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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. According to Puntland melitia official, they have capture a number of armed females.
  2. Waxa Somalidu ku maahmaada, geela hadii habeed ku leeyay qaarka danbe "waa ged u lahaan jiray", hadii se uu lugaha hore habeed ku yeesho waa 'ged uu la soo baxay". Awoowe, reer Awdal wax ayaa lagu yaaqaanay, waana dad nabadeed. Hadii nabaddii ka fara bataday oo maanta u dhaan rarteen colaad, waxaan leenahay walaalo nimankii Darawiishta ee wiil-hoog ahaa colaad waxba ku heli waaye, wakhtiga ha iska luminina. Waagii badh-daloolku shaqaynjiray, reer Awdal calan-cad ayay taageen oo nabad ayay qaateen. Maanta oo Ballot paper lagu kala guulaysto, inay badh-dalool qaataan, waa caqli yaraan iyo fakar aad u liita. Waxa horimar ah ee maanta Awdal ka socda, saldhig waxa u ah waa nabadda iyo nidaamka kala danbaynta. Hadii inyar oo shaki ah soo galo nabadda ama nidaamka, dadka wax ku waayaya waa reer Awdal. Wax faa'iido ah oo colaad ku helayaana ma soo naaso cada. Mida kale Awoowe, hadii Somaliland cid wax ka qaadi karto 30kii sano ee tagay ayaad saansaanteeda arki lahayd. macaddalah, maanta oo Somaliland dawlado fara badan oo ku yaal Africa ka dhaqaale iyo awood badantay.
  3. In what appears to be a BBQ Party organised by non Muslim group of people, Cheeseman is in the queue with his paper plate, ready to grap some juicy BBQ pork chops and steaks.
  4. Presentation by GE regarding SL-10B block, GE has identified from the siesmic data around 12 separate oil fields in the block. With a combined conservative estimate of 1.4 billion equivalent barrels of Oil and initial production capacity of around 50,000 bpd. GE will start drilling for oil in Somaliland in 2020 and is planning to truck the oil to a new Crude Oil Storage facility to be established near Berbera Port. The Crude oil will be shipped to UAE for refinement and eventual selling to the market. Hopefully by 2022, Somaliland will be joining the Oil producing nations.
  5. This is a total slap on the face to those used to claim here that Somalilanders queue up for Mogadishu documents. It is in fact the other way round. The Saudis is the only country that is still a problem for Somalilanders, as these backward sand dwellers still value junk documents from Mogadisho. Hopefully they too will smell the coffee.
  6. This is just theatrical. I am looking forward to the screening when it gets released to the public. Somaliland is far advanced to be threatened by Daddy's Army ragtag clan melitias. Waar yaa yidhaa guryihiina iskaga noqda oo reerahiini ayaa idiin baahane, beeraha qota. For me, I find it amusing the level of 'interest' this generates from even looma-ooyaan Eelay and Hadhaagii Afwayne @gooni. Halkii uu ilaahay ka bariyihii lahaa inu dulinimoda ka saaro dadkii uu asal ahaan ka soo jeeday oo Xabashi iyo Kikuuyo maalinba mid ku dul kaajo, wuxu ilaahay ka baryaa in Somaliland dagaal ka dhaco. Ha karaamo seegin habaar lagu kari waaye.
  7. If you are a holder of documents such as Marriage Certificate, Death Certificate or Birth Certificate from Hargeisa, the United States will recognise it. However, if you hold any document from Mogadishu or anywhere else in Ex-Italian Somalia, United States of America considers that as junk status. This flies in the face of Saudi Arabia's recent livestock restrictions where they made a requirement for Somaliland livestock traders to get a junk document from Mogadishu. It basically shows difference in governance and why Saudi Arabia is such a basket case of governance. Somalia TRAVEL.STATE.GOV
  8. This has no comparison. It is a bloody coupe of the second highest institution after the Presidency. However you slice or dice it, it is ugly. And it all comes down to "Because I can" attitude of the ruling clan. If it wasn't clear for Mr. Dhoobo before, he now understand what the hagbad means and where he stands in the pecking order. That is what East Sanaagians are wrestling with now. There is no side to this that anyone would be able to spin to make it look better. Every corner you look it from, is as ugly as the other.
