentality towards Multi-party elections. With a weak, fragmented clan based melitia, throwing multiparty elections will be akin to adding fuel to fire. Multiparty elections are by nature divisive and if you add the clan politics, it is even more divisive. And adding half-baked electrol laws, is like adding fuel and throwing a match on to it. There is no Goodwill left for Cheeseman. He has no oratory skills to bring people together. He has lost all politcal capital and is walking naked. This is the reality.
  10. @galbeedi A good man, probably for his family, but not as a leader. What we know of Cheeseman so far is all negative. For start, he is a complete fraud. His so called nationalist credentials are no where to be found when the going getting tough. As the old Somali saying goes, you will only learn the true character of a man if you spent time traveling with him, or fought alongside him in wartime, or you had to rely on him to use his wordsmith to defuse a tense situation bringing peace and brotherly between foes and friends. 2 years of Cheeseman leadership, the only thing we have learned so far are, 1. He hides when the going gets tough - exactly when a real man is supposed to shine and make his mark. 2. He is obedient servant that never says no to anything. 3. He is very low IQ person that cannot objectively or subjectively communicate a point clearly 4. There is more reason to think that he is a boogeyman used by CIA or other foreign powers to do their bidding without any regards to the interest of the people he is leading. Case in Point, why he is unable to relinguish his USA passport and represent his country at the UN.
  11. Somaliland Drivers License now comes with a smartchip.
  12. Somaliland Flag on Mount Everest.
  13. City of Berberal, a resurgent city prepares for influx of Foreign Direct Investments.
  14. This is the Capital City of Somaliland.
  15. Dhaqoshadu ceeb maha. Laakin marnaba isma barbar dhigi kartid adiga oo xamaalsha iyo nin maskaxdiisa maalay. Isku derajo maha. Kolka tix galin gaara sii dadka kaa aqoonta badanleh. Mida aad ka dhawaajisay ee ah Somaliland wax mansab ah oo qancin kara ma yaalo. Horta si khalad ah ayaa ka fahantay Professora. Kolay iska reer koonfur ayaa tahay oo wax walba indho-hunguri ayaa ku eegaysa, maxaa iguu jira camal. Professoradu maha niman doonaya ama danayna mansab. Waxay hada joogaan heer ay legacy ka tagaan, oo ah inay raarta danbe Qaranku u fadhiistaan oo ka jiheeyaan sida ugu haboon ee Qaran isku dheeli tiran oo hana qaaday u noqon lahayd Jamuuriyadda barakaysan ee Somaliland. Waa niman waayo arag ah, uso joogay midnimodii, uso joogay burburkii, uso joogay yabyabkii iyo dib u yagleelkii, xeedhada salkeeda soo taabtay, hada iyo maantana garwaaqsaday in Somaliland wax dhaama aanay jirin, joogin soo na muuqan mustaqbalka dhaw iyo kan fog. Kolka waxaan ku leeyay dad aanad kabahooda gaadhi karayn, ha isku dhererinin. Waa talo, hadii kale sidii reer koonfurka lagu yaqaanay idho adayg la so hor istaag dadka.