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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The saying goes: Once a guulwade always a guulwade. You can't shrug that off.
  2. In this day and age where Satelitte imagery is available to the masses, it is very hard to make such outlandish claims without concrete evidence. Looking at Google Earth, anyone can verify the area and density of these cities you have mentioned. Burco is bigger than Borama, and Borama is apparently bigger than Bosaso. Go figure.
  3. Ninka intan oo marxaladood u soo maray kursiga ayaa Cheeseman oo America casiirka ku jaqaayay doonaya inu la kaftamo. Wax ayaan kaftan galin.
  4. This is the Map Kenya published on its official twitter account.
  5. We call it 'Sii soco Soo Soco Dumarka u Faan'. Dadka adiga oo kale oo indho-sarcaad lagu ridayaa. Ciidankii Afwayne kolkay runtii isugu tagtay, xaabo ayay noqdeen. Maska ma cuntaa... waxa xidgtay "Muska ma jiidhaa" - yacni baqdin awgeed. Hadii aad isleeday wali Garowe awood ayaa ku hadhay, nin maalin jiray ma tihid. Garowe Tukaraq ayay ku fashilantay. Waliba Tukaraq waxa Somaliland ka joogay kali ah 10% of Ciidanka gobolka Sool joogay. Intiisa badan Koonfurta iyo Ganbadhe ayay jogeen.
  6. Duqsigu dantiisa ayuu qudhunka ugu jiraa. Somaliduna kama duwana.
  7. Somaliland's new governor of Badhan region was travelling peacefully when Puntland clan melitia suddenly ambushed his convoy. The head of the Puntland clan melitia was among the dead, as well as scores of wounded.
  8. Wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia, Garowe waxa wakiil ka ah Mogadishu. Miiska wada hadalkana Garowe ma soo fadhiisan doonto. Kolka nin og waxa soo socda, inu hadlo waa ku khasbanyay. Kolay awood ciidan iyo mid siyaasadeed Garowe kuma ogayn, kolka mar walba waxay u dabranyihiin siyaasadda Hargeisa qaadato. Hada Hargeisa waxay ugu baaqday Garoowe in nabad lagu soo dabaalo, Garoowe waa ogolaatay nabadda. Laakin taa macnaheedu maha siyaasadda Hargeisa is bedeli mayso - when the time is right.
  9. I feel like, I am vindicated here. Cheeseman will leave a trail of destruction and distrust. When he is finally booted out in 12 months or so, he will go into the annals of history as a sell out, a fraud, Ethiopian Puppet, and above all a coward.
  10. Why is Jubaland election important for East Africa? WWW.ALJAZEERA.COM Kenya, Ethiopia among countries jostling for influence over Somali region.
  11. Apparently the Ethiopian Forces that were sent to capture Kismaio Airport were not from the AMISom contingent. They were part of the 15,000 Ethiopian Special forces that have been occupying Bay and Bakool regions for the last 24 years. -----
  12. I have researched the source for this picture and someone labelled it as Berbera on my Twitter feed. My research says that this is false. It is from Oromia. Here is the original picture.
  13. There was an economic need for a port in the Central regions. And it seems Hobyo Port is going to assume that position. Mogadishu was too far and had to go through too many check-points. Bosaso is too far and too small. The wider affect is that this will be seen as an economic assault on Puntland.
  14. 'Mwani Qatar' is Qatar's response to UAE's DP World. It currently only operates Doha's main port and has signed agreements with Omar Al Bashir's Sudan to build a Terminal Port in that country. The deal with Omar Al Bashir could be on shaky grounds since UAE and Saudi Arabia are now running Khartoum new government.
