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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. There is no such thing as free lunch. It is little wonder why Norway goes to the extent making up for the arrears to the World Bank on behalf of Somalia. The first time such an arrange ever made. What is being mortgaged here is Somalia's natural resources. Cheeseman will leave defeated but the contracts that he signed, behind the curtain, will haunt Mogadishu for years to come.
  2. True that is the case in normal circumstances. But this is far from Normal. Hargeisa and Mogadishu do not have any diplomatic relationship. And Somalia's symbols are all banned from all publically accessible areas.
  3. Yamamoto is kicking himself for this apparent administrative mistake. Donald Trump is not going to spend what little political credit he has to throw a lifeline for Cheeseman. The democratics control the House, and they won't let Donald trump anyother chance for spending review.
  4. @galbeedi It is a total failure. She couldn't defend it any other way. So she is asking for an extension by the parliament. But that is not possible. Not even in his dreams. Sheikh Sherif wuu dhaartay, jidkii Ethiopia martay, ee **********tii warlordku mareen ayuu marayaa. Btw, the wheels are coming off N&N, Khaire is charting his own future. He nolonger uses the N&N tag. He has H&H hiigsi iyo horimar now. In anycase, Cheeseman is coming home to roost now. With a big L on his forehead.
  5. Here is Cheeseman's paid puppets speaking about the failures and dancing around suggestions for extension of Cheeseman's term.
  6. So it looks like Cheeseman will not see the light of the much tooted about "Debt Relief" after all. 4 years in power and there is no sign of the new Currency, no defeat of Alshabab, no One Person One Vote, No Peace... nothing. In fact, it is much worse than 4 years ago in many respects. The only thing Cheeseman's apologists can come up is the biometric registration of clan melitia. We are talking about a laptop, a finger print reader and a card printer. 4 years and that is what they can come up with.
  7. MOGADISHU (HOL) - U.S ambassador to Somalia Donald Yamamoto considers resigning over failure by the Trump administration to prioritise debt relief for Somalia, an influential U.S publication reports. According to an article appearing in Foreign Policy Wednesday, the ambassador’s efforts to convince the Trump administration to forgive Somalia up to $1 billion dollar debt as part of the debt relief process appeared to have hit a snag. “While securing debt relief for Somalia has been a policy priority for the United States for years, that plan that could now be derailed because the State Department and Treasury Department didn’t inform lawmakers they should include authorization to write off Somalia’s debt before Congress finalized its spending bills, according to six current and former U.S. officials and congressional aides who spoke to Foreign Policy on the matter,” the artcle reads. According to the authors of the article- Robbie Gramer, Keith Johnson, the US could write off Somalia’s debt to the US which stands at about $1 billion by essentially having the State Department pay a fraction of the debt back to the Treasury Department on behalf of Somalia, to the tune of about $35 million. This, the authors said, requires congressional authorization through spending bills but there seems to have been no communication from the State Department or Treasury to lawmakers to effect the provision before finalizing spending bills. In effect, the article reads, “U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Donald Yamamoto has privately considered quietly resigning if the U.S. government can’t resolve the issue, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter.” Somalia’s debt stands at about $4.7 billion in form of arrears from multilateral and bilateral donors. To realise stage one- decision point in the Highly Indebted and Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, Somalia must first clear debts owed to the IMF which amounting to $330 million and that of the World Bank which is nearly $360 million. This will open pathways for concessional loans as the country seeks international support to let the remaining creditors forfeit their demand from Somalia.
  8. Waliba ganaax lacageed iyo mudo dheer in albaabka la isugu laabo weeyan. That will teach others a lesson.
  9. It looks like the road is clear for an Amhara return to power in 2020. They have divided the Oromos, isolated the TPLF, and they have under lock the Southern Nations, and somewhat at least half of Somali vote.
  10. The UK Gov't will help transform the dry port of Togwachaale into a seamless transshipment point between Somaliand and Somali State of Ethiopia as well as further down Oromia State.
