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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Poor Cheeseman. Even his cherished American Passport is now under review. Waa raganimo.
  2. A funny dude. Ducadii Beesha Sheekhaal nin sida oo waliba Dir oo dhan u ducaysay, habaarka Masaakiinta wax ka qaadi maayo.
  3. Diversity is good for the economy. Hargeisa is now teaming with lots of different people. From Yemenites to Syrians an Turks. From Africa Kenyans now in their thousands, Ethiopians of all walks, and Somalis from all different regions. The food choices and demand for rental property is good. Foreign cheap labour also has other benefits, it stabilises the price of goods produced and manual jobs. Reer Somaliland are terrible at labour jobs, it is in their DNA. They can't stand earning dollars while sweating their behind off. That job belong to Eelay from Baydhabo and Oromos. In fact, back in 2005, an Eelay charged us $40 to the toilet in our backyard in Hargeisa. In 2018, my own house, I got an Oromo to build exact depth toilet for $15. The Eelay's exuberant charges have been stabilised by importing cheap Oromo competition. Other benefits of such economy, is that while the food stables, rent and water charges have increased in price, the cost of labour when down. In the end, it is good for the economy, because you get more for less. Diktoore, Here is a guide on how to deal with beggars. It is a good read. Source: 9 quick tips for responding to beggars & panhandlers
  4. I can actually list the topic I posted here and when he stopped posting his favourite topics, CeelAfwayn, Tukaraq, Col. Caare, Mustafe Martin... He consistently searching for a new Daddy. Meeshan General Duke ayaa ka cararay. When he lost his Daddy too.
  5. He is frustrated. Nothing is working out for him. When I posted this on SOL, he stopped posting Mustafe Martin as one of his favourite topics. When I posted this regarding Somaliland giving an ulimatum to the Garowe clan enclave... he stopped posting any new topics about Col. Caare.
  6. Exactly, what I was trying to say, when I said specifics. meaning it was only used when required for a specific purposes. Which is totally different from indiscriminate planting of mines to cause maximum casualty to civilians - which is what Afwayne done. Saalaxo is desperate rat. He actually thinks he can fool anyone with quotation taken out of context.
  7. I am not too sure how you have found that they are labourers and not skilled workers? Anyway, right now, Berbera needs to become an international city. We want these Indian/Pakistanis to bring their families and open shops, businesses etc. Let Berbera return to its former self. You can never build a proper economy if you are a Xenophobic that is scared of 'others' because 'others' are taking your jobs. They need to compete with others or whither away.
  8. @gooni Awoowe, SNM official position keedu wuxu ahaa in Afwayne laga takhaluso. All other options were on the table. Wax walba oo kale miiska ayay saarnaayeen oo dood iyo aragti kala duwanaansho waa jireen. Mid aan kuu sheego, SNM waxay ahayd dimoqraadi dhanka maamulka iyo dhanka fikirka. Waa tan keentay in wada hadal lala furo Mogadishu ka dib Jan 27 1991kii kolkii Afwayne Mogadishu xoog looga saaray. Kor waayeel waa wada indho, SNM rag badan oo aragti fog ayaa hogaaminaayay, kolkiiba waa u cadaatay in Mogadishu sheekadeedu aanay dhawayn, dadka halkaa loogu tagayna dad xukun doon ah wada noqdeen. SNM xukun doon ma ahayn, laakin xal waara oo lagu dhayo dhibaatooyinkii soo jiidamaayay ayay raadinayeen. Dhanka Mogadishu ready ama diyaar uma ahayn in wax masiiri ah oo waara laga wada hadlo. Waxa u cadaa power ay si fudud ku hantiyeen. Halkaa kolkay joogtay, SNM waxay shir isugu yeedhay dhamaan dadka wada dega goboladda Waqooyi ee British Somaliland. Kolka laga reebo Garaad Saleebaan kali ah mooye, inta kale ee Madax Dhaqameed waa soo xaadireen. Garaad Saleebaana waxa matalaayay Garaad Cabdiqani Garaad Jaamac oo ahaa Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Sool. Waxa la odhan karaa wuxu ahaa shirkii Burco shir loo wada dhanyay oo aan cid ka maqnayn siyaasi iyo madaxdhaqameed. Shirkaa waxa lagu go'aamiyay oo lagu gudoomay in Somaliland dib ula soo noqoto Xoriyadeedii ay sida fudud ugu gaysay Mogadishu. Kolka awoowe, ma garan karo halka aad ka keentay been iyo khurufaad. Beenta tolkaa lagu yaqiinay, ha moodin in qof walba sidiina u dhaqmo,
  9. The families of the victims of Jazeera beach, including a survived victim who got shot on the back of his head and miraculously survived a certain death, they are Somalilanders through and through. You can dream about it otherwise.
  10. In fact, Afwayne has some part of the blame. Kuli fitna cinda Afwayne and his regime. Ilaahay muxu naarta ku fogeeyay. Had he left the scene when 'the writing was on the wall' and SNM broke his army's back, like Mingistu did, then the great majority of the senseless deaths that took place since, could have been averted. Btw, speaking about Ceel Afwayne, haven't seen those topics of yours recently. Got smoked out like the rat you are.
  11. Anything that is private, like a natural death, the decision is with the family of the deceased. But the case about Jazeera beach massacre, this is a case that belongs to the State of Somaliland and when the time is right, the proper repatriation of those victims will be done. A proper State burrial will be given, each of the remains properly identified using DNA samples and their full names given back to them again. Btw, aqoonsi ka hore, ayuu xaarkii kaa dhamaaday'ba.
  12. Berbera is the place to be now. Shaqo fiican ayay hayaan.
  13. Be my guess, awoowe. Bal soo daadi. With regards to your references, these were specifics. But never at a grand coordinated scale like the Afwayne regime, mining schools, airports, watering wells and villages. The ratio may be like 1:5,000. For every mine laid by SNM there were 5,000 laid by Afwayne. Not even worthy of anyone's time. Nice try.
  14. This is a crime scene. The state's responsiblity to properly assess, document and burry the remains with dignity. You are obssessed with 'recognition' more than I do. As far as recognition is concerned, it will be just icing on the cake. I already have the cake, which is the main thing that counts.
  15. 59ka qof ee Jazeera lagu laayay majority waxay ahaayeen GX, waa arday, macalimiin, dhakhaatiir iwm. Jazeera lafaha yaal, waxa dhaama inay Hargeisa iyo Burco la keeno, halkaa ayaa lafahaasi magac iyo maamus ku leeyin oo loo abtirin karaa.
  16. Adiga kuuma yaalo arinkaasi, kolka ay joogto wakhtigeeda iyo goobteeda, daawade fiican ayuunba ka ahaanaysa.
  17. They may have died a violent death by a bloody dictatorship, But they should know that they are now being properly and respectfully having a proper dignified resting place. You will never learn from history until you properly study it and document it. When the right time comes, we will also repatriate the 59 people that were massacred in Jazeera Beach just outside Mogadishu.