  15. Mwani Qatar to build Hobyo Port in Somalia WWW.GULF-TIMES.COM Mwani Qatar has entered into an investment partnership with the Somali side to construct the Hobyo Port in Mudug region of central Somalia ... Mwani Qatar has entered into an investment partnership with the Somali side to construct the Hobyo Port in Mudug region of central Somalia, HE the Minister of Transport and Communications Jassim bin Saif al-Sulaiti announced on Monday. The Ministry of Transport and Communications said this investment reflects the strength of bilateral relations between Qatar and the Republic of Somalia, adding that this project is a key building block to the field of cooperation in maritime transport, and will contribute to opening new horizons of cooperation between the two countries for the benefit of the two peoples. A ministry press release said the Hobyo Port will be designed and built according to the latest international standards and according to the highest standards in safety and security fields, in a way that will bring many economic benefits for Somalia in terms of the investment returns and the great business opportunities that the port will offer by enhancing the commercial relationship with new markets in Africa and access to international markets, in addition to providing maritime services to wider areas in Somalia. The Hobyo Port is an important Somali harbour due to its proximity to the Bab al-Mandab Strait, one of the most important sea crossing points in the world. It is also important due to its location in the Mudug region , which links the south and north of the country. Mwani Qatar is responsible for managing the nation's seaports and shipping terminals. Alongside its oversight of the country's quays, dry ports, and container terminals, Mwani Qatar provides navigation assistance and pilotage, towage, and Aids to Navigation (AtoNs) as well as loading, unloading, cargo handling, and storage. It is also involved in developing seaports and related services in line with international standards.
  16. Gooni maahmaado waa 'nin xaaskaaga u socdaa, gabadhaada (inanta aad dhashay) kuma qanco' Guriga aad sheegtay hadii aad ka dhisatid dhul aanad lahayn, waligaana aanad ka talin, nabad kuma seexanaysid. Dadkii dhulka lahaa waxay leeyihiin Somaliland waa inay ka runsheegto in xadka tagto. Waanay tagaysa, Deni isagay u taal nabad iyo dagaal, marinkii uu doonaa waa u mubaax.
  17. It won't be the Ethiopians or the Kenyans dying. dhan walba somali ayuunba ku dhiman doonta. Cheeseman inu xabashi soo kaxaysto waa taariikhda madaw ee diwaanka u gali doonta.
  18. What is so sad about this whole thing is that, the D-Block are now either fighting from Ethiopian side or the Kenyan side. Xalku waa Uhuru Kenyatta and Abiye Ahmed inay wada hadlaan oo wax isku afgartaan. Galbeedi ". The Farmaajo government had already written a letter to both the regional government and the UN for its desire for Kenya to leave Somalia" There is no such thing as gov't, Cheeseman is fighting for his clan and the IC will burn their hands if they support one clan over another clan.
  19. Anigu waaba ku qoslay kuwa issue ka dhigaya ID card jeebka ku jira. If we continue the same talk, Mr. Cawad kiisi isna waa qariyay so sheekadu maha? Kol hadii waxa laga hadlayaaba noqdeen ID card jeeb ku jira, wax wayn maha. Iskaga meeraysta. Bari ayaa jirtay Somaliland iyo Sacuudi Arabia enemies ahaayeen, maanta sheekadu halkii waa ka dhawday, waxaan filaynaa waa in intaa ka sii fiicnaato.
  20. @gooni maantana ma ilaahay ayaa spokesman u noqotay? Horta awoowe, anigu musheekhda aan ka dhagaysto diinta waa inay reer Waqooyi ama reer Djibouti ahaaadaan. Kuwa Somali Galbeed, waliba O-clan, intooda badan Mogadishu ayay ku so barbaareen oo beenta, baryadda iyo musuqmaasuqa kuwa reer Koonfurka waa ka la mid. Waa halkii Abwaan Dheeg, kolkay 'walaalay" yidhaah daan ayaan anigu dhanka kale u sii jeedsadaa. Kolka awoowe, diinta xataa isku af garanmayno. Muse Bixi adiga oo kale Ilaahay waxba kama waydiiyo. Bal yaan aakhiro la arkin adiga oo naarta jahanama garbo duub laguugusii wado iyo Muse Bixi oo limousine janadda lagu sii galbinaayo.
  21. An Ethiopian delegation led by two military intelligence generals departed from Kismaayo after meeting with President Ahmed Madoobe for three hours. They were dispatched to Kismaayo at the request of President Farmaajo who pleaded with PM Abiy Ahmed. They came with two demands: first, to reopen registration for presidential candidates and second to lift blockade of FGS officials from arriving the city. President Madoobe informed them that the decision to reopen the registration is up to the Jubbaland Electoral Commission, and that as a candidate, he can’t interfere with the electoral commission. Second, he told them that the decision to prohibit FGS officials from visiting Kismaayo was taken by the cabinet based on security and electoral interference information. And to change that decision, the cabinet would have to meet again, which they can’t during Presidential elections. The Ethiopian delegation left Kismaayo without achieving any of its objectives. This info from a contact. Source: Jamal M. Osman.