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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The land is very fertile. It only needs regular rains. The climate change has had a huge impact on the Somali nomads. My oldman always refers to the good old days when he was a child and used to go visit family camels just outskirts of Hargeisa. He used to say people used to be scared of snakes because the grass was so high that no one can see what is lurking below your feet. He says that they used to jump high to get a view of the surroundings because the grass would cover even their heads only a narrow path created by the foot traffic allowed people to walk on. One other thing he added was that the nomads used to burn grass (controlled way) to avoid out of control bush fires.
  2. PL 2019 Budget is 75 million dollars. Somaliland Army's budget is 105 million.
  3. For the record, Hargeisa runway and the only the Tower Building were built by Her Majesty's Government in 1958. Afwayne didn't add a single thing to it. Even there was no fence added when the city reached the Airport's limits in the 1980s. You can listen to the famous "Hargeisa Goat Bubble" which is based on locals whose goats got into accidents with the UN Aircraft in early 1990s. The only change from 1958 is the 3rd floor and glass room at the top which was added in mid 1990s.
  4. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto. Has he been rested yet? I heard there was some confusion and dispute over his body and whether the body be repatriated to Mogadishu or to Jigjiga.
  5. Also, Somaliland's Coast guards have now access to the US Defence's global maritime monitoring system.
  6. Matt Munro who is the UK Defence Attaché to Ethiopia, the AU, Somaliland and Djibouti has arrived in Hargeisa bringing medical and office equipments in support to the Somaliland National Armed forces.
  7. To fully assess the performance of Somali leaders, you will need at least 1 1/2 years. The initial euphoria usually dies down by 9th month and from there if they can sustain their momentum, then they are in a good position to do great things. But usually, the detractors and those who were hopeful of joining the bandwagon start gaining foothold and formalte a message as issues come to the surface. So I would wait until at least by end of year to mid next year to have a proper score card. With regards to the outlook for Garowe Administration, the fundamental issue are still there. Security has not improved, in fact, it is deteriorating, i.e. politically motivated bombings in Bosaso. Cash is always an issue down there, while Terror groups collect tax money on Businesses in Bosaso. Social issues like rampant rape cases on females and minors is on the up trend.
  8. Tukaraq students take part in Somaliland exams...
  9. Indeed, agriculture and modern animal farming are on the raise in Somaliland. One of the success stories is the new farming techniques where by investors start leasing shecamels from their owners (usually nomads) and guarantee them monthly income from the leased animal - in exchange for the investor to provide both water and feedstock and then sell the camelmilk to the market, dividing the profits. USAID have recently decided to copy replicate the idea across other Somali regions and I have seen some new farms being established near Mogadishu. Access to Water is a major issue for any serious farming though. Somalilanders are better suited to pursue modern jobs such as service industry, technology and financial institutions more than manufacturing. Ethiopia is in a better position for manufacturing industry as they have both access to cheap electricity and low cost labour.
  10. Kenya investigates patient with Ebola symptoms Kenya investigates patient with Ebola symptoms NYPOST.COM NAIROBI, Kenya — A Kenyan official says health experts are investigating a hospital patient who has Ebola-like symptoms. Kericho County spokesman Timothy Kimei issued a statement saying the...
  11. With regards to youth unemployment, I think that is an African wide issue. Just look Europe, probably Somalis make up around 5%, the rest are from other parts of Africa including HoA nations like Eritrea etc. But I agree, there needs to be more focus on Trade and Vocational training. I think market forces will catch up with the demand that exists for such skills. It is only a matter of time before youth realise that there is a career in Trades. Everyone now thinks an Office job is the career destination. There are two technical schools in Hargeisa, one is focused on Electricians/Solar Technicians and the other is crafts like woodworking etc. They are both at high demands. I was watching young girls who were dreaming about becoming Solar PV installers. Overall, when you compare 10 years ago to today, there is a huge difference. 10 years ago, if a hydrolic machinery broke down, you were forced to either shutdown factory or get the technician from China. These days, the same skills are sourced from within or in the region Kenya/Ethiopia etc. Also, other professions that have seens tremendous improvements is the Health industry. Thanks mainly to Dr. Edna Adan's efforts, there are 3 schools that are providing Somaliland the health professionals it really lacks. The plan is to export health professionals by 2030. Also Sheikh SOS School is now the reference school for IGAD for Animal health professional including Doctors (Vets) specialising in livestock.
  12. New Port under construction, existing old Berbera Port getting upgraded with new Container X-ray machines, Security CCTV,. Also under construciton is 160 Megawatt Solar/Battery Power Plant which will power both the new and existing sea ports as well as Berbera Free Zone factories and warehouses.
  13. Happy faces, because they know their exams are in good safe hands.
  14. You are correct. In comparison, there were 16 thousand students that sat for exams in Puntland and 15 thousand in Southern Somalia. Hence, you can tell from that the almost 30 thousand students in Somaliland that are sitting for exams this year is the same as the combined total for Ex-Italian Somalia. Which means that in Somaliland almost it is running at full capacity, any kid who wants to go to school goes to school.
  15. Galbeedi, There two trips to UAE this year, 2019, one in March and one in April. The one in April is widely reported as one that was secretly held in Abu Dhabi to broker a meeting between Pres. MBC and Deni. Somaliland's FM denied this meeting to have taken place. But one thing I can confirm is that, Deni arrived in Dubai on Daallo Airlines. And delayed his depature to Nairobi until President MBC left Hargeisa on a Private jet from Abu Dhabi ruler. Shortly after, both Pres. MBC and Deni departed from UAE, one going to Nairobi and the other returning to Hargeisa. The one in March was an official visit by President MBC to Abu Dhabi. The one in March
  16. Tell me what did Afwayne build for Awdal? At least, Somaliland can boast that the Dilla to Borama Road fully financed and built. And now the Borama to Camuud road is being built by the Gov't. There are numerous roads built in Borama city as well.
  17. All Developments should be welcomed. This initiative if it becomes realised will bring the 3 Somali regions's economies more tightly closer. For the record, Baile is building a 6 storey Hotel in Hargeisa. Ninka nin shaqaystay weeyan.