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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Sudan military says it has seized power WWW.BBC.COM After vast protests, the military says it has ousted and arrested long-time leader Omar al-Bashir.
  2. Diktoore, Just ignore him. Hadii Bay iyo Bakool 100 dhimato, xataa Reer Koonfurka ayaan soo hadal qaadin. Kolka waxba ha so hadal qaadin, ha ku wareero Somaliland waligiiba.
  3. The irony is so deafening. For the record, Maxamed Cabdille Xassan was a Xabashi lackey. He used to get arms and what not from the Ethiopian leaders. In fact, his eldest son was awarded a Ministerial position in Haile Salase's gov't. When Somaliland leaders went to Ethiopia to negotiate the return of the Hawd Reserve Area, it was Ina Cabdille Xassan's son sitting next to Haile Salaase laughing at the Somaliland delegation. You should read in Qaybe's Memoir. @salaaxo Shame on you. A mentally ill young man, he deserves du'a from you. Your desparation knows no bounds.
  4. I am loving the Sudanese protests. They make it so much fun, the music is so good. With protests like that, I want to see it everyday. On a serious note, I think it is about time Omar Al Bashir moves on. Sudan can't afford civilwar.
  5. In the video above you can hear some Somalis men talking in Somali. They seem to be trapped in Tripoli
  6. Very genuine questions. The B.S. mountain built by UN and sustained by foreigners are on their last legs.
  7. @galbeedi Reer koonfurka Xaawo Taako naaska la tuujiyay uga sheeke, kaa ayay si fiican uda fahmayaane.
  8. All roads lead to Somaliland's independence. There is no other option on the table. It is absolutely aburd to think otherwise.
  9. Maakhiri, Horta Somalidu waa oral society. They pass down their history through poetry, plays and stories etc. What Ina Good is referring to in his assessment is the fact that pre-1976, the streets were full of songs and shows depicting the re-unification and expected independence of Djibouti. I am talking about the poets of the day and the famous 1970s Siinleey chain of poems was exactly between Djibouti poets and Somaliland poets exchanging views and hopes of independence that could lead to the re-unification with the other 2 Somali States that united in 1960. For 3 decades from 1950s to 1970s, the main theme of Somali poetry was the idea of Somaliwayn. That theme of Somaliwayn came to complete stop after Djibouti opted to stand alone.
  10. I agree with Ina Good, but I also think it was a wise decision on behalf of Djibouti's leaders.
  11. Do not be decieved by the large swaths of empty quater that General Haftar controls. The only centre outside his Tobruk base is Benghazi, the second capital of Libya. Tripoli will be a headache for the General as it is much bigger and much more diverse than the others. Also the two other opposition centres of Misrata and Sirte will be a hard fight. Both cities have well armed well financed groups. Latest news are saying Misrata melitia are moving to Tripoli as well to take their own slice of the pie. ( My take is that, the general will be repulsed back from Tripoli. He is betting on Zintani melitia to provide him enough support to gain foothold in the capital.
  12. In what seems to be a reply of Mogadishu 1991, is playing out in Libya's capital Tripoli. General Khalid Haftar's forces have entered Tripoli this morning and have cut off the Airport from the city. Prime Minister Fayez has control of the main port. And the two sides are preparing for an all out war. It is most likely will end up dividing the city into two much like Aided and Mahdi.
  13. Awoowe, inaad intan caqli dhaantid ayaan ku moodaayay. Awoowe Africa cid horta ka resource badan oo ka biyo badan ma jirto. Laakin maxay dib u dhaca halka ugu hoosaysa uga jirta dhan walba oo loo qiyaaso aduunka? It is not about the natural resources, it is about human resources that count most. Singapore beero malaha, macdan malaha, petrol malaha, waxa kali ah ee ay leeday waa dad aqoon leh. Waana tan sahashay in inay dhaqaaleheedu noqdo kuwa aduunka ugu sareeya. Somaliland 2030 vision is to become self suffient in 3 areas. 1. Education - Somaliland already is a destination for higher education among Somali speaking people. Both in Hargeisa and Borama are teaming with Somalis from other regions. 2. Health - Somaliland aims to become health professional exporter by 2030. Nurses, Doctors, specialist surgeons, Health Information workers 3. Food - Somaliland wants to be self feeding nation by 2030. Already one of the largest livestock exporters in the world, exported 3.5 million heads of animals from Berbera Port. Also positioning itself as an export for processed food stables like Flour, Sugar, Camel Milk, already is establishing the largest Flour Mill in East Africa in Berbera and is aiming to export flour to the region. The largest salt plant in Africa to be built in Berbera. Awoowe, this train is moving.
  14. The rest of the road is fairly straight, it is just the Shiekh Pass that twists and turns. But I guess, if you drive more often you get used to it.
  15. @Barwaaqo @gooniwaa cadadii ee ceebtii maha. Khalad ayaa ka fahantay isku filnaanshaha. Hadii resources laga hadlaayo, horta Somaliland alxamdulilah waa udhanyihiin nimcooyinka ilaahay. Waxa taa u dheer, dadka rer Somaliland oo laba dhagax dhexdood ka dhalin kara nolol fiican. Reer Koonfurka kuwooda caqliga gaabka leh ayaa waxay yidhaahdaan "oo moos/muus yaa idin siin doona nooh!". Oo kaalay, muuska ma bilaash ayaa igu siin jirtay sow lacag kuma soo iibsanjirin? Mise Muuska aduunka koonfurta kali ayu ka baxaa?
  16. @Dalmar1 take it easy on @galbeedi too often his emotional outbursts shroud his critical thinking capacity. I know he is capable of analysing things objectively but he won't admit to that. If you compare his most recent posts to those from just a year ago, it is farcry. He is slowly moving towards reality. The fundemantles in South Somalia have not changed. Of all the phantom foreign installed gov't in Mogadishu, Cheeseman's is the worse. The first 2 years of any new gov't is mostly related to finishing the previous gov't projects and plans. The new regime's policy is mostly take effect in the second half of the second year onwards, that is if they hit ground running and don't waste time. In that regard, anything that Cheeseman may claim in the last 2 years, is in fact HSM's projects just coming to an end or fruitation. If you read Heritage Institute's score card which is based on the 2017 London Conference agreements, Cheeseman has failed all but one category - revenue generation. Even with revenue generation, the people of Mogadishu are feeling being taken for a ride. They are paying tax, but they are not getting anything back i.e. bombing have increased, insecurity is at its worse. That is the reality that @galbeediwill want to sweep under the carpet and think people will not see.
  17. After all is said and done. This is Saalax's situation, taking his frustration to Garowe's leaders.
  18. If the issue is between Ina Geelle Arab and the French bank, fair dinkum, the Court proceedings can take place in Hargeisa. As far as business loans are concerned, banks loan money based on indivitual's Collateral assets that they take into security. At the time of loan, the French bank must have put its name to GSK's assets as being used as part of the loan agreement. Since GSK's Djibouti assets (read the Collateral) has now been nationalised by IOG, then the French bank needs to go after IOG not Ina Gelle Arab. The French bank may be is in bed with IOG. They need to come clean. Somaliland Gov't needs to thread this carefully and not to throw its son to the sharks.