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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Xaaf names his own S/Election Commission for Galmudug, a direct a challenge to Xassan Cali Khaire's plans. It looks like Xassan Cali Khaire will be bogged down in Galmudug. If a disputed presidential selection takes place where it results with two or more presidents. Then this will mark as yet another spectacular setback for Nabar iyo Naxdin's plans for the upcoming Somalia S/Elections later in the year. The stakes are very high particularly Hassan Cali Khaire's political future. Xaaf: "Hadda kadib wax aan aniga rabin kama soconayaan Galmudug" | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Gaalkacyo (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf ayaa sheegay in Galmudug wixii hada ka dambeeya aysan ka soca doonin wax uusan raali ka aheyn. Xaaf oo wareysi …
  2. Subxaanallah. Hada ma waxaad keentay inaad quluubta binu-aadamka aad daalacato? Waar ninyow ha dambaabin. Mida kale, waxaad tidhi waa ku-meel-gaadh, bal maalinta aad saansaanteeda aad aragtid in ku-meel-gaadhka laga baxaayo, ila soo socodsii. Awoowe, runtu sida dhabaaxadda ayay wajiga dadka kaga dhacdaa, hadii dharbaaxooyinkii hore aad indhaha ku kala qaadi wayday, mid kuu kala furta waad heli doonta.
  3. Kheyre oo kulamo siyaasadeed ka wada Dhuusomareeb WWW.VOASOMALI.COM Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre oo dhowaan gaaray magaalada Dhuusomareeb, si xal kama dambeys ah ay u gaaraan dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Ahlu-Sunna, ayaa la kulmay madaxda...
  4. Awoowe xisaabta aad sheegtay ay ka qaadanayaan waa tee? Miiska maxay la tagayaan? ileen wa ognay wax gacanta ugu jira ma jirtee? Ragga Garowe jooga dulsaar mooye wax kale kuma hayaan Garowe, hadii mushahar noqoto iyo hadii xil beenaad noqoto labada ba. Waa ogyihiin taa. Kuwa Hargeisa jooga, at least cashuurtii iyo votekii/dadki iyo dhulkii miiska ayu u saaranyay oo rag marti ku ah dhulkoodi maha.
  5. The BK issue has highlighted the misplaced priorities of Reer Koonfurka. They know who financed the bombings, they know who carried out the bombings and they know which countries are knee deep in this. If only they spend 10% of the hate energy they expended on BK on the real issue, they could have gotten closer to resolving their issues.
  6. This is a recent document I gather. I do not see any reference for original source. I can easily find hundreds of thousands of sources referring Sanaag's 3 original districts. In any case, what you are saying is that the original Badhan District has been divided into 3 districts. What does that mean anyway? other than just additional names on a table. Does it change the landmass of Badhan District? Does it change the population of Badhan? I mean, you can divide Badhan into many many districts but the number people will neither increase nor decrease or the size of Badhan district. Probably the resources allocated by Afwayne could have increased i.e. number of schools etc. So what is the point that you are trying to make here? Consider this, both Ceerigaabo and Ceel Afwayn have been subdivided into many districts. Does that mean anything to you?
  7. Taxi driverku taxi-driver kale ha raadsado. Awoowe hore waxa loo yidhi 'habar fadhida legdin wax ula fudud'. Maamulka Garowe was defeated on the battle fields. If there were some locals that used to look to Garowe, they no longer do. Mayd waxa ugu danbeeysay Tukaraq. Hadii maamulka Garowe in uun waji dhiganlahayd, waxay soo celin lahayd dhulka maamul ahaan laga qabsaday. Taa ayaa kalsooni keeni lahayd. Bal riyoda aad ku jirtid ku darso in aad ku darsatid dhulkii laga qabsaday inaad soo xoraysid kolka hore. Kolay waxaad halkan ka cadaysay in aanad la socon taariikhda Reer Laascaanood. Ninka reer Laascaanood kolka uu joogo Hargeisa, isaga oo abtirsada mooye si naba loogama soo dhex soocaayo. Halka kolka uu joogo Garowe tuke baal cad ka yahay. Riyoda iska daa oo reality dib ugu soo laabo.