  11. Alshabab oo meel 8km u jirta Bosaso dagaal dhabarjebin ah ku soo qaaday ciidamo ka amar qaata Deni. Faahfaahin: Dagaal culus ciidanka Puntland iyo Al-shabaab ku dhexmaray nawaaxiga degaanka Af-Urur – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Guddoomiyaha degaanka Af-Urur ee gobolka Bari, Maxamed Geeddi Saalax oo wareysi siiyay Puntland Post, ayaa ka warbixiyay dagaal culus oo… Sii akhri
  12. Uhuru Kenyatta didn't surrounder. He seems that he got what he wanted. The normalisation of relations was a one-way thing anyway, Cheeseman was turning the other cheek everytime Kenya upped the ante in its effort to humiliate them. Additionally, enabling direct flights between Nairobi and Mogadishu was always preferred, even during the Warlords era days. But what this tells us is that the powers that be (read America) that has been working behind the scenes to bring the two sides together. In fact, the American Ambassador to Kenya was recently quotes as saying that Cheeseman pledged to settle the maritime issue outside court. Of course, N&N minions denied it, but who is going to take their word for it? Additionally what happened in Nairobi last few days is just diplomatic dance moves to turn the pledges into a formal agreement. Again, the Kenyans have said the Court issue will be settled outside court, re-enforcing the US Ambassador's comments. And it seems that is how it going to end up.
  13. One has to first quantify the pressures each has and what each has to lose. It is obvious that Cheeseman is the one that is under substantial pressure and has most lose if the rift continues. The first give away here is what made Cheeseman go to Nairobi. The reason given was initially that he was attending a conference. And the conference turns out to be a very low key that a minister could have handled it. The second give away is the nature of the meeting itself. It took place in Somalia's Embassy, possibly as a decoy and give the false impression that Cheeseman is playing hardball. And the 3rd give away is the press release, the press release from Cheeseman's side never mentioned the dispute. Whereas the Kenyan side mentioned it and underscored that 'mutually acceptable' action will be taken. The final give away is yet to be materialise and is related to Ahmed Modobe's fate, or whether or not a new election takes place. It seems that the Kenyans may have thrown Ahmed Modobe under the bus or at the very least accepted a 'new election' in jubaland, in return for Cheeseman to settle the dispute outside Court. War jiraaba cakaara.
  14. It is good that Ethiopia is openning up its markets, albet slowly. That is the best thing that will happen for Somalis as Somalis are business smart and have access to the seas.
  15. About time. Why they were not given the same opportunity when the folks from Xiingalool were being attacked in Garowe? Specially knowing the Sultan of East Sanaag was in town and came specifically to defuse the situation. I wonder.
  16. We, Somalis from downunder, have not assimilated yet like you folks in North America. There are lots of things that are still taboo here that has become normal in North America. I just can't stand the smell of what they drink so I mostly skip the event. For example they send out the Xmas party invite 30 days earlier and if I think it is not appropriate for me to be there, I sometimes arrange my leave a day or two earlier. Last year we went to a golf course so I attended. But previous years, they arranged a lunch at a local bar, so I skipped it. But during the year, luncheons, they accommodate my dietry restrictions by either going to a fully sea-food only restraunt or halal restraunts of which there are many. I got the other day bottles of fresh camel milk and my colleagues had a taste of it. They loved it.
  17. The UAE's clandestine operations in Puntland as well as the Bosaso Port deal, they were always seen as shoddy deals and shadowy operations. In any case, it seems the wheels are coming off. The situation is even worse than I thought before. Here is an interview with one of the leaders of the new administration for Bosaso/Barri region. They seem to have taken almost full control of the city and are running the place now.
  18. New rebel group "Ciidamadda Xasilinta" supported by local clans have taken control of Bosaso Port and surrounding areas. Things are escalating quickly.
  19. Hopefully this will facilitate Ethiopia's businesses to easily transact goods and services while in Somaliland. CBE to open branches in Somaliland, Saudi Arabia - WardheerNews WARDHEERNEWS.COM The Commercial Bank of Ethiopia and Ethiopian Airlines are bracing their business partnership by introducing new joint transaction services. In a joint press conference held on Wednesday at Ethiopian Skylight...
  20. Awoowe, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. Surely, it must be duck. In this picture, you have Cheeseman along with 10 other men who seem to all be holding their utensils in their hands. And if my memory serves me better, a paper plate with a napkin, it is time for hot dogs. OK, I will take back 'cunaaya' part, but there is an intent to grab some of what on offer, which is most likely BBQ sausages.