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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Btw, here is the same man bluntly trying to rewrite a well known recent massacre. Blaming the victims of that massacre as Refugees that were security risk to the state. All the victims of that massacre are known by name and those who miraculously survived are still alive. They were doctors, students, business people and normal people most of whom called Mogadishu home for many years. So, a man of that character, how can you trust him to retell something that happened something like 60 years ago?
  2. First of all, ilaahay ha u naxariisto dadka halkaa ku dhintay. With regards video, though, the Reporter has not provided any new information. His assertion that "British Administration" and Italians were on the same side, is questionable. The hard facts on the ground at the time, say otherwise. "Disposition of Italian colonial holdings was a question that had to be considered before the peace treaty officially ending the war with Italy could be completed. Technically, Libya remained an Italian possession administered by Britain and France, but at the Potsdam Conference in 1945 the Allies—Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States—agreed that the Italian colonies seized during the war should not be returned to Italy." British Military Administration (Libya) The more plausable cause for the deaths could be traced back to the disgruntled Italians and their local Somali supporters trying to derail the process. It is little wonder why Libya got its independence in 1951 as opposed to Somalia being placed under UN Trusteeship. If you have any other explanation that is reasonable, please bring it forward.
  3. Whereas the SSDF relied on Libyan and Mengistu's generous handouts.. The SNM was fully self-funded by its vast diaspora network of supporters (by far the largest at the time). This afforded the SNM the ability to refuse or accept at will and to make independent choices. Also one of the most important aspects of this financial indepedence was its ability to keep its operations secret.
  4. The Amhara are masters of divide and rule. They have now succeeded in dividing the Muslim Oromo and Christian/Amhara Oromos. The path to return to power for the Amhara is now wide open.
  5. Hadii aad damacdid inaad naqaska uun iska soo saartid, dee ogow neefka xooluhuba waa ciyaa, dameeruhu waa dhuusaan. Bal wax ka duwan intaa keen. Qoraaladda aan soo xigtay waa on 'public domain'. Wax qof Somali ah qoray maha, waa 'classified cables'. 30 sano kolka ay kaso wareegto ayaa dawlaha reer Galbeedku 'declassify' ku sameeyaan oo dadka loo ogolaada inay akhrisan karaan. Been ayaa lagugu soo canqariyay oo intaa ku leekaatay, ha ka nixin runta kolkay ku hortimaado.
  6. @gooni Halkan hoos ka hel cilmi baadhis lagu sameeyay is barbardhig "Socio-Economic indicators" ka hor 1990 and ka dib.
  7. Sxb, if it wasn't for the British, Mogadishu would have been one of the last places to get indepedence. Even though it's an unknown but that reality could have been a real possibility. For the simple reason being for the Italians, Somalia was part and parcel of Italy, an extension of Italy. At least show some acknowledgement. When can we gear from you ...waar nimkaas Gobta ah guntii talyaaniga waa naga so gaadheen.
  8. Lets be honest, the fact that the former colonisers (Italy) where themselves crying victims of the British Administration, that itself might have been a sight for sore eyes. Admit it sxb. I am sure Ex-Italian subjects were singing... Waa lagu digtaa ruux haduu kuu darnaanjiree, bal dayaay Talyaanigii xumaa, Libaaxyaa heelee.
  9. You can actually feel the desparation from just reading the archives of Afwayne and his cronies during the 1980s. Specially after a serious of spectucular loses to the SNM in 1984, 1985 and 1986. Wuxu ordo, wuxu Jesus u sujuudo, wuxu Israel kabaha u leefo, waxay aakhir noqotay in Mingistu isku dhiibo. The SNM, was step ahead... and the 'Final countdown had begun". Dar Allay u kibirtee;Haddaan iilka lagu degin Haddaan meydku duurkiyo;; Derrimaha ka fara badan Sanqadhaa dabayshiyo; Haddaan fiinta laga didin Fadhigay ku daaqdee; Haddaan soodhku dalandalin Halka doobi lala maro; Haddaan raacdo daba gurin Dacfalaanka mahaddiyo; Dardarsiga barwaaqada Iyo doosha subbaga; leh Haddaan laysu dacarayn Inta daran intaw daran Haddan; duulal lagu falin Haddaan deebta gumuciyo; Lagu guban dabkaan shido Duhur laysla wada jiro; Haddaan guusha lay deyn Alley-lehe docdaydii; Ha Goblamo dad weynuhu.
