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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Acmaasha oo dhan waa 'al-niyah'. Waxa kale oo dhan waa 'worldly' things. Siday Somalidu tidha 'Ninkii Isha daba, aadmiga ayaa arka... ninkii uurka daba, ilaahay ayaa arka'. Kolka hadii acmaalsha oo dhan al-niyah, tahay, ilaahay ayuunba arkaaya, bini-aadam wax uu ka sheegi karo ama mizaan uu saari karaa ma jirto. Waa iska uun hadal iyo nin wakhtiga iska lumiyay. Dad badan ayaa cuqdad nafsiyah iska qaba. Madaxweyne Muse Bixi ilaahiisi adoonka u ahaa, ayu danbi dhaaf iyo duco ba waydiistay. Waxaan leenahay ilaahay ducoda iyo ajarka uu shaqaystay ha ka aqbalo. Aaamin.
  2. Somaliland President had a meeting with ruling Sudanese Military Council Awad Mohamed Ibn Ouf
  3. The fanboys were travelling with Ethiopian Airlines, while MBC was accorded private jets to commute not only between Hargeisa and Jeddah but also between Makkah - Medina and Jeddah. The President is not a private individual. Every action and reaction is for public consumption. So this is just part of that. Ilaahay ayaa acmaalsha xaakim ka ah. Kolka arinka ilaahay iska leeyahay inaad wax ku darsataa waa faduul. Mida kale, waa powerful image. Qof nasiibleh ayuunba hooyadii xajka geeya. Anigu I done it in 2014, she was on a wheel chair too. So I can draw parallels. Saudi Arabia is not a wheelchair friendly place. Those tourist buses are the worse for a wheelchair bound person. I struggled to getting on and off. But it was worth every minute of it.
  4. Meanwhile, Nabar iyo Naxdin fanboys fall heads over heels to get signatures from President MBC
  5. Aun Eng. Yariisow. But it is telling that only during Cheeseman's tenor that we see Ministers, MPs and high level officials get killed.
  6. This makes total sense. Banks here Melbourne are sensitive towards US Citizens and their accounts. The Bank could face hundreds of millions of dollars if they do not properly report to the US Gov't the US Citizens' account details for taxation purposes. And even worse, the bank could face a total ban in handling or dealing with US dollars, the global currency, which is death sentence for any major global bank. So it seems two things are catching up with Cheeseman, reporting his taxs and his alledged criminal acitivities.
  7. Somali President Renounces US Citizenship Over Atrocities in S/W State & Corruption: Intelligence Brief – Strategic Intelligence Service INTELLIGENCEBRIEFS.COM Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Faarmajo has formally denounced his second citizenship. Faarmajo, through the Presidency issued a statement claiming he had ceded being an... Somali President Renounces US Citizenship Over Atrocities in S/W State & Corruption: Intelligence Brief "Not a Political Gambit Let Alone a Nationalists Zeal." Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Faarmajo has formally denounced his second citizenship. Faarmajo, through the Presidency issued a statement claiming he had ceded being an American citizen, a move that has been politically exploited by his inner circle. However, this is not a political watershed moment as reported but an event factored largely by an urgent need to insulate himself against American legal and taxation laws. As he seeks political survival, intelligence reports confirms Faarmajo has opted for some form of insulation against the United States Government which is not happy with massive corruption and atrocities committed by his administration and close associates, by ceding his citizenship. Intelligence reports by S.I Geopolitical & Terrorism Desk confirms that Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Faarmajo decision is also largely informed by a court decision in the United States to terminate his American citizenship after he was directly implicated in atrocities and gross human rights violations against the people of the Federal State of South West Somalia. Washington is unsettled by Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Faarmajo corruption and massive money laundering activities. Washington accuses Faarmajo of corruption based on the massive amounts of dollars he has been laundering back to the United States. He is also accused of working with persons engaged in facilitating terrorism in Somalia. Faarmajo is accused by American intelligence services of laundering millions of dollars he has received as kickbacks from Qatari businessmen and oil & gas companies buying farms in the Horn country. To evade taxation, denouncing his American citizenship gives him relieve though Washington may impose taxes on all previous proceeds of corruption.
