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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The naysayers will keep on barking from the sidelines, but this caravan is in full steam ahead.
  2. Previously if you wanted to ship something i.e. your car to Berbera. You had to ship it to Djibouti or Dubai first and then from there, it would be transferred to Berbera. But now, I can just arrange the car to be loaded right from my house into a container and it will arrive in 4-6 weeks in Berbera.
  3. Somaliland released 14 Prisoners and Puntland released 3. Total of 17. Here is a report from ICRC which facilitated the handovers. Somaliland/Puntland: 17 detainees released and returned home WWW.ICRC.ORG Seventeen members of the armed forces of Somaliland and Puntland were released and returned home today with the help of the ICRC.
  4. Mr. Canjeero The wheels are in motion. I will give it 6 to 12 months and hopefully you will be arround for a review of the situation there again.
  5. These soldiers will only bring more cost to Garowe or even diaspora. Somaliland used to pay $100 monthly for doing nothing - that budget will now be used to buy thought-leaders, clans and etc. Whereas Garowe will strugle to find an extra 100k or will have to cut somewhere else to fund it. For how long? Ultimately, they will flip-flop back to Somaliland, at which point they will take the orders without any questions. The orders are to secure the towns and not kill anyone other than those who shoot at them in the first place. Lets see how things transpire in the next 6 months to 1 year.
  6. If you look at the borderline between Ethiopia and Ex-Italian Somalia - it used to fall somewhere close to the middle of Somali region - basically included Wardheer/Doollo region. But now that whole area is part of Ethiopia. For Somaliland, losing the Hawd Reserve Area in 1950s was a blow that shook the bones of every Somaliland citizen. Eventhough this area was not officially part of the British Protectorate borders yet the British administered it from Hargeisa. The transfer of Hawd to Ethiopia was one of the reasons why the hastily done Union of 1960 hatched.
  7. Vintage Map of the Horn of Africa 1935 Turkish Map of | Etsy WWW.ETSY.COM A vintage map of the Horn of Africa, showing Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia (British and Italian Somaliland). Printed in Turkey in 1935. The full map is shown in the first photo. Other photos show details from...
  8. There were about 700-800 local clan melitias that switched sides including their commanders. Although it is a lost for Somaliland at this moment, it is really a gain. First of all, 700-800 new clan melitias means new additional costs to Garowe. That is to the tune of $100+ thousand dollars a month, excluding their housing, food, fuel, ammos, and other amenities. Which total could easily top 150+ mark per month. East Sanaag lagu sheegaya askarta Somaliland mushaharkooda ayay ku kala soctaa from Maqaaxida to the shop owners. Give them six months and they will return with their tail between their legs. At which point, Somaliland will have more leverage over them. So I wouldn't really count my chickens until they hatched.
  9. Seems like a man who needs no intro of the issues in the region. There are tough issues he needs to tackle.
  10. I see a 'dejavu' of Sool playing out here too. The sequence of events have eerly feel to how things stood back 2014 and 2015. Here is news coverage from 15 years ago on the Way Back machine... WEB.ARCHIVE.ORG Somaliland.Org WEB.ARCHIVE.ORG Somaliland.Org is a news website reporting news about Somaliand
  11. Sheekh Gooni. Ma wax kale oo ku hadasho ayaa garan wayday. Axaadiista iyo diinta cid walba waa taqaan adiga lagaa dhagaysan maayo. This is because Somaliland has forced Puntland to engage in the open fields far away from population centres. This is not something Puntland's clan melitia was cut out for, they are more at home with street fights like they usually have in Gaalkacio where no one really wins at the end of the day but the civilians get the brunt of the destruction. Whereas Somaliland's conventional warfare is something Puntland cannot sustain or have the training or man power for. In the open fields there is nothing to hide under, little tree and definitely no houses or walls to duck under. For Somaliland, with or without war, it has already maintains a large military. It doesn't matter whether in war footing or not, the gov't already has budgetted for a huge military bill.
  12. Human nature. This was expected. This will first of all separate the chaff from the wheat. Between those who were with Somaliland for $$$ and those who were with Somaliland as a polity and by conviction. Those who were with Somaliland for $$$ will certainly fail and will return to Somaliland as Puntland is itself strugling to feed its own melitias. And that is where cookie crumples. But one thing is for certain, the army is not going back. There is only one direction and that is eastward. Hopefully, we will revisit this same thread about a year or two and you will see what I mean. As with regards to the Garaad, respected as he is, he should leave politics to politicians.
  13. It is a small goodwill gesture, it will go long way diplomatically. Already the UN Secretary general praised it as a good step. You have to play the game differently.
  14. These are just wishful thinking. Like many of Saalaxo's recent posts, they are at best wishful thinking or at worse just plain nonsense fantasy. He is in search for a new Daddy.
  15. Waar Holac, what is qudhxoon? That is very thick Reer Puntland accent. There are a lot of Puntlanders here in Melbourne and I asked one day why some of them have this thick accent. Whereas all Somalilanders have more or less the same accent. He said, those with the thick accent are the ones that never left Puntland. Kuwa kale waa rag reer magaalo ah oo Mogdishu iyo Kismayo ka yimid. Qurxoon ma ujeeday? Waar bi'i waaye miyaanad inanta bariga iyo galbeedka Africa isku xidhay miyaanad aqoon u lahayn?
  16. Boowe, odey Maxamuudada ah sow uma eekaan?