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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Classic definition of the old Somali adage.... Doqoni yaaney kaaga darin ayay la damaamwayntay More pain...
  2. Madaama hada Kenya lagu gali karo kaliya passportka Somaliland, waxaan shaki ku jirin in dhawaan queue loosoo geli doono. Laakin waa adagyay sida la isku siiyo passportka Somaliland. Waa inaad saxeexa odeyo badan iyo rag magac leh aad kol hore arjiga ka soo buuxiso.
  3. Cheeseman should take total ownership of all the humiliations suffered by his citizens including his own ministers and government officials. Nin xil qaaday eed qaad. If he can't manage the situation, there is always the option to step down and let someone more capable, more competent assume the position and steer the ship to harbour. Ama dhul isku haya ama cirka isku haya, Somaliland waxba kama khuseeyaan. Laakin, Somaliland iyo Kenya maha laba dal oo hada cilaaqaad dhex maraayo. Xidhiidh soo jireen ah oo ku dhawaad 100 sano ah ayay lahaayeen. Mar ayaa jirtay ay isku lacag ahaayeen, la isku kala gooshi jiray bila visa ama travel document. Cilaaqaadka hore u jiray ayaa la soo celinayaa. Mida kale, Awoowe, dhul baylah ah iyo bad baylah ah, qof kastaa waa damaaciyi karaa, I don't blame the Kenyans. Bay iyo Bakool kolka Ethiopia la wareegto ayaa miyirku idinku soo noqonaya.
  4. Somaliland President H.E. Muse Bihi Abdi will make his maiden State visit to Kenya in the next few weeks. In reciprocal State Visit, HE Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of the Republic of Kenya, will be cordially received in Hargeisa shortly afterwards.
  5. It is paramount for Somaliland to have strong links to all its neighbours. The value Somaliland brings to the region is security, peace and economic development. One thing is clear, Somaliland has moved too far in its seperation endavours that there is no one both in the region or beyond that can look Somaliland in the face and preach us 'Unity'. Hence, I have no doubt that one way or another, the reality on the ground will be respected.
  6. Wargeyska Daily Nation: Kenya waxa ay xiriir dublamaasiyadeed la yeelanaysaa Somaliland Wargeyska Afka dheer ee kasoo baxa magaalada Nairobi ayaa qorey in dowladda Kenya ay qorsheynayso in ay xafiis ka furato magaalada Hargeysa si loo yagleelo xiriir dublamaasiyadeed oo ka dhaxeeya Kenya iyo jamhuuriyadda iskeed madax bannaanida ugu dhawaaqday ee Somaliland. Wargeyska ayaa sheegay in danjire lagu magacaabo Philip Mudia Githiora loo igmaday in uu xafiis ka furo Hargeysa, kadib markii sida la sheegay ay wadahadallo yeesheen wasiirka arrimaha dibedda Kenya Dr Monica Juma iyo wakiilka Somaliland ee Kenya Cumar Baashe. Wargeyska oo qoraalkiisa sii wata ayaa sheegay in Dr Juma ay kulan la yeelatay wasiirkii hore ee Somaliland Sacad Cali Shire. Kulamadaasi kadib, wasiiradda Dr Juma ayuu wargeyska sheegay in ay warqad u qortay Xoghayaha Joogtada ah ee Shaqaalaha Rayidka ah Joseph Kinyua si uu u fududeeyo hawsha xafiiska cusub ee Hargeysa. "Xiriir taariikhi ayaa nagala dhaxeeyey Kenya illaa xiligii gumeystihii, tallaabada ay Kenya qaadday in ay xafiis uga furato Hargeysa waxa ay sare u sii qaadaysaa iskaashi dhanka ganacsi iyo bulsho oo na dhexmara" ayuu wargeyska kasoo xigtay Cumar Baashe oo ah wakiilka Somaliland ee Kenya. Somaliland ayaa bishii Diseembar ee sannadkii hore Nairobi ku qabatay shir arrimaha maalgashiga looga hadlayo, shirkaas oo uu furey wasiirka arrimaha dibedda Yaasiin Maxamed, kaas oo maalgashadayaasha Kenya ku dhiirogaliyay in ay ka faa'iideystaan fursadaha maalgashi jira. Wakiilka Somaliland ee Kenya ayaa soo hadal qaaday ganacsiga qaadka Kenya oo uu sheegay in wax badan laga macaashayo, isaga oo sidoo kale ku taliyay in shirkadda diyaaradda ee Kenya Airways ay biloowdo duulimaadyo toos ah oo ay ku tagayso Hargeysa. Wakiilka Kenya ay u igmatay arrimaha Somaliland Mr Githiora ayaa horey uga hawlgali jiray safaaradda Kenya ee Moscow, Ruushka. Warkan uu wargeyska qoray ayaa imanaya xilli bilihii lasoo dhaafay uu madmadoow soo kala dhexgalay xiriirka Kenya iyo Soomaaliya, inkasta oo markii dambe labada dowladood ay sheegeen in ay isfaham ka gaareen wixii jiray.
  7. That it is as useless as the word 'Bakhti' that was used here by the Janitor. Even Cheeseman's Ministers humiliatingly attest to it. "One of the Somali ministers, a dual citizen however managed to be allowed into the country upon producing a European passport, Dalsan Media learmt through a source #Somalia"
  8. Apophis, Galbeedi nin gudcur madaw indhaha aad u kala qaaday weeyan. macalasaf, wax faa'iido ah uu ka helay ma jirto, bil cakis waxa laga yaaba in saxar duulaya ka galay isha. Midnimo uu Mogadishu ka daydayaayo, waxa ka horaysa in marka hore Hargeisa wax ka noqdo oo wax ka dhisto oo jeclaado dhulkii u udhashay. Laakin qof dhulkii uu udhashay halka uu uga ducayn lahaa, habaar la daba socda, wax faaiido ah oo so wada ayaa iska yar. Somaliland caravan shall move on...
