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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. This is about Xaawo taako awoowe. The pro-Italian protester that is celebrated by Reer Koonfur.
  2. Somaliland oo Chinese, Hindi iyo Carab isugu timid.
  3. We like to celebrate winners or those who actually died while fighting. And not losers or those who ran away from the battle fields after they got defeated and later died an ignoble death under the shoes of Ethiopian masters.
  4. Maahmaahda rer Koonfurka hal iyo laba ayaan aad ugu bogay oo aan ka isticmaala. Inta kale waa iska maahmaah caruur. Waxa ka mida "geedkii roor roor loo koro, roor roor ayaa looga soo daa degaa". Anigu waxa aan arkaa ayagoo hadana dhulka la soo dhigay.
  5. You cannot hide the fact that Xaawo was actually fighting from the Italian side for Italian cause. The gist of my argument here is that, Xaawo is not worthy of any mention other than a footnote in history. Just because the Kacaanka propaganda made her famous doesn't mean, you have to buy the B.S. There are more people worthy of celebration after 1991. These people deserve to be highlighted. With regards to Somaliland and its history, you can open a thread for that, happy to participate.
  6. I am glad that I won't be seeing these physically. But the fact that they exist somewhere in this world still bothers me. In an age of information, why would anyone turn a blind eye and accept anything on face value is beyond me. People should be asking hard questions and justify the existence of such things. What is the value in having a Statue of the Mad Mullah, even if you disregard the real history, and swallow the version of events as per Afwayne regime's mass miseducation. Yet, what does it mean today? What does Dhagax Tuur mean? It means nothing. You are under foreign occupation from Uganda, Burundi and any other Fuufu that goes by the name of AMISom, let alone talking about Ethiopia and Kenya. Any other soceity would be hard pressed to justify it. Instead I would be looking for current heroes, the living or recently dead legends. I wouldn't mind someone like Dr. Ebyan having a tower. Dr. Shaafici of Shaafici Hospital having a tower. Or even a tower for unsang heroes including the Paramedics that attend every bombing in Mogadishu. These are relevant to today's people.
  7. With so many Kikuuyo and Xabashi lackeys alive today, we may have too many such heroes. Those who fought against Afwayne in South Somalia do not actually have any idea what they fought for or against.
  8. Afwayne la'aantiis Somalidu maanta dayaxa ayay daaro ka dhisanlahayd. Waxa dhib jirta oo dhan, waxa dad haligmay, waxa duunyo gubatay, dhamaan Afwayne saami ku ayuu leeyahay.
  9. Shortly after the Italian dictator surrendered and his army laid down their arms, after WW2 1945, the British began routing the last remaining outposts of the dictator from its African colonies namely Somalia and Libya. In Somalia (Proper), the common Somali man welcomed the change with open arms, and in fact, for the first time almost 70 years, a new dawn of freedom began. For the first time, the Somalis were able to move around the city without the Aparthied system. The Somalis were able to enter and make home suburbs in Mogadishu that they were forbidden hereto. The Italians were shocked at the pace of change and began to organise themselves to counter the changes. They used gather around to protest infront of the British Administrative offices demanding to be affforded higher social status than the Somalis. And among the protests there were few Somalis that supported the Italian claims and that included the infamous Xaawo Taako. Xaawo Taako was married to an Italian, so it can be forgiven for supporting her hasband. But what is unforgivable is the Heroism that were attribted to her by Afweyne's Kacaanka. She was portrayed as freedom fighter and her image was made famous by depicting her in the currency as well as building a towering statue of her throwing rocks.
  10. It is much deeper than as you put it. It is a realisation, it is a vindication of Somaliland long held positions. The psuedo 'Unionists' have been on the ropes for quiet sometime and more and more irrelevant.
