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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Madaxweyne ha Somaliland oo khudbad dheer ka jeediyay xafladii 26ka June ee qasriga madaxtooyadda Somaliland lagu qabtay xalay. Wuxu ku dheeraday wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia, iyo arinka oo uu sheegay in Mogadishu waxba inaga gelin waxay samayso ama diido, laakin Beesha Caalamka inaga wax inaga dhaxeeyaan oo ayaga yihiin kuwa aan la garnaqsanayno. Wuxu kalo madaxwyenu sheegay in Sabtida 29ka June la soo af jaraayo khilaafka doorashooyinka ee u dhaxeeyay xisbiyadda Somaliland. Guul iyo Gobonimo.
  2. Xaflad ku sheegii Mogadishu xalay feedh iyo laad la iskala daalay.
  3. That is the least of the worries awoowe. I would say reer Somaliland would have never become refugees, uprooted from their cities by a crazy bloodsucker. What will take very long time to heal is the mental fractures and the changed culture. People are meaner, swear more and are less patient. In the good old days, if someone was wanted by the Courts in Hargeisa, he would get a letter delivered to his door and he would get himself to his court room. These days, the police have to knock on the door and drag him out to Court. If you go to Djibouti you can still get a sense of those good old days, eventhough they have been flooded by the Somalis Refugees and they more or less have been overwhelmed.
  4. Cheeseman oo taariikhda ka sinaystay. Sheekadan waa iska soo dhamaanaysa dhawaan. Khiyaali ku nool.
  5. Can you imagine if we didn't make that mistake of uniting with the Ex-Italian Mafia State? We would have been calling all the shots in the Horn of Africa. Ilaahay ayaa qadaray, qalad walba halka lagu qabto ayaa lagu saxaa. I am just glad it was corrected on the 18th of May 1991.
  6. Qaranka Dhidibada, Rag ayaa u dhigay U shubay dhiigo, nabadda dhaliyey Miyaan dhibyaraan, u dhidbay calankoo Mar kale dhalanteed, ku dhiibi karaa? Dhulka Bolshooy, inaan dhisanaa Dadkay dhibaysee, cidloda ka dhurmaa Midnimo Dhimatay ayu ku sii dhaganyee Dhegaha ugu rida, in aanay mar kale dhacayn.
  7. Those Europeans in Kenya, they all look like tourists don't they? That is what happens when you dine and wine too much and go for Safari every other day. The attendees include Representation from UN, IGAD, EU, US, UK, Turkey Sweden among others.
  8. Somali Livestock market is dominated by Somalilanders. It is a combination of few things, 1. Historically Somalilanders always were traders of livestock. Traders actually take it as family name i.e. Reer Hebel Adhiile 2. Currently, Berbera Port's strategic location gives Somaliland traders an edge over their rivals, both in terms of distance travelled as well as economy of scale i.e. ships that can carry 120 thousand per load vs 20 thousand in Bosaso 3. Somaliland traders can trump any competition by offering cash on the spot, whereas other competition it is settled weeks later after the animals are sold in the Suadi market.
  9. General Morgan is the biggest loser in the Somali civilwars. He has been on the run for almost 20 years. His last and final chase was around 2005 when General Indho-cadde's melitia chased Morgan almost 400km non-stop, burning down every village he took refuge under including Dhoobley until he crossed the border into Kenya to seek refuge.
  10. Saudi Arabia already stopped buying Somali livestock except the peak season of Eid-Al-Adhxa. The Saudis are not good customers naturally, they have the juvenile behaviours. Even their gov't is not really a government per-say, it is more like a traditional who-do-you-know type of government. Hence, the Somali livestock is being sidelined by wealthy business tycoons that have an ear to the Kingdom's leadership. In any case, Somaliland already was working around the unannounced BAN on Somali livestock by establishing a UAE company that will import the livestock via Dubai and then re-export it to Saudi Market. That contingency plans will just need to get started sooner now.
