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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. When a seemingly educated man, loses his marbles. Ever asked yourslef why ordinary people travel far into Alshabab Terrority for settling disputes?
  2. More home grown heath professionals.
  3. Oo kaalay ku dhawaad 25 sano ayay lacagta qaadan jireene maxaa ku jaban hadii toobad keenaan oo mar kale caruurta ku korsadaan? Walo/Mouse cheese bilaash ah meel loo saaray siday ku dayso garan mayso awoowe. Lacag bilaash ah nin baahan u malayn maayo inu daynaayo. Mida caydha, awoowe, inkiraada iska daa. Xataa ninkii gaalka ahaa ee ku magan galiyay wax u qiri maysid.
  4. Habar fadhida legdin wax ula fudud. Waxaan soo xasuustay ssidii naagtii cadayd ee African qaxoonti ah aragtay. Waxa lagu yidhi "waa dad danyar ah oo bread ama Roodhi ma haystaan". Waxay ku jawaabtay "Hadii bread waayeen, may Cake iska cunaan". Adiga oo Caydha ku qaata Europe iyo North America, nin shan caruur ah iyo xaaskii sugayaan, inaad ku jeesjeesta waa ku ahaatay.
  5. Tuulada uu ka yimid socdaal ayaan ku maray anaga oo ka nimid Oodweine kusii jeedna Labi Sagaala. Waa dhul aad u udgood oo gahaydh iyo galool miidhan ahaan jiray. Ciidu tahay casaan hadii roob kugu helo baabuurku aanu shaag rogi karin dhiiqo awgeed.
  6. Any business that establishes an operation in the Berbera Free Zone will have access to tax free imports. That means, a more competitive service when compared to others. It may not be very obvious today, but in 5 - 10 year time, the detractors will understand it all.
  7. Well, we will talk about that when they start raining down on Eritrea. UAE's base in Eritrea is currently actively engaged in the Yemen quagmire and is also much closer to the Houthi controlled Yemen areas.
  8. Amoud Uni, Hargeisa Uni and Edna Adan University are churning out health professionals and specialists. Somaliland will join Kenya and Ghana by accessing Online Medical training from UK's world reknowned Kings College.
  9. Duruufaha ku xeeran Qurbojooga cid walba waa la socotaa. Nin aan saaxib nahay oo Burco permanently u guuray ayaa iga qosliyay. Wuxu yidhi "Sxb waxaan ka raystay waa warqadii poosta la soo dhigaayay ee subaxwalba talaw maxaa ka soo bixi iyo farta wadnaha aad ku haysay. Ma ganaax/fine, ma biil kale, ma dacwad...". Wuxu yidhi sidaan Burco u imid, horta werwerkii 'mailbox' waa ka raystay.
  10. @Duufaan Hadalkii madaxweyne Muse Bixi ka yidhi Berbera horta dad badan oo cuqdad nafsi ah qabay oo neeftu ku xidhnayd ayu neeftii ka sii yara daayay. Laakin halkii waxba iskama badalin. Neeftiina sidii aya iskugu haynaysaan. To the contrary, UAE will be doubling down its relationship with Somaliland. Just watch the space.
  11. Just a private audio, which confirms what I have said in this forum 4 months ago. Garowe Administration does not have the luxury to spend 1 million dollars on small ragtag melitia, when they have more seroius issues to deal with. Taliyihu wuxu sheegay in xisaabta kali ah ee ay tirsanayeen tahay Qurba Jooga, mudo 4 bilood ah wax war ah laga hayn Qurbo joogi. Wuxu ku daray, in ay ka tashan doonaan hadii Qurba joogu ka soo bixi waayo balantoodi.
  12. @maakhiri1odeygu waa calaacalay, the Diaspora need to keep its side of the deal. On a serious note, the Soldier rightly predicts that Badhan will return back to Somaliland. Meesha wax Somaliland ka hor joogsan kara inaanayn joogin waa ogyay. It is just managing local politics and timing.
  13. Farmajo: Weakening of the FGS - WardheerNews WARDHEERNEWS.COM Farmajo: Weakening of the FGS
  14. Somaliland Security: How a brazen religious committee took over the Burao city government HIIRAAN.COM Lewis Center, Ohio---It’s a very rare in a male dominated and poverty stricken Somaliland for women to move head and run a business. But, a young woman worked hard and saved enough money to get a license... Galbeedi read the above opinion posted on Hiiraan Online and this is his way of rehashing it and reselling it through his old tired 'my sources told me'. Every Somaliland city has 'Gididdda Xumaan Reebista, Samaan farista" or Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Originally, Mohamed H. Ibrahim Egal set it up as an advisory Commision but it was legalised as an entity during Dahir Rayaale's tenor and passed Parliament. The commision has succeeded in many local issues but has come short when it comes to the bigger national issues like Corruption, Socials ils like Chewing Khad, Inter-clan issues etc. Which I think should also be under their watch. Alshabab, like any other parasite, needs the right conditions, the right environment and willing partners in order to proliferate. Fortunately, and to the dismay of many, those conditions and environment do not exist in Somaliland.
  15. The newly refurbished Berbera Airbase/Airport will be among Africa's most advanced in terms of technology as well as ran-way length. At the cost of $100 million USD, The Airport will be equipped with state of the art radar system that will be able to detect incoming airborne objects both Aircraft and missiles. Coupled with the naval base, Berbera is assuming its leadership role in the region.
  16. The clan based Federalism in Ex-Italian Colony of Somalia will only bring more divisions. The fact remains, no one on his right mind will relinguish power, it is very hard to relingiush it. Hence the clan fiefdoms in Ex-Italian Somalia will not willingly relinguish their powers. This tag of war will continue unless the regions over power each other or form coalitions in order to embose their authority over renegade clan fiefdoms. Those regions that succeed in creating a a robust economy and collect more tax will have better chance of surviving. Do not expect humpty-dumpty to be put together anytime soon. Gulibble folks like Galbeedi have no idea about the power of the undercurrents - siyaasada ha isdiidsan. Forget about Somaliland, it is gone. There are plans to flush out Garowe Administration from East Sanaag, will happily break the news as it unfolds.
  17. Well, the IC has been very help in this regard. They actually gave him a blue-print or a roadmap for Cheeseman to take back in 2017 in London Conference. The roadmap had clear Deliverable and milestones. Instead, Cheeseman pulled a plan of his own. A futile one. Coming back to Sanboloolshe's remarks, he has a point. A phantom government in name, which freeloads on H-clan territory and collects taxs from H-clan businesses only, then it is only fair for H-clan to permanently occupy Villa Somalia building.