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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This begs the question, when you cannot stop a ship from leaving the port of Berbera, how can you expect the 'goodwill' of recieving countries to enforce your laws? The question Cheeseman is pondering about today.
  2. Sucuudiga Oo Ogolaaday In La Dajiyo Xoolihii Ku Xayirnaa Markabka Iyo Shuruudo Uu Ku Xidhay Kuwa Dambe. – Ilays News WWW.ILAYSNEWS.COM Hargeysa (Ilays-News):- Dawlada Sucuudiga ayaa ogolaatay in la dajiyo xoolo gaadhaya 20,000 oo neef oo saarnaa markab ka qaaday dekeda magaalada Berbera. Dawlada Sucuudiga oo hore u diiday in xoola…
  3. The latest news say the ship has been unloaded successfully. There are a number of ships that will be leaving Berbera in the next few days, lets see if Cheeseman can stop it. The Saudis will release that Cheeseman has absolutely no control over the livestock.
  4. First of all, the 20k livestock ship has not returned. It is still stationed in Jeddah. There are some news that says the Ship is actually being unloaded at Jeddah port - no confirmation yet but just rumours going around. In any case, there are fights that you do not fight, and this particular Saudi Arabia livestock issue is one of them. The idea that Saudi gov't agreeing to have certifications done in Mogadishu is just ludicrous, to the say the least. And it shows the primitiveness of Saudi governance. It has always been known that the Somali livestock earned the ire of the big Saudi Livestock importers that import livestock from Australia and New Zealand. The repeated, recycled, accusations of 'Rift Valley Fever' which the Saudis always used to stop Somali livestock comes to mind. As well as the unannounced ban which is currently has been in effect for the last 3 years - only allowing Somali Livestock during the Hajj season but stopping all other times. Apparently, Somali stock being closer to market, keeps the price of livestock stable and low in the Saudi Markets. The Australian/New Zealand business make very little profit in such price war, whereas Somalis make a healthy profit even if the prices are low. It has a lot to do with these businesses who found a willing partner in Mogadishu to stifle the Somali livestock. It is only fitting for Cheeseman who has been a sell out to join forces with those who want to stop Somali Livestock trading. Again, like I said there are fights you do not fight and this one is particularly a bad fight for Mogadishu.
  5. This is the story of Mohamed Ibrahim ( Laalays).
  6. Magid jots down what he found in EU capital in his first month as an MEP. He now rents a small apartment in a migrant majority neighbourhood in Brussels to the shock and disbelief of his other MEP friends. But he says, he finds himself at home being among other migrant communities. What’s disappointed me in my first two weeks in Brussels – POLITICO WWW.POLITICO.EU A freshman MEP from the British Green Party on what’s wrong with the EU capital.
  7. Rashid Laqan below recaps the issues faced by Puntland's traders. Which is unsustainable. Currently Puntland traders have to send their goods to Salalah Port in Oman. The Omani take their cut. And then it takes few days to unload goods and reload them to Dows that take the goods to Bosaso. Bosaso Port again takes its cut and on top of that Puntland tax the goods. In Comparison, by using Berbera, they will pay Port Fees once only. This way they avoid double port fees and only pay tax at Yoocada Dry-Port. By forcing the business community to avoid Berbera, they are condemning the business community to risks as well as higher charges. And on top of that, they will not guarantee that Somaliland's goods won't be arriving in Puntland markets. Afterall, the shop owner in Bosaso or Garowe, if they can find exact products cheaper at Togwachale, they will do everything to get those products to their shops.
  8. When Puntland traders try to send something from China, i.e. containers. They have the option to send the goods to Djibouti, Berbera, Mogadishu and Dubai's Jebel Ali Port. Berbera is cheapest option both in terms of storage and distance to Puntland both in land or over sea. Djibouti charges extortion amount for storage due to the Ethiopian goods which they make most money from. I am not too sure about Mogadishu's storage charges but I can assume the fuel costs for transfering goods from Mogadishu to Bosaso is higher due to the distance being covered. So when your gov't forces you to pay higher to avoid Berbera, who are they benefiting? That is the question.