  10. Here are some little gems from other sources, to the extent that Afwayne went.
  11. It is noteable that America did deliver on its promises, shiploads of weapons arrived in Berbera Port. These weapons where given like hot cakes to sympathetic clans like the Khaatumo clan and@galbeedi's clan as well as the pre-ONLF Western Somali Liberation Front. These clan melitias played the role of 'janjaweed' in Sudan's Darfur regoin, causing maximum damage to nomads and civilians.
  12. It is on. Salbaloolshe oo balan qaaday in dhulka soo dhigayo astaamihii Kacaanka.
  13. They are called the PIGS. Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain.
  14. The last ruler of Zaylac was from that tribe. With regards to Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi , there is more reason to believe he was of Harari/Adari origin than of Somali. Laakin inu ninkaa ahaa Reer Ifaat, waa la isku raacsanyay.
  15. Obviously, the Kacaan dressed her as a nationalist, when the actual history says otherwise. In any case, a person with shoddy history like this, should not have been afforded such prestigious status as being featured on currency notes and provided a statue. With regards to Ahmed Gurey, anigu ma maqal Oromo ayuu ahaa. Laakin inu reer Ifat (pre-Adal Islamic Administration of Saylac) ahaa war iskuma seegana. Laakin arinka Maxamed Cabdille Xassan, taa runta ayaa laga sheegaya. Qofkay runtu dhibayso, yeelkiisa. Taariikhda waa la saxayaa.
  16. With regards to the Whiteman comments. The UK do not recognise Italians as their equals in terms of race. They actually see them as Midagaha Europe. Anyways, I have listened to interviews on BBC by a number of people including Ex-PM of Somalia Abdirizaq H. Husseen who recounted similar accounts. For the first time, Somalis were able to organise themselves politically and I believe it was during the British Administration that the SYL was formally established as a political party. The only people that were upset during those formative years were the Italians and their lackeys. In fact, the Italians used their Somali lackeys in order to saw bad seeds against the British Administration. Fortunately the wise heads knew the ulterior motives. Coming back to Xaawo Taako, one has to ask hard questions, what was she fighting for? After all, the British Administration had a number of good initiatives on the table. What did Xaawo Taako die for?
  17. I didn't know that you have become a paid mouthpiece for N&N. Qalbi-Dhagax 2 casho ayu Madaxtooyadda ku xidhna oo General Gabre interogation ku waday. I am sure you wanted to sell that the buck stopped with Salbaloolshe, no one with his right mind is buying that. Besides, hadii maanta Qalbidhagax sidaa lagu wayn lahaa oo aanu nolol ka gaso samatabaxeen, beentaa iyo mid ka sii waynba waa laga sheegi lahaa. They stripped Qalbi-Dhagax of his citizenship. They labelled ONLF as terror organisation, the only government in the world outside Ethiopia.
  18. Lets focus on Xaawo Taako. What sources can you provide that she was in fact against her husbands' people.
  19. inkasto 30kaa sano lugaha la is wada haysto. Hadana, meelo badan oo loo eego maanta ayay ka wanaagsantay kolkii Afwayne haystay.
  20. @gooni Casriga maanta ah qofku wuxu haysta power barigii hore dawladaha kali ah lahaanjireen. Waa casirga qofku isagoo gurigiisa fadhiya macluumaadka uu rabo oo dhan ka heli karo meesha uu doonaayo ee taariikh lagu kaydiyo. Waxa godka biyo ugu galeen kuwii beenta laga dhaadhiciyay oo maanta af-kala qaad ku tahay runta hortooda taala. Qofku inu ismoodsiiyo ama isdiidsiiyo runta waa wax u banaan oo qofku waa binu aadam, laakin taa macnaheedu maha runtu in ay suulayso. Qofku waa aakhir, waa ku qasbanyay inu candhuuftiisa dib u liqo oo runta wajaho. Tusaale waxa kuugu filan siduu Kacaanku uga been abuuray taariikhda, isbarbar dhiga labaddan qoraal, mid waa Kacaanka sidu wax u qoray, midna waa original source (UK Archive). Adiga ayaan kuu daynaya meelaha la bedalay iyo taariikhda laga sinaystay. Kacaanka propaganda diisa: Original Source:
  21. Chinese investors build a shopping centre in Hargeisa.