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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. You need to wake up and smell the coffee. There is no such thing as soveriegn Somali state. Somalia has had no government for 30 years. The phantom foreign propped administrations are just indivituals pretending to be a government. Somalia needs babysteps to put it back together and a lot of talks, not threats. When you say tame the opposing side? with what powers can you tame? Are you trying to put a 'isbaaro' on foreign donations? Are you thinking about using foreign powers like Ethiopia to subdue your opponents? Until such time that a real, working government that is able to represent the people of Somalia, anyone in Villa Somalia is just going to be one player among many players. After 3 years, the only thing Cheeseman has done is to solidify opposing sides' positions further entrenching already precarious situation. Foreign powers are more directly involved be it Ethiopia or Kenya or far afield like Qatar or UAE or US or EU.. whoever. And the stakes are more dangerous and pronounced today than in 2016. All providing a dangerous recipe for 2020 selection process.
  2. Suldaanka


    Faroole is Somaliland's mole. Unlike other southern politicians, he is allowed to travel to Somaliland. With regards to Garowe being part of Somaliland and Somalia talks, it is a pipe-dream. There won't be any talks with Cheeseman, but the President after Cheeseman who will be from Mogadishu and Somaliland will make final decisions on these issues. Puntland won't be relevant, if they don't abide by the agreements, then we will make them abide by it.
  3. Suldaanka


    Gooni barigii uu ku cusbaa SOL he had preconceived misconceptions about Somaliland. Maamulka Garoowe ayu xisaabta ku darsanjiray, taa waa ka quustay
  4. You are trying to dodge a real issue, which may not be obvious from Sanbaloolshe's remarks here. But is more or less relevant and may actually be the cause of the remarks itself. And that is Cheeseman. As weak and as feeble as he is, by any measure of power and relevance, yet his attempts to misuse and abuse whatever small power that may have been loaned by the foreigners be the accorded 'seat in the UN' or the physical manifestation of that power in the name of AMISom. Whereas the previous Presidents from the H-clan were very sensitive of the nature of the loaned powers and exercised those powers with great care and sensitivity, Cheeseman fashioned himself after his late uncle Afwayne's dictatorial tendencies. And in the process left no stone upturned in his efforts, including trying to use Ethiopian muscles where fit. All of those misguided efforts have rather ended is dismal shame, paritcularly in as far as Somaliland is concerned. Rather he found out the limits of the loaned powers, instead. In the same token, the folks from Mogadishu have waken up to this threat from Afwayne's remnants. It is great fitting to undertake corrective actions so Afwayne's remnants are trashed into dustbin of history and never see light of day again.
  5. Sawirku dhawr waxba waa ka turjumayaa. 1. In Khaire iyo Cheeseman sii kala fogaadeen 2. In Khaire damacsanyay in Madaxweyne u tartamo 2020 sida awgeedna olive branch u fidiyay raggay siyaasadda ku kala maageen. Cheeseman is finished. LOL It is called analysing these days.
  6. Khaire has been trying to distance himself from the Cheeseman as of recently. He no longer associates himself in conjunction with Cheeseman as either by name or by reference to Presidency as was previously more common. It seems that he is preparing himself for election 2020 for the position of Presidency.
  7. With Alshabab awash with money new found richness, this is the sorry state of their opponents.
  8. It is scandalous to claim that Alshabab is weakened when all pointers say otherwise. In fact, Alshabab has adapted and has evolved. With Cheeseman's phantom government in its sunset period, and many people predicting the most ugliest (s)election process come 2020 as both UAE and Qatar pull all stops to get their horses over the line, the only winners will be Alshabab. And that throws a monkey wrench in the UN/IC AMISom withdrawal plans. I don't see AMISom leaving anytime soon.