  11. Qalbi-Dhagax madaxtooyadda Villa Amisom ayaa laga gudbiyay oo General Gabre ka dhex qaatay.
  12. General Morgan is notice. We expect the next President in Mogadishu to start handing over warcrminals to Somaliland.
  13. The IC has given Cheeseman a very tight timeline for him to achieve the deliverables that he signed up for. The deadline given would be impossible for even a well oiled, well functioning, fully running government, leave alone a wounded lameduck Cheeseman, in an election year, with no political credit. Talk about the proverbial up-sh!@ creek without a paddle. The best course of action for Cheeseman is to resign and get someone who has political credit to renegotiate a better schedule with key stakeholders both inside and outside in order to achieve the tasks listed. Quote: "In order to ensure that federal one-person-one-vote elections are held in late 2020 / early 2021, the executive and legislative are committed to adopt an Electoral Law by December 2019. Somalia committed to complete the Constitutional Review by June 2020, and adopt an amended Federal Constitution, establish the Constitutional Court and the Judicial Service Commission, continue the National Reconciliation process, and ensure the participation of all sectors of society, including women, in political decision making. " Source: Somalia Partnership Forum Communiqué - 2 October 2019
  14. @Tallaaboceebtii maha waa caadadii. @gooni Awoowe, Tusaale fiican ayaa soo qaadatay, jawaabteedii oo waafi ah na waa ku sii yay, hadalka badan naga daa.
  15. All quiet on Reer Koonfur Front. Xad gudubka Dawladda Kenya cid ka hadlaysa, bal adba. Mid walba dantiisa ayuu ka raacday.
  16. Xildhibaan Qodar: "Waxay garan waayeen, bal aan ka doodno, laakin sidii qof mayd ah oo xabaalsha loo dedejinaayo ayay habeenkii xeerkii qoreen subaxii aroornimo foot u qaadeen."
  17. Xildhibaan Qodax oo si maskax leh uga hadlay jar iska xoornimoda reer Koonfurka.
  18. Bosaso hoos ayay uga sii dhacday halkii ay joogtay 10 sano ka hor. Laakin Berbera horimar aad u wayn oo la taaban karo ayaa ka socda. Hadii ilaahay inagu simo, halkan ayaan si waadax ah kuula wadaagi doona. Bal mar uun inaad hambalyo tidhaah kolka indhahaagu macalin kuu noqdaan. Safaarado la iibiyay ayaa tusaale usoo qaataday, tusaalaha laftiisi ayaa musuq maasuq ka soo urayaa, iska daa in wax kale kuu tilmaamo e. Guriga Safaaradda lagu magacaabay taariikhdiisi ayaa la so helay. Sida Faysal Rooble hoos ku sharaxay, Waxa caqli aan gali karin in gurigaasi kor u kac ama sicir barar sameeyo mudo aad u yar. Halka Xaafadda uu ku yaalo wax isbedel ah oo ku yiimid ma jiraan, oo kor u kaca sicirka guryaha xaafadu waa between 5% and 10%. Tabaha iyo xeeladaha musuqa ayay ka midtahay in la inflate gareeyo mashruuc lacagta ku baxday deedna difference jeebka lagu rito. Mogadisha oo kale waxaad doonto waa ku iibsan kartaa, laakin aduunka horimaray taariikh ayay wax walba leeyihiin iyo sicir ku salaysan 'suuqa'. Laakin Cheeseman taa waxba kama fahamsana oo sidii hore musuqmaasuqa ugu sameeyay ayuunbu tana u maray.
  19. Gooni, Deni oo kali ah danayste ma aha, dhamaan waa isku doon ayay saaranyihiin. Waliba Cheeseman wuxu ku darsaday waa 'fraud'. Nin walba dantiisa ayu fushanayaa. Cheeseman wax kale Ahmed Madoobe kuma haysto ee waa qabyaalad iyo inu Reer Gedo Kismaayo ka taliyaan. In badan ayaan halkan ka sheegay qofka Somalinimo iyo midnimo khiyaali ah meelaha kaga hadaaqa, waa danayste. Maantaba in oohintii yaxaaska iyo ruwaayadaasi inay soo afjarantay waa la isla wada qirayaa. Ethiopia iyo Kenya in la eedeeyo maha. Raq meel iska taala hadii waraabe cuno, inaad Waraabe la eedeeyo maha. Raqdaa meesha taal, raggii dayacay ayaa eedaas leh.
  20. Waxa ugu xun adiga oo awood lahayn oo af xumo iyo ku darsato waliba daandaansi. Waxa hore u maqli jiray "Ayaydaa (abooto reerkunfur)) taag daran, ayad'oon awood lahayn ayay hadana dadka isku soo taagtaag taa". Sharciga aan awood lahayn, sharci ma noqdo. Meeshana waxa ka socdaa waa another episode of the same film. Filmkii 30sano soo socday ayuunba musalsalkan isku bedalay. Inaad Kenya aad shar ka dhigto oo Ethiopia jeclaysato waa marxaladda aad hada aad marayso. Shalayna Ethiopia ayaa la necbaa, oo Kenya ayaa jacayl xad dhaafa loo hayay.