  9. Awoowe, horta Somalida kolka ay noqoto document, waa cadadood inay urursadaan wixi magac passport leh, sidii collectors urursada asraacda sida Postal Stamps ka oo kale. Kolka qofka Hargeisa ka yimi ee Garowe tagay, waa ula ekoonaatay, wax macno wayn ah samayn mayso. Taa badalkeeda, waxa jira kuwo koonfurta ka yimi oo baryo u hor fadhiya xafiiska jinsiyadda Somaliland ee Hargeisa. Ama rumayso ama ha rumaysan. It goes both ways.
  10. So now even Kenya no longer accepts Somalia Passport
  11. Inta aad sheegtayba Passportka Somaliland lagu qabsan karaa. Kolka laga reebo Xajka oo Saudi Arabia wali ogolaansho aan laga helin. Insha allah, rag ayaa ku hawlan arinkaa oo dhawaan waa la so dhamaynaya. Waxa loogu yeedho basaaboorka Somalia, wax uu dhaamo kan Somaliland ayaa iska yar. Somaliland Passport waa lagu yimaada Australia caafimaad ahaan. Aniga ayaa 1st hand u arkay oo ku booqday gabadh hayad caafimaad keentay Sydney oo ku booqanay. Dalalka kale ee caafimaadka lagu tago waxa ka mida UK, UAE. Dhanka Waxbarashada, Somaliland Passport waa lagu tagaa USA, Canada, UK, Sweden, France, UAE, Malaysia. Dhanka Diplomacy, Somaliland waa lagu yimaada UK, UAE, USA, Canada, EU. I mean, more legit in terms of obtaining it and making sure the carrier is who they say he/she is. Because you have to be verified by a number of people that the data you have provided about yourself is true and correct before you are able to obtain the document. Where as the Somalia passport I can claim any name and any thing on it and as long as I pay the $100, you can get it printed. Which is why it is more a racketeering enterprise than a legitimate document from a government
  12. Firstly, the passport is not even worth the paper it is on. Somaliland's passport is more legit. Somalia passport can be obtained fraudulently, it is a racketeering enterprise rather than a respectable governmental issued document. I think the only reason why a Somalilander would even entertain to have one is due to the Hajj obligation. The Saudi dinosaurs used to accept even the Bakaraha manufactured Ex-Afwayne Passport. So it doesn't add any weight on its legitimacy. Somalilanders who wish to obtain for whatever reason should do it exactly as they would when obtaining Dijbouti's or Ethiopia's passport. But fixing a secret contact and arranging a secret meeting place and transacting the deeds as quickly as possible before getting busted. It sounds like a drug dealing business to me.
  13. I have been checking my feeds on social media and the only response I have so far seen is about contacting Youtube to take down the video from its site. Their response is to pretend that they have not seen it, out of sight, out of mind. Lax walba shilkay isdhigto ayaa lagu qawracaa.
  14. If this is true, imagine the press coverage this could have if an international TV station was asked to cover as the Police close in to arrest and disrupt the criminal enterprise. What affect could it have for any country accepting a passport obtained like it was a drug dealing job.
  15. This comes on the heels of Kenya which recently appointed ambassador Philip Mundia Githiora to head its diplomatic mission in Hargeisa. Hargeisa is also in talks with Eritrea to do a similar deal.
  16. Uganda MPs push for recognition of Somaliland as a state WWW.BUSIWEEK.COM Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has been asked to initiate a path towards recognizing Somaliland as an independent state and open avenues to do business with the Horn of Africa nation.
  17. On another note, it seems our highly esteemed former member of SOL is close to breaking point. Having failed for the better most of the past 20 years to gain any traction for his so called SSC/Khaatumo bandwagon. I find it quite funny and bemusing to say the least, that Mr. Badawi is now at the mercy of Pirates, a group of folks that he used to show as much scorn as much as or even more than SNM folks. But let me just deflate this little dream of his, my assessment is DOA (Dead on arrival). The new leader of Garowe has no stomach to entertain where his predecessors broke their backs. In that, I see Sac-Magaalo much smarter than Dr. Gaas.
  18. Mr. Badawi is aluding here that Pirateland had a military option available to it that it refrained to use. It is ludicrous to claim such a statement when the whole world witnessed how weak and powerless the Pirate enclave is. For close to 6 months we have been entertained by the 3 Stooges on TV and even going to the shameless lengths of pleading to the womenfolk and youth in Laascaanood to use rocks and whatever to confront Somaliland. It is all recorded on youtube. These were hardly the traits of a respectable opponent who has shown confidence in its ability to use military option. They mounted two offensive operations in order to take back Tukaraq. And in both cases, they were resoundingly defeated. The Somaliland army not only repulsed the offensive but also pushed them back miles beyond their original base of God-Qaboobe but where ordered to return to their original locations few KMs east of Tukaraq village. So one cannot excuse that Garowe didn't try, they were just no match. And that was the case every time from Adhi Cadeeye to Laascaanood. In every encounter, the Garowe melitia were turning their backs. Hardly, Somaliland ever felt like it was fighting a war. It was more like nuisance than real threat.
  19. Far from it. In fact, the people specially the youth look forward to May 18. The atmosphere is electric and people are joyful and celebratory mood. Hardly the traits of coercion or forced people. This is true generally across all regions with the sole exception of maybe few areas where security is a concern. 21 October was surely on decline since '77 and came to end by 88. May 18th on the other hand is getting bigger and more elaborate year after year. After 28 years, the Party is only getting started.
  20. Badhan, East Sanaag