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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Ceerigaabo, Sanaag
  2. Hal sano ka hor kuwan si madaxmadax ayay jar iskaga xoorayeen arinkii Somaliland iyo DP World. Maanta oo 2019 runtii ayaa u been sheegtay oo meesha in aanay waxba ku haynin ayay ogaadeen. Wakhtigu waa macalinka nololsha.
  3. The girl is dangerous.
  4. Soo ma jeestayaalsha Qaranku ku seexdo
  5. OPEN LETTER TO PUNTLAND ON THE SSC REGIONS May 16, 2019 By Osman Hassan To: H.E. Said Abdullahi Deni, President of Puntland H. E Ahmed Elmi Osman Info: Government and Parliament of Puntland Representatives of UN Security Council UN Permanent Members UNSRSG, IGAD, EU, AU Representatives to Somalia Subject: The Right of occupied Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) for freedom and self- determination Your Excellencies As you may be aware of, fast moving developments are taking place around us, in which the destiny of the occupied SSC regions could be decided over their heads by outsiders and sacrificed to Somaliland as a carrot, no doubt to appease it to be more flexible in its negotiations with the federal government. Paying that price to get flexibility from Somaliland at the cost of the occupied SSC people is more important to the naive and incompetent President of Somalia to oblige his foreign mentors than respecting the inalienable rights of the SSC people for self-determination. Whether this brewing conspiracy succeeds or not depends on whether the SSC people and their Puntland partner acquiesce to it or counter it, and follow the only course that can lead to victory over the occupation. From the outset we have to ask ourselves why the SSC regions still remain occupied twelve years after Somaliland invaded Sool and occupied Lascanod – eventually expanding to much of the SSC region? Or to put it differently, why has Puntland failed to liberate them? The answer lies in what options were open to it, which it has pursued and which it has eschewed. The first option open to Puntland would have been the military one and that was when Somaliland invaded and captured Lascanod in 2007- what was Puntland territory after the SSC regions joined it in 1998. This action would have been seen justified by the international community. But Puntland for its own reasons abandoned that course of action in favour of relying peacefully on what it considers its legitimate legal claim on the SSC regions and counting on support from the international community to regain them. Unfortunately, Puntland’s reliance on its legal claim on the SSC regions and support from the international community as its option to end the occupation has failed to carry much weight with the international community for three reasons : first because Puntland has no presence in the SSC regions; secondly because of the absence of resistance from the occupied people in support of its claim; and thirdly because the international community no longer sees Somaliland as an aggressor occupying Puntland regions. Rather, it sees it as another rightful claimant of the SSC regions, and not only that but more so than Puntland since it is the de facto authority controlling these regions with no resistance against its rule from SSC population. For all these reasons, the international community is reluctant to put pressure on Somaliland and upset the status quo which could otherwise de-stabilize what they consider the second most stable regional administration in Somalia. With the failure of Puntland’s peaceful approach, we would have to ask ourselves whether resort to the military option would now be a viable option. There was another occasion when the military option would have been justifiable in the eyes of the international community and that was when Somaliland once again invaded Puntland territory in 2018 and captured Tukaraq. But just as it refrained from military action when Somaliland captured Lascanod, it did so again when it captured Tukaraq. Having lost that chance, the military option is no longer an option, not only because it is very costly and victory is far from assured but also because the international community would not countenance a destabilizing war between the only two stable States of Somalia. Where we are now is that Puntland is at a dead-end to get Somaliland out of the occupied SSC regions, having failed to win international support for its claim, and resort to military action is not feasible. Devoid of potent options, the only card in the hands of Puntland, which it played in the past, is to defiantly maintain its hollow failed claim on the SSC. Unfortunately, that would be seen as empty talk by Somaliland, the rest of Somalia and the international community. These basic realities would not change for the foreseeable future. The question that arises then is where do the occupied SSC people go from here? Unless they want to remain part of Puntland in name but in reality are part of Somaliland by force, the only remaining option that could have credibility in the eyes of the international community and win their support is one in which they themselves are seen to wage and lead their own struggle on their own and in their name, and not for Puntland or as its proxy. Puntland’s role would be to back-up the SSC struggle at all forums – national and international – and provide it all possible material support. How Puntland responds to the desire of the occupied SSC people to wage their own struggle for freedom will tell whether it merely cares about its nominal claim on these regions and nothing else or whether it shares their aspirations for freedom and supports their struggle. Puntland should help them,not hinder them. Please accept, Your Excellencies, the assurances of my highest consideration. Osman Hassan Email:
  6. Galbeedi, I bet you that it didn't cross your mind that the same Goodwill could be true for any country in the world, including your adapted country of Canada. The people are the foundations of stability of all countries. And Somaliland is no exception. Somaliland's people and their gov't are like right and left hand. They work together in tandem. It is not just true here on this forum. It is actually true in real life. Reer Koonfurka have a special obsession for Somaliland and they all pray for Somaliland to fail. Allah just swaps their habaar and turns it around to them.