  9. Washington Post: if I don't pay, they will kill me: Al Shabab tightens its grip on Somalia with growing tax racket
  10. إيران تواصل تهريب السلاح إلى الانقــلابيين في اليمن WWW.EMARATALYOUM.COM اعترف وزير الخارجية الأميركي، جون كيري، بأنه يدرك تماماً أن إيران ترسل إمدادات الى الحوثيين في اليمن، وحذر من أن الولايات المتحدة لن تتخلى عن حلفائها في المنطقة، الذين يشعرون بالتهديد الإيراني. ويأتي تأكيد الوزير على... U.S. Navy seizes Iranian arms shipment likely intended for Yemen rebels WWW.HAARETZ.COM
  11. This was reported by a facebook page called "shacabka news" hardly the most accurate page on Facebook. In an age of Image recognition and advanced AI available a click away, it is very hard to pull of fakes. The images used are from various websites and are mostly related to weapons from Iran to Yemen's Houthi rebels. You can search the images on Google Images.
  12. Just like typical apologists, blaming the anti-Afwayne movements. When in fact it was squarely Afwayne that destroyed everything. If Afwayne took a leaf from Mingistu Haile Mariam and engineered his exile without plunging the country into chaos and fighting until he is forcefully removed. That would have saved the country and probably we would have been in a much different place today. Cheeseman has tried to refashion Afwayne's regime. But the forces who exiled his old uncle and defeated him in the battlefields, have once again made sure the Cheeseman will go into the history books as the most incompetent, cowardly President since Afwayne. It is not just Somalis that have written him off, it is the International Community as well. Below is an excerpt of latest report form SRSG Swan. Mr. James Swan is being diplomatic, odey iyo umuliso midba sidu wax u ogyay uma sheegaan. But the dismay and disinterest of Beesha Lixaad is obviously clear. Mr. James mentions the next few months as being crucial. I say, even if Cheeseman had 3 years left, the tasks he is been asked to achieve, he won't. He simply doesn't have the 'political currency' to get it done. He is lameduck, counting his days.
  13. This is all about subclan issue. The subclan of current governor of Badhan switched sides earlier in the year. The subclan of the former governor are switching sides. They will flop back when the deal is right.
  14. This story has had a life of its own. Hitting the front pages of some of the world's biggest news papers. Free advertisement for Somaliland.
  15. Miss Symonds, sporting Somaliland Flag. US visa wrangle over Boris Johnson’s girlfriend Carrie is ‘unjust’ WWW.STANDARD.CO.UK A visa wrangle which left Boris Johnson’s girlfriend facing a ban on travelling to the US was today described as “unfair and unjust”. Carrie Symonds was due to visit America for a series of meetings
  16. The issue predates the UAE. It was triggered by the Houthi upraising, which got hand from Iran and Hezbollah. But the response from the Saudi led effort to restore their influence has been a disaster. The idea of South Yemen liberating Sanna is like expecting Somalilanders to die liberating Mogadishu. It just doesn't work. That is what the UAE acknowledged and as a buffer zone, it will support the Aden movement to secure their areas from Houthi rebels. Yemen is history. The Houthis cannot be defeated, neither the Houthis are able to control the whole country.
  17. As the old saying goes, It is not over until the fat lady sings. I think, even if Qatar somehow commits to this project, ultimately, it will end up with UAE taking over. Cheeseman is in his sunset period.
  18. It is out of control. The Saudis have been defeated in the mountains. And South Yemen Indepedence movement has thrown a spanner into Suadi's plans. All the indications are the issue will get only bigger and Iran will get more involved.
  19. Granted that the environment could be much better, but the fact that Burco is situated smackbang in the middle Somaliland giving it easy access both both the sea, the hawd, the east and the west; Gives Burco an advantage. This advantage has not been fully realised yet, but it is there. Besides, the current trend is for Burco to market itself anything that is not Hargeisa. And it will attract lots of people who want a more simplier lifestyle away from teh bling-bling and materialist world. To see if a city is growing or not, you need maps and maps are showing Burco is in fact bigger in terms of surface area than Borama.
  20. You are out of touch with reality Galbeediyow. This is what happens when you either make up or use bad sources. Burco is in fact attracting a lot of families from diaspora. It is the anti-Hargeisa. Whereas Hargeisa is party-till-ya-drop, Burco is the religious family oriented place. It offers cheaper land, more slower pace of lifestyle, and much more. For many from diaspora, specially with young kids, it is the right choice.