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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. MP Fiqi: 1. Dawladdu waa fashilantay, dawlad cusub oo KMG ah ayaa ku baaqayna. 2. Shir ayaan ku qabanayna Muqdishu, hadii suurta galiwaydo waxaan ku qaban doona meel kale oo dalka ka mida
  2. Djibouti lacks the fundamental ingredient "to make it". That is the free enterprising people. The whole economy is run by IOG family. They determine who gets what and when.
  3. President MBC meets with clan elders from East Sanaag. Somaliland gov't has promised to channel development and humanitarian aid to East Sanaag and the elders have agreed to work with the authority and armed forces in order to foster stronger governance and rule of law. It was President Dahir Rayaale that took Somaliland flag to Laascaanood. And President Siilaanyo's administration spread the authority to the villages and remote areas of Sool region. If President MBC's is able to take Somaliland administration to the remote corners of East Sanaag, this will be his signature win. So far the groundwork is done.
  4. Habar ayaa iska hawhaw leh, heelada inoo tuma. DP World to finalize feasibility studies on regional logistic hub The United Arab Emirate (UAE) based multinational port and terminal operator, DP World, said that it has been closely following the privatization moves the Government of Ethiopia is considering; and currently, the state owned operator is finalizing a feasibility studies to launch a logistical operations across East Africa where Ethiopia is one of the targeted countries. Suhail Al Banna, CEO and Managing Director of DP World for Middle East and Africa, said that the feasibility study to establish a regional logistics hub, centered on the Port of Berbera, will be finalized in the coming three months. It is to be recalled that back in October, while launching the initial port expansion project and signing the construction contract agreement worth USD 101 million in Hargesa; Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Chairman and CEO of DP World, told reporters that DP World is looking at its options to develop a logistic facility in Ethiopia especially pursuant to the recent decision taken by Ethiopia to privatize its assets in the logistics sector. The Emiratis, nonetheless, want to study the potentials of Dire Dawa and the surrounding areas for a trade logistic infrastructure development. The ongoing feasibility study across the Berbera corridor, which is deemed to become a regional hub in the Horn of Africa, could link the Red Sea to Europe and the Far-East. Suhail Al Banna said that the study will also look at the potentials of the likes of Jigjiga city in Somali Regional State of Ethiopia. Earlier this week, during an inaugural ceremony held at the Port of Berbera, DP World has commissioned three Mobile Harbor Cranes (MHC) costing USD 12 million. President Musse Bihi Abdi and senior government officials of Somaliland including Said Hassan Abdullahi, general manager of the Berbera Port Authority, attended the commissioning at the port. Hassan Abdullahi told Ethiopian media outlets on the occasion that previously, depending on the wind, vessels were forced to spend three to four hours of turnaround time before they could unload shipments and discharged from the port. According to the general manager, due to the delay, the Berbera port was able to handle 14,000 (twenty feet equivalent units-TEU) containers a month. However, after the deployment of the MHCs, it will reach to a point where it can handle more than 28,000 TEUs per month. Suhail Al Banna also said that the port operations is further expected to boost cargo handling in a much efficient manner where the multipurpose facility could handle more roll on–roll off (ro-ro), general cargo and liquid cargo, depending on the needs and orders of customers. So far, including MHCs, two reach stackers, 10 internal transfer vehicles (ITVs) and five forklifts have also been installed since the official hander-over of the management and port operations to DP World was effective starting from 2017. In addition, DP World has provided trainings for 2,700 Somaliland and other employees working at the Berbera Port. Back in 2016, DP Word acquired a 30-year concession with a 10-year automatic extension of managerial and port operations contract in Berbera. DP World has set up a joint venture agreement with Governments of Somaliland and Ethiopia, where a 51, 30 and 19 percent shares are controlled by each side, respectively. The three sides have agreed that a total of USD 442 million will be invested including the first phase project which has launched a 400 meter quay or berth and 250,000 square meter yard expansion. In addition to that, DP World will also develop a free zone in an effort to create a regional trading hub along with the free zone. The government of Somaliland has started the construction of a road project linking Brebera to Togochale, a border town that connects Somaliland with the eastern part of Ethiopia. The linking road which will require close to USD 90 million is expected to be partly financed by the UAE. The Minister further stated that when further need is required, Ethiopia will also be requested to help. The major target of the Berbera Port development, according to Saad Ali Shire, is the Eastern part of Ethiopia which includes a vast swath of land extending from Somali Region to Dire Dawa.
  5. Kolka Doontu dagayso, dadka saaran dhusheeda, naxdin waa isla darsaan.
  6. UAE and Saudi Arabia were behind both them. In fact, Sudan was warming up to Turkey. In fact here is Erdogan claiming the Coupe is directly anti-Turkish interest. Also Qatar's plans to build a large port near Port Sudan is now in tartars.
  7. Col. Caare has been checkmated already. He has no other choice but to fade away or return to his motherland. What is the janitor doing in this thread?