  7. You do know this does not affect both cargo aircraft and NGO/UN Air Service.
  8. Police ka Somaliland qolo qolo maleh. Meel walba iyo goob walba waa ka shaqo gali karaa. Hadii ay dhacdo in si sharciga ka baxsan askari ama police ku qof u dilaan, waxa magta bixisa Dawladda Somaliland. Hadii askari kale askari kale dilo, waa Military court ayaa gartaa qaada, oo waxa laga yaaba in dil lagu xukumo askariga wax dilay.
  9. indeed Happy 18th of May. Waa maalintii caqligu shaqeeyay, xumaantii la reebay, nabad iyo horimar horseeday.
  10. Somaliland Peace makers: Sultan Sahardid Sultan Diriye Sultan Mohamed Sultan Farah Sultan Mohamed Sultan Abdiqadir Sultan Hasan Khalif Ashuur (Daakir) Sultan Abdirahman Jama (Dhawal) Sh Muse Jama Godaad Sh Ibrahim Sh Yusuf Sh Madar Osman Ali Bile Nuur Sugaal Gelle Haji Abdi Warabe Garad Abdiqani Garad Jama
  11. For all that do not know Sheikh Cabdilahi, he is the Sheikh Al Beledka Awdal. Sheikh Cabdilahi as well as Sheikh Muse Godaad were two of the most prominent figures from Awdal region that have put the foundations of Somaliland's success story. The minions goons from diaspora can try very hard to rewrite the history with twisted facts and falsified information, but the truth will always trump it.
  12. Folks who talk like that actually never been to Somaliland at all. The opposite is true. Somalilanders are welcoming people but so long that you do not try to be smart a55. We do not mince our words, cross the line at your own risk.
  13. Saalaxo, If you need a demonstration, I will do the honours if you try and pull the same in Ceerigaabo dhexdeeda. All the victims of his regime would be smiling that the symbols of oppression are being hunted and humiliated.
  14. It doesn't matter where they are from, if you carry those symbols you will get your behind kicked. The police may take you to the station but the public will beat the hell out of you. If you beat up someone carrying those symbols there are no charges laid against you by the State.
  15. There was a case recently that took place in Mogadishu during the Marathon race event. Apparently, the winner of the race was shuttled on a Mini-van and only took part in the race the last 1km to the finish line. This is the length fraudisters will go to carry out musuqmaasuq. So the the recent debacle of Somalia's Minsitry of Education was no surprise to me. In fact, it is the norm. The Reer Koonfur are born again fraud masters. Ilaahay ha igu simo maalin la yidhaa reer Koonfur ayaa doorasho u dareeray. It will be an open season for rigging and fraudisters, like the world has never seen before. Basically the winner of that election will out rig all the other fraud masters.
  16. A Court house in Bosaso gets blown up, a Turkish Aid worker and his car gets killed by road side bomb, US drones kill god-knows-what near mountains near Bosaso. And yet, despite the lost of lives and property, reer Koonfurka are busy on Social Media spending hours talking about a disciplinary case by police in Hargeisa.