  9. Waare doesn't care as long as Cheeseman provides the $$$ while relaxing and dining on Leedo beach. I mean, there is no such thing as HirShabeele administration to speak off. Whatever namesake that may have existed on paper, has been taken over by Villa AMISom. So, the choices are clear for Waare, no administraiton or get free money. He doing what every crook would, take the free money.
  10. Somaliland minister talks about the arrival of Puntland's Parliamentary Speaker in Hingalool. Most likely enroute to Hargeisa.
  11. The owner of, Siciid Uurcad. He used to be one of the most anti-Somaliland Eastern Sanaag activists. Like many other prominent folks from East Sanaag that I follow on Social Media, the calls to switch sides is getting louder. This is golden opportunity for Somaliland to capitalise on this, get the politics right. militarily Puntland's ragtag melitia are no match for Somaliland's military and will be smoked out of Sanaag borders within hours, not even days.
  12. Tillamook, Awood sheegasho ayaa meesha ka dhacday. Our resident guru @galbeedias usual these days of him, has read the events wrong.
  13. Chimpanzee ayaan ku jirin oo sida dadka xaajadooda u dhamaysta. Awoowe, waxaan filayaa inaad schoolka ku soo dhamaystay waagii Afwayne xukunka hayay. Buugaagtii Taariikhda ku sheegi jiray, ma ogtahay inu Archives London iyo Roma ka soo minguuriyay. Mise kolka Afwayne soo minguuriyo oo waliba dhalan rogo (taariikhda ka sinaysto) kolka tiisu waa xalaal. Kolka laga dabo tago ee isla Archivekii London iyo Roma wixii laga qoray, isla buugii uu soo minguuriyay sida saxda ah loo soo bandhigo, ayadu waa xaaraan? Waa la iska garanayaa, halka ay sheekadaadu ku aroorayso. Laakin sidaan kuu sheegay, hadii aad naqaska iska soo saaraysid, dee ogow dameerku inta aanay haraatida baran, naqaska xaga danbe isda looga soo saaro ayay barataa.
  14. Awoowe laba kala saar, mid waa qofka aan beesha Mogadishu leh (H-clan) ahayn, meelshu doono ayu Mogadishu kaga noolaan karaa. Hargeisa qofka aan deegaan ahaan ka soo jeedin, daanta uu doono ayuu kaga noolaadaa. Mogadishu waa la yaqaan sida loo kala dego, degmo degmo iyo xaafad xaafad. Beesha Habar Gidir siday u kala baxdo ayay Mogadishu xaafado ugu kala badantay, sidoo kale beesha Abgaal xaafada iyo degmooyinka ay ku badantay waa la yaqaan. Ka daalik beesha Xassan Khaire ee Dayniile. Hargeisa sidaa oo kale ayuunbay reer walba meel ayuu ku badanyay, waana dabeeci (natural). Laakin hadana degmo kasta oo Hargeisa ah, waa la is dhex degaa. Hadii aad magaalo kasta oo Soomaliyeed aad soo qaadato sawirku waa isku mid. Borama lafteeda xaafad ayaa loo kala degaa. Hadii runta laga hadlaayo magaaladda kali ah ee la isdhex dego, ee lacagtu kala soocdo waa Djibouti. Djibout is a class based city, if you are poor you live in Belbela regardless of clan background. If you are rich, then you reside in the well off suburbs. Waxba yaan Hargeisa farta lagu soo fiiqin. It is case of pot calling the kettle black.
  15. With no prospect of holding universal suffrage elections taking place as per International Community's call back in 2016, and having ascertained the impeding removal of office by the opposition masses in and around Mogadishu. In response to that, it seems Cheeseman is trying to build up secret armed death-squad (Geesh-nacalatulah) similar to Ina Iley's Liyu-Police inside Ethiopia.
  16. Undignified and violent ouster of a sitting Speaker of Parliament, including the point-blank murder of his security details, will not go well with anyone with right mind, let alone in a clan based society where the wrong-doing of an individual (even a nameless unknown) has the potential to trigger a response from members of the clan. Meesha waa la isku awood sheegtay.
  17. Geel caruuri qaaday, ma foga. Eastern Sanaag, ma foga. Ayaga iyo Garowe ha soo kala xiiso dhacaan. 6 bilood oo kale ugu dar.