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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This is a different couple. Waa ku so baxeen.
  2. An NGO in Hargeisa taking their board meeting to under the trees, old fashion Somali way.
  3. Locally produced 1 litre of fresh Camel milk is now available in shops.
  4. Old Berbera Daaroole suburbs. New lease of life, new cafeteria and booming businesses.
  5. That never happened in Saaxil. I have seen a picture somewhere in Zeila where men are carrying a white lady on their shoulders. I am not too sure of its authenticity. Probably a one off. Who knows. That scenario was a common daily thing in Ex-Italian Somalia. Wabiga ayaa lagaga talaabi jiray.
  6. I want to challenge @galbeedifor an opinion on what life was like under the rule of Buckingham Palace in British Somaliland Protectorate. My opinion, is that, our elders signed the best possible deal with Great Britain in 1880s. We know Djibouti under the French rule and Somalia under rule of the Wogs (Midgaha reer Europe).
  7. horta siyaasadu dan joogto ah ayay leeday, saaxib joogto ah ma laha. Waa' kasta iyo waayihiisa ayaa la hadlaa, arinku 1989 wuxu taagna Somali inta xalaashaha ah iyo intii xaaran ku naaxa ahayd. Laakin, hal arin ayaa Video aan ka guntaday, waa "In Afwayne laga xoreeyo dhamaan geyiga Somaliyeed" hada Waqooyi kali ah maha!!!. Which is exactly what happened in 2 years. Taa ayaa la yidha, kalsooni buuxda. Hadii shalay isago jabhad ah kalsoonida lahaa, maanta oo dawlad iyo dhaqaale iyo xidhiidh intaba aan leenahay, u daahi mayno cadawga.
  8. @gooni "Waqooyiga gabilay dhanka badda xiga hadii miino lagu aasay waxaa aasay waa snm sababtoo dawlad miino uma aasto dad iska garab rarato ah" Afwayne kuwii wakiilka uga ahaa waqooyi waagaa, ayaa ahaa kuwo aan dawladnimo waxay tahay garab maray oo reernimo iyo aargoosi gamuuray dib ugu noqday. Hadaba canaasiirtii is biirsatay waxay xisaabta isu gaysteen ku heleen inay dadka dhulka iska leh ka rarri karaan oo kuwo aan dhalan ku beeri karaan. Waa caqliga canaasiirtii Afwayne isku maaweeliyeen. Waxyaabaha qosolka badan, Hargeisa waxa dhacday mar kali ah inay ku so dareereen Qaxoontigii 1977ka so qaxay Ethiopia, waxyaabaha ugu yaabka badnaa waxa ka mid ahaa in reer Qaxoonti ah iska soo ag dego reer kale, yidhaahdo hantida maguurtada ah sida guriga ama fooq ama business, anaga ayaa la wareegayna, deedna Dawlad ku sheegta warqado been abuur ah laga so qaadan jiray. Kolka Afwayne dawlad lagu sheegi kari maayo, waxay ahayd qabiil shaad dawladeed xidhan. Taariikhda waxa qora kuwa guulaysta, kuwa laga guulaysto taariikhda ma qoraan.
  9. The UK was instrumental in helping secure close to 89 companies that will be building their distribution centres in Berbera Free Zone. These companies include Indian, South Korean, Japanese, Singaporean, Belgium and Ethiopia. Berbera Free Zone will be officially open for business in the next few months.
  10. Source: This map speaks volumes.
  11. Halo Trust iyo Danish Demining Group (DDG) labadu ba shaqo aad u qiimo leh ayay ka sameeyeen Somaliland. Maanta Somaliland waxay leeday hayad u gaar ah oo dhanka miino saarka ah oo aqoon dheer u yeeshay sida loo helo, loo saaro, loona qarxiyo.
  12. Ceel Bardaale waa Waqooyiga Gabiley, dhanka badda. Xabashida ayaa halkaana laga ilaalinaayay PAVING A SAFE ROAD TO PROSPERITY IN SOMALILAND 0th April 2017 | Somalia & Somaliland Ahmed Nuur Aw Nuuh owns a small business in Ceel Bardaale, Somaliland, where he buys milk and vegetables from local farmers to sell at the market in the town of Gabiley. A town that should have only been 23 km away. But landmines were laid on the only road between the two towns during the country's civil war and subsequent conflicts, hindering safe access to food, and forcing authorities to keep the road blocked, prohibiting its use for years. The road was so heavily mined that some were clearly visible. Residents from Ceel Bardaale wanting to visit Gabiley must take an alternate route that stretches 44km around the towns. This diversion doubles the journey times and fuel costs for local farmers and traders, preventing residents like Ahmed from providing for their families. In August 2016, with funding from Ireland, Germany, and the United States, HALO began clearing the suspected sections of the road using manual demining teams. Shortly after demining began, two anti-personnel mines were found. After months of work, HALO was able to reopen the road back to local villagers in late 2016, providing safer access to the vital services of transport and trade for the community and cutting the distance in half for travellers. By clearing the mines, the cost of bringing goods to markets in Gabiley and even further towns has been reduced, impacting local farmers and traders like Ahmed - whose income supports his ten children.
  13. Koonfurta ayaa dhaqankaa laga yaqaan qofka $20 lagu dilaayo. Somaliland waxaa lagama yaqaan. Somaliland oo bakhtigu xalaal u yahay 1994kii ayay Djibouti wax ka qaadi kari wayday oo Maxamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigaal sutida u qabtay. Macadallah, Somaliland oo maanta Qaran taaba galay oo sare u istaagay noqotay. Cabdi Good na waa ka guubaabo kali ah. Waa ogyahay inaan Djibouti ku dhici karin inay Somaliland ka abuurto khalkhal. Hal Madfac oo Looyacaddo ka liishaano ayaa toos ugu dhacaaya qasriga madaxtooyadda Djibouti. In fact, Reer Djibouti simcard Somaliland leeday ayay wada sitaan, sabatu signal Tower'ka Loyacaddo ku yaal ayaa Djibouti gaadha.
  14. Instead of banning right-handed cars, I think the gov't should switch sides. Make the country left-hand drive roads so right-handed cars are able to function as designed.
  15. I agree with that. Dahabshiil should model itself after Goldman Sacks and focus on money and all its forms of trade.
  16. A brief history, Halo Trust was one of the first NGOs to arrive in Hargeisa back in 1990s. They demined millions of mines which were planted strategically by Siyad Barre's Somalia National Army in and around urban centres and major nomadic grassing areas.
  17. There are no terrorists in Somaliland. If there are, we do not need external invovelment in dealing with them. We will smoke them out ourselves. This is mysterious. It is very well known what an Airstrike looks like and it leaves behind huge evidence. The details are very sketchy yet to call this as an Airstrike. The good news is that no one got hurt including livestock.