  11. There is actually very little the Oromos have in common with the Amhara other than the fact that they both hated the 27 years of TPLF hegemony. But at the end of the day, Oromos understand the imperialism attitude of the Amhara and they do not like it. If the Amhara overplay the game, it will be no brainer that Oromos may in fact seek alliances with the TPLF. The only power that can stop the Amhara is the TPLF.
  12. The wildcard here is the Amhara, the radicals among them are hell bent on assuming what they say 'rightful' leadership role of Ethiopia come 2020 elections. In my opinion, the Oromos do not have the political sophistication to remain in power for too long. Abiye Ahmed came to power on the back of the Amhara bandwagon. The Amhara were the brains behind the civil unrest which engulfed the country from 2015 on wards.
  13. That is true. The TPLF may have been sidelined politically, but they control somewhat 60% of the economy as well as amassed the largest armoury in the country. They prepared themselves for an eventuality like this. Here is a recent interview with former Central Committee member of the TPLF "Demeke and his mercenary team has nothing to do regarding the choice of Tigrai people whether they want become an independent country or they want to stay as part of Ethiopia. There has never been and there will never be any power in Ethiopia that would affect the choice of Tigrai and Tigraians in any shape or form. Ethiopia does not have the will or the means to stop Tigrai from implementing what its people want. The destiny of Tigrai will always be determined only by the people of Tigrai." Source: The destiny of Tigrai will be determined only by the people of Tigrai WWW.TIGRAIONLINE.COM Tigrai people have been governing themselves for three and half thousand years under organized and structured government with written laws and rules
  14. It's too early to claim that when it's foreign forces keeping it afloat. I do not think Somalia has turned a new page. The level of mistrust means there will always be winners and losers.
  15. Former leader of America's leading Girls School will become head master of Abaarso Tech in Somaliland. "The overarching idea is to train Somaliland’s future leaders and innovators. So far, it’s been working. Already, some of the graduates have come to U.S. colleges and universities such as Columbia, Holy Cross and Marist." Longtime Emma Willard leader will run school in Africa - Times Union WWW.TIMESUNION.COM Trudy Hall, who ran Emma Willard school in Troy between 1999 and 2016, will head a school in the African outback.
  16. Faisal Rooble's Obituary letter... interesting how Faisal is now an outspoken opposition to Cheeseman. An Obituary Letter to the Late Sangub - WardheerNews WARDHEERNEWS.COM An Obituary Letter to the Late Sangub
  17. He was from a family of poets from both father's side and mother's side. His own maternal uncle was renowned Ismaciil Aflow.
  18. You do not understand how budgets work. A budget is just a number that, based on previous history, one thinks that they are able to realistically achieve. It can come short or it can be more. Somaliland's Sool region has been collecting around 2 million dollars per month from taxation and other fees. That is around 24 million dollars annually. Based on their current performance, and adding the trend increases in budget revenue, Sool will be hitting 30 million next year. At close to 1/2 of Puntland's revenue, this is excellent result for Sool. Sool comes at the bottom in the revenue generating regions in Somaliland.
  19. Awoowe, someone saying they will build something doesn't mean it was built. Do you understand that my family home is 2km from the Airport itself. Last time I remember in 1994 just before the civilwar in Hargeisa, the Airport had only a single building and that building was the same one that was built back in 1958 as shown in the picture. Whether or not a runway was built, I am not too sure. But one thing I can tell you is that, whatever the quality of the runway, it was only able to support old Propeller Aircrafts not the Jetengin type Aircrafts. Which is why all Jet Engin Aircrafts used the Berbera Airport until early 2010s when the new runway was built.
  20. Waa imisa Miisaaniyada dowlada ee baarlamaanka Puntland uu ansixiyay? WWW.GAROWEONLINE.COM GO says it is 54 million. But it was from April. It didn't include the Jan - Mar which was nother 24 million.
  21. Let me get this straight. This is a laying of foundations ceremony right? Like that man in the video says (Was it Abdiqasim Salaad Xassan btw?). If I can carbon date this, it must be around 1987. In any case, there was no Airport built at all. Lacagtii Airportka cidii cuntay ha la sheego. Or it could be just the Xidigtii Oktober Propaganda video. Physical building wax la qarin karo maha.