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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. I used to hear that islaamaha (dumarka) ganbadooda ayaa u waranta. @galbeedicumaadada ayaa u waranta.
  2. It is not me that is saying it. Look at the source, it is former PL minister and President Candidate. Don't you worry, I will be posting here as the liquidity pain gets worse.
  3. Galbeedi is way off the mark here. His assertion that Quote " The UAE has more interest in Puntland than Somaliland" and the blabla that he added to justify it, is just laughable and borders insanity. For the record, Puntland is not a chooser, it is very happy whatever the UAE throws on the ground for her. Galbeedi's assertion sounds like Puntland has any choice. Besides, Puntland's President went to UAE on Daallo Airlines. Whereas President MBC was given a private jet. Btw, the Buurmadaw issue has been bubbling for quiet sometime, it is not something new or that happened after the last visit to UAE. It squarely revolves around the Chairman position of Kulmiye Party.
  4. He is technically still has honeymoon political credits. If my knowledge of Somali psych holds true, give him 1 year to 1 1/2 years ...
  5. @galbeedi That was the mother of all spice ups. So after all, Buurmadaw is a puppet of the UAE?. Love the creativity. Did it ever cross your thoughts that Buurmadaw wants Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye as per the Burco Agreements by the two clans. While President MBC has told close circles that the hagbad is getting more crowded this time. I leave it to you and your 'my sources told me' crew, to digest this further and what who is crowding the hagbad. Besides, the disgruntled clansmen will be dealt with as much as it was dealt with those from Col. Caare. So there you have it, and your sources once again have played you and your naivity or probably creativity.
  6. Guess who was supposed to be sitting in the lady's seat.
  7. The political culture in Somaliland is an egalitarian one. Specially Beesha Dhexe. So for everyone from the unknown to the well known to have equal say and communicate their personal feelings or believes, it is a welcomed sign that the people are moving forward. This is why in Somaliland almost everything is openly discussed and nothing is hidden. The gov't is held to account, the ministers coming on TV explaining their side of the story. You will never see this type of open discussions of gov't ministers and opposition party engaging in lively political discourse about the goings on, anywhere else in the Somali regions. We know Mogadishu Khaire's moratorium on media engagement by his cabinet. We know Cheeseman, after almost 3 years, has never held an open questions interview. The same goes for Puntland where each Hagbad inheritor takes the enclave on a personal ride with no questions asked. So, all these public engagement, is music to my ears that the people are awake and taking part and shaping their future. What other Somalis take for granted, in Somaliland we don't. If we think the gov't is not on the right path, we tell it like it is without mincing words. And not wait until end of the tenor and call it 'what a bad leadersip it was' like Puntlanders do every 4years. Rather, you have to oppose what is wrong and support what is right every single day.
  8. Galbeedi is got the spices... Bariis bilaa milax ah bariis maha. What is the news. Somaliland will not telorate armed 'specially organised' clan melitias where-ever they are and under what ever name they come. Meesha fawdo iyo kala danbayn la'aan ka jirta is acrros the borders into Puntland. Xashiishku xashiish kale ayu u tagaa oo dabayshu isku meel ku ururisaa. On a serious note, I think this is all made up by the spin-doctors and the fools are running with it (Read Puntland news sites).
  9. This is Saxil region, not too far from Berbera City.
  10. Siyaasadda Somaliland ee Bari Sanaag xisaabteedu waa xidhantay.
  11. As expected, the writing was on the wall. Saalaxo needs to find a new Daddy.
  12. @maakhiri1 Isku tashigu waa wax fiican... Ragga oo sida habqanka soo talaabay yaan bal la maqlin. Ceeb wayn ayay noqonaysa hadii kale. @Old_Observer For supposedly a Tigray, you sure have a soft spot for the Pirates. My posts here about Garowe administraiton are only focused on systematic issues. There Alshabab bombs that go-off, there people that are killed, even recently there was a suldaan that got murdered inside a Masjid in Basaso, there are rapes on a weekly or even daily basis. These type of topics are what you will expect from@Saalax. When it comes to administration issues like payments of salary, mutiny of soldiers, political set backs, etc. These are what you will expect from me. Because these are clear unwarranted failures of leadership.
  13. I think the 800 local clan melitia that recently flip-flopped, must be a good economic hit job for Somaliland. It will high light the liquidity issue that exists in Garowe. More pain to come.
  14. They should consider themselves lucky if they received the original 5%.
  15. For some people when the doctor tells them that they have a terminal illness and may have months to live. Some people try and make the most of those short months while they can, and get done their bucket list as much as they could. For others, it comes as a shock and are paralyzed by the whole thing and deteriorate even further quicker than would have been the case otherwise. For Cheeseman, he is one of the later type. He has already set his deathbed and is laying on it. Waiting for the hours to tic-toc until his eventual demise. This is where real men read the writing on the wall and step aside. Cheeseman, from his deathbed, is trying his last and final dance which is unfolding in Jubaland. Ahmed Blackie is well aware of this, he is prepared for a showdown. The 2020 elections could become so messy that the whole BS-mountain that the UN put together could come undone.
  16. The fact that the theatre of operations is East Sanaag should be a cause for concern for the Pirates. In Sool region, they have been pushed all the way to the edge of cliff and one last push and they will fall off it. In Sanaag, the wheels are in motion. In fact, there has been huge military movements in the area in the last few days. Lots of new troops have arrived. There is only one thing to expect, the Pirates will be flushed out with very minimum military engagement.
  17. Cheeseman seems to have resigned to his failure. Having failed to get rid of Xaaf of Galmudug, he is now trying his luck with Ahmed Blackie. It is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. There are people in Mogadishu now talking about setting up their own Administration for Mogadishu which will take full control of Port, Airport and other revenue generating outlets. It is getting interesting.
  18. S/RES/2472(2019) - E - S/RES/2472(2019) UNDOCS.ORG [Link to PDF File] The writing is on the wall, so the saying goes, for Cheeseman. A time he is at his weakest, wounded and the opposition are circling having sensed blood in the pool. The UN delivers what could be regarded as the last and final 'Warning' letter in coperate-world speak. The UN Security Council have also asked the AU to deliver a Report every 3 months on their progress towards eventual withdrawal. If you can imagine in Airline world, its like when the Captain asks the crew to prepare for landing - so to speak. The date is set and the list of demands are delivered. Cheeseman has no where to hide.
  19. That photo is taken in MJteeniya. There was another picture circulating which says it was taken from Zeila. Read below the actual encounter in Berbera. This particular encounter had set the tone with British engagement in Somaliland.