  8. Waa ciyaar dhaqameed reer Laascaanood
  9. Add one more item of discussions. Which is Xisaab xidhkii lacagtii Deni ku soo baxay.
  10. Dr Cali Khaliif Iyo Prof Axmed Ismaciil Samatar Oo Joob Fagaare Ah Kula Hadlay Shacabka Ku Nool Magaalada Burco Iyo Waxyaabaha Ay Kala Hadleen Shacabka 18/04/2019(BNN) Waxaa magaalada Burco ee Xarunta Gobolka togdheer Caawa lagu Qabtay Munaasibad ay Prof Cali Khaliif Galaydh iyo Prof Axmed Ismaciil Samatar ay kula hadlayaan Bulshada Burco, Taasi oo ku saabsan Dimuqraadiyada iyo Doorashooyinka. Prof. Samatar ayaa ka hadlay Arimo kala duwan oo kus aabsan Xaalada Somaliland, iyo Doorashooyinka dhowr jeed dib loo dhigay. “Doorashada baarlamaanka ee wakhtigeedu dhamaaday ee madaba badan ee sagaalka sanadood ah dhaafay Shacabka Somaliland dulqaadkii wuu ka yaraaday waxaanay rabaan in doorasho la galo.” Ayuu yidhi Prof Samatar. Wuxuu Fariin gaar ah u diray Muuse Biixi iyo Xubnaha kale ee Taladaha haya hada “Madaxweynaha iyo inta kale ee la socota ee wadanka gacanta ku haysa anigu kolayba waxaan idiin haystaa dad si xalaala uga soo baxay doorasho adag oo la galay, Wadankii idinkaa gacanta ku haya Markaa waxaan idinka filaynaa in aad dulqaadkeedii yeelataan oo aad dooda xamishaan.” Ayuu yidhi Samatar oo dhowaan dhaliilo ku miisay Xisbigii uu Ololaha u galay ee Kulmiye. Dr. Cali Khaliif Galaydh oo Mudooyinkii dambe Ku sugnaa Somaliland, islamarkaana aan la dhaqan gelin Heshiiskii ay la gashay Xukuumaddii Siilaanyo ayaa dhankiisa ka hadlay Arinta Dastuurka Somaliland oo dhowr jeer uu sheegay in loo Furayo Khaatumo. “Dastuurka arintiisu waa arin marwalba jirta, Siduu axmed ku tilmaamayayna waa baroosinka dimuqraadiyada Somaliland oo dhan” Ayuu yidhi Dr. Galaydh. Dr. Galaydh oo Bulshada magaalada Burco la kaftamayey caawa ayaa yidhi “Burco berigii Hargeysa la duqeeyey maxaa anagana na loo duqayn waayey bay tidhi.” Xafiiska Wararka BoramaNews
  11. Qof kastaa sidu isagu isu sharfo ayaa dadka kalena kuu sharfayaa. Madaama aad sheegtay dhulka kale ee Somalida (ood ula jeedo Koonfurta) waxay cadaynaysa sida aan dadka kale wax sharaf ah kuugu hayn, madaama adigii aad is xaqiraysid oo kaagii kaa dhintay aanad dareen u lahayn inu ahaa qof ilaahay karaamo siiyay oo u baahan in lafahiisa la baylah tiro. Kuwa naga dhintay anaga waa shaahid ku dhintay halgan, waana sidii mujaahid loo ixtiraama oo loo qadariya, heer aas heer qaran ah loo sameeya iyo baroordiiq. Mida DNA, lafa kasta oo la soo helo DNA ayaa laga qaada, waxaana bixisa hayado u qaabilsan inay document gareeyan xasuuqii ka dhacay goboladda Waqooyi. Reerkii qof ka maqanyay ayaguna DNA ayay iska soo qaadi karaan oo lagu match garaynaayo database ka lafaha la helay. Hadii match/iskeenaan waxa loo aqoonsanayaa qofka ciduu ahaa iyo magaciisi. Waa system hore looga istimaalay sida Bosnia, Kurdistan iyo meelo badan oo kale. Mida Ogadeenka, uma malaynaayo in dad shacab ah la laayay, aan ka ahayn dadkii hubka sitay ee u dagaalamaayay Afwayne. Wixii 1990 ka danbeeyay beesha Ogaden oo Ina Cumar Jees hogaaminayay iyo SNM xidhiidh siyaasadeed ayay lahaayeen. Waana tan keentay in qaxoontiga Ogadenia si nabad ah uga so baxaan oo Ethiopia ku so galaan.
  12. Waxa la yidhi abeeso kolka farta u taagtid, fanaxa ayay u booda. Gaalada aad magacowday waa kuwo ku takhasusay jawaabaha su'aalaha aad isweydiisay. Laakin caqligaaga iyo nacabka kaa buuxa ayaan is kantaroolayn, oo nacabka ayaa kaa hadlinaaya adiga oo waliba su'aalsha jawaabteedina aad si khaldan u so qortay. Lafaha iyo magacooda iyo waliba reerkii ay ka dhasheenba waa la hayaa, waana la is waafajiya. Waana tan khuburada ku takhasustay ee leh cilmigeedi iyo technology'gii ba loo adeegsaday. Si waafaqsan shuruucda caalamiga ahna waa loo habeeya oo documenty iyo DNA iyo sawirba waa laga reeba. Deedna shareecada Islaamku siday qabto ayaa loo astura oo loo aasa.
  13. Wadadda Burco to Ceerigaabo oo in yar ka hadhsantay dhamaystirkeeda, 350km of paved road.
  14. Xaliimo Soofe habar Galkacyo joogta oo jaadka cuni jirtay ayaan u aqaanay anigu.
  15. Ministry of Water Resources said Somaliland Development Fund have allocated $5 million dollars to upgrade Laascaanood Water Supply.
  16. Ilaahay wuu karaameeyay binu aadamka. Waana tan keentay in qofka si sharaf leh inta loo maydho, kafan loo xidho, deedna dhanka qiblada loo sii jeediyo. Maha in lagu daayo lafaha ayagoon sifihii Muslimka aan la marin, magacyadoodi aan la suntin. Qof walba waa inu kafantiisi iyo wajigiisa oo qiblada eegaya loo sameeya xabaal cusub.
  17. Another huge demonstration against Cheeseman's failing administration to be held today in Mogadishu. Cheeseman in a desparate attempt is trying to stop it.
  18. Xaliimo Soofe waa reer Gaalkacayo.
  19. Reer PUNTLAND oo laga sifaynayo hay’adaha DF (Magacyada 16 mas’uul oo xilalka laga qaaday)