  8. SRSG James is a man who needs no introduction to Somaliland. Having witnessed firsthand Somalialnd's recent history and its phoenix like raise from the ashes of destruction and mayhem. He announced that the UN for the first time will participate and support Somaliland's elections. It is a departure of the UN's previous stand, which instead of supporting Somaliland's democracy, instead supports the fraudulent so called selection of Somaliland MPs in Mogadishu. An exercise that only confirms the illegitimacy of the so called Member Parliamentarians in Mogadishu.
  9. @gooni Awoowe sida koonfurta looga dhaqmo ee xaaraanta iyo xalaasha aan loo aaboyeelin, maha Somaliland. Somaliland habraaca dhaqan-dhaqaale waa ka gedisanyay sida koonfurta. Waxbadan ayay reer Somaliland xeeriyaan. Mida kale, fawdada ama civilwarka waa loo sinaa, hadii Dahabshiil 'level playing field' uu guul ka keenay, hambalyo dheh. ileen nin iyo kartidii ayaa rag kala saartee. Baabuurta aad ka hadlaysaa maha kuwo la macmalaayo, ee waa kuwo la mid ah kuwa Europe iyo aduunka kale loo iibgeeyo oo tayo iyo raandhiisba la la siman. Qofka baabuurta iibsanayaana isagaa ayaa kaa lexojeclo badan, oo wuxu iibsanaayo indho'laan uma iibsanaaye waa wax uu hore iyo danbeyso dhanwalba ka soo eegay oo darsay in badan.
  10. New UN Guard Unit starts duties protecting world body’s staff in Mogadishu The United Nations in Somalia today marked the arrival of a new contingent of Ugandan peacekeepers charged with ensuring the safety of the world body’s staff in their compound in the capital city, Mogadishu. At a handover ceremony, the arrival of hundreds of new soldiers who will serve in the UN Guard Unit (UNGU), replacing an outgoing contigent, was welcomed by the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, and Uganda’s Commander of Land Forces, Lieutenant General Peter Elwelu. “Do your work. It is about the mission all the time. For the next one year that you are going to be here, please focus on the mission. What I want you to promote here is the spirit of comradeship. When you have teamwork, I assure you that you will find your mission very simple,” the senior Ugandan officer told members of the new contingent after the handover. The ceremony saw the UN and Ugandan flags received by Mr. Swan and Lieutenant General Peter Elwelu, from the outgoing UNGU commander, Colonel Stuart Agaba, and handed over to his successor, Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Bainomugisha. “I thank the army leadership under the Chief of Defence Forces, and in particular the Commander of Land Forces for the trust put in me,” Lt. Col. Bainomugisha said. “I will lead professionally and effectively.” The incoming protection unit – known as UNGU VI, due it being the sixth such rotation – is made up of soldiers from the Uganda People’s Defence Forces with 625 officers and enlisted troops, and includes 86 women among them. UNGU contingents are tasked with protecting UN staff and installations in Mogadishu in order to assist staff of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), the UN Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) and other parts of the UN system carry out their work in the Horn of Africa country’s capital.
  11. It is election season. They will throw every dirt imaginable and see what sticks.
  12. Bahasha Tuktuk la yidha ee bicycle inyar uun ka wayn, rer Somaliland ugu yeedhaan Tukaanka, ayaduba magaaladda dhankay doonto waa ka martaa. Baabuurta kale midyar iyo midwayn ba leh, hadeer la wataa meesha ay maraan ayuunbay kuwana mari doonaan. Dadku ilaahay wuxu u karaamayeey inay 'wax kala doortaan'. Tan waa option kale oo dadku kala dooranaayo.
  13. Probably this needs to be moved to the General section.