  9. You say the situation with Somaliland is different, what is so different about it? Is it b/c of the border conflict? That existed since time memorial, what is so new about it? With regards to your assertions, I agree that this is purely a price difference war and why Berbera has a upper leg is all due to 'economy of scale' and as of recently direct shipment from source country to Berbera by passing the Jebel Ali detour. These two combined is giving Somaliland traders a huge margin to play with which Puntland traders can't match. This could be true for an economy that is working. But Puntland? I could have made some sense if they selectively trying to protect local manufacturing, but that is not the case here. They are trying to protect imported goods. So it doesn't make a lot of sense that Puntland traders will have force their higher priced imported products to the people, when they people are able to get the same product cheaper. Who are they benefiting? The biggest winners are those bulk good sellers in Dubai. Berbera traders now compete directly with those bulk good sellers in Dubai. You can find exact products cheaper in Berbera.
  10. Somalia's Foreign Minister is said to have been under the influence of Alcohol when he held the press conference above.
  11. Why is it that the it is a one-way traffic? what is stopping Puntland traders to do the same? Some people are saying that, Deni's trading businesses have been facing stiff competition from Somaliland traders flooding the market with cheaper products, and this is just Deni trying to protect his bottom line. And not necessarily to the benefit of the people. It will be very hard to enforce this. Somalis smuggle cheaper products into Ethiopia's markets even when security is toughes, so I do see Puntland losing tax money and yet products arriving business as usual.
  12. Somalia's Foreign Minister gets confused and refers to "Galmudug as another country". This must be due to the heated exchange he had with the International Community in Xalane just few hours earlier. He is putting a brave face but it surely feels like he has been schooled. He spent at length trying to justify their jar-iska-xoor actions and digs himself a deeper hole that Nabar iyo Naxdin won't be able escape from. Specially when the next visit of Mudane Muse Bixi comes around.
  13. @galbeedimaanta warankiisi ayuu soo qaatay. I love seeing our good old Galbeedi show some of his Guulwade antics once in a while. He keeps that in check for most of the days. Somalilanders love when they see a challenge. So with all open arms, we welcome the challenges. Nabad badan waa lagu talo seega, hore ayaa loo yidhi. Reer somaliland nabad badan ayay is dhigteen, in ay xaraka sameeyaan waa loo baahanyay. ----- Mr. Cheeseman was called to Xalane to explain the 'jar-iska-xoor' decision. Could the IC be concerned that Cheeseman is an obstacle? Could this lead to a change by IC's engagement with Hargeisa? We will all find out.
  14. Siyaasi A/Rahmaan A/Shakuur oo naqdiyay siyaasadda jar-iska-xoorka ah ee Nabar iyo Naxdin.
  15. Somaliland's Foreign Minister "Dalka Gini uma baahna Somalia, Somalia ayaa u baahan Gini". After all, Gini is a Muslim majority country, it can be a much better fit than Burundi in AMISom. Somaliland: 'Waxaan u aragnaa dagaal iyo cadaawad cusub oo ay noo bilaabeen' WWW.BBC.COM Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa xidhiidhka u jartay dalka Guinea kaddib, markii sida ay sheegeen Guinea ku soo dhawaysay Somaliland heer soo dhaweyn sare ah.
  16. Beeni raad ma leh.... Here is a former Minister for Cheeseman. He is dumbfounded by the juvenile behaviours at Villa AMISom.
  17. Fraud and Fraudulent behaviours way isku dhalaan reer koonfurku, ab ka ab way kala dhaxlaan. The Wanla-Wayn village today, after 59 years. Gabiley ayaa laba jeer ka wayn.
  18. Warning? Tell me in simple English what the weak phantom government propped up by foreign troops have under its sleeves? Just 1 or 2 points will be enough.
  19. Villa AMISom is playing right into Somaliland's playbook. Somaliland aduunka waxay uga baahantya kali ah waa acknowledgement of the facts on the ground. Dal noo xoreeya cid ma lihin, dal kale naga difaaca ma lihin, xoriyad aan u daagalamyna ma jirto. Waxa weeyan kali ah waa waar tani socotee, dhankiina ka raaca. Kolka aduunku hada fahmo wax wada hadal ah in aan suurta gal ahayn, Somaliland garteeda beesha caalamka waa hor dhigaysa. Bal UN iyo EU/US kol danbe nala soo hor fadhiista wada hadla, aan aragno.
  20. They put themselves into a tight corner. Now, when President Muse Bihi Abdi arrives in Nairobi later in the year, we expect Cheeseman to have the balls to cut all links with Kenya.
  21. Horn Of Africa Political Analyst Mr. Rashi Cabdi