  8. Ilaahay amarkii Soomaalidii dhamaanteed waxay si fiican u baratay waa Hadhaagii Afwayne. Hadii aad aragtid qof 'Somalinimo' iyo 'midnimo' meelahaa ku dawarsanaaya, waa hadhaagii Afwayne, afka laad kaga jiid.
  9. Gooni Luqunta sare u taag oo catawga iska daa. Aduunka waxa loo yaaba kolka taxi-driver uu Prof afka ku taago. Awoowe, Prof. Cali Khaliif kaa aqoon badan adiga, una malayn maayo in adiga oo kale wax ka dhagaysanaayo. Faysal Cali Waraabe shaashadda ayuunba ka baratay, kabahiisa ma gaadhid. Anyway, Halkan waa Professor Ahmed Ismaciil Samatar oo dood dalka Sweden kaga qayb galay dhawaan.
  10. Sanaag had 3 districts when Afwayne was sent to exile in 1991, namely Ceerigaabo, Ceel Afwayn and Badhan. At the moment, Sanaag has Ceerigabo, Ceel Afwayne, Mayd, Garadag, Badhan, Dhahar and Laas Qorey.
  11. Looma ooyaanku ma oga in Maxamad Siciid BK kaga karaamo iyo sharaf badanyay Mogadishu. Maxamed Siciid BK waa Super Star. Hadii maanta go'aansado inu Mogadishu ka dego, waxaan hubaa in sidii Madaxweyne safaf dhaadheer loo istaagi lahaa, waliba who-is-who Mogadishu's elite.
  12. Cheeseman may take some of the credit but the ultimately the credit belongs to the UN's Unesco organisation. Somaliland's curriculum was done by the same UNESCO back 15 years ago, it is free for all secondary and primary schooling. If I ever get a copy of Somalia's new text books, I wouldn't be surprised finding out my uncles's work being copied by Somalia.
  13. We welcome Somaliland's Friends' constructive criticism. Somaliland politics is cut-throat business. And the small issues that is currently holding back the elections from going-ahead is so minor and non-significant when you compare them to the grand scheme of issues Somaliland is facing, includind youth unemployment, delivery of justice to the masses, de-centralisation of power, and particiption of female-folk in the political, economic and social spheres of influence. The 3 Political Parties need to resume talks as soon as possible and get over this small hurdle as quickly as it can be. In that regards, I am told a high level delegation from Somaliland's Friends will be arriving this Month to break a deal between the 3 political parties so elections can take place.
  14. Those details are on public domain. In fact, it is the most scrutinised deal ever. An easy serach will fetch the results you need. Anyway, in comparison, no one actually know what the Turkish deal is with Mogdaishu' main port. No one knows how long the deal is and is involved.
  15. Trust me, that is where it will all end up. A new Forum, name it any name you want will have to take this by the horns.
  16. Actually, it is not about inability to hold elections, I am sure you understand that there is no questions about that here. But the delays are related to more fundamental and important issues. Just mere elections of replacing the current do-no-gooders with another lot of do-no-gooders, is just pointless. The fundamental issues are related to how Somaliland can hold a more Perfect election, with a lot of more transparency than previous ones. I am sure if you compare with Somaliland's last election to any other, it was pretty close to Western Standard elections. The delays is to wrinkle out the last few issues that were identified in the last elections. Hence, the whole brouhaha in Somaliland at this moment is nothing more than making the election more perfect than the previous ones. In any case, the Somaliland parliament's decisions have a Police Force and Government that is able to enforce it. Something that is not true for the lameduck so called Parliament in Mogadishu. Case in point: DP World Berbera. With regards to the Political Parties, unfortunately that is the Somali culture. Even if the Political party wants to appeal to wider sphere of influence, it is limited by the actual voters' ingrained perceptions and that political party is bound to getting majority of its votes from clan lines. This is universally true for all Somalis, not just Somaliland. The only difference in Somaliland is that, our culture is more pronounced to clans than others, but that doesn't mean others are any better. In fact, Somalis say Waraabaha ka ciya (Somalilanders) and kan aamusan (Reer Koonfurka), kan aamusan ayaa daran.
  17. Parliamenku maha mid awood leh ama representative ah. Horta taa si fiican u dhuux oo maskaxda ilaahay ku siiyay ha rogrogto macnaheeda. So whatever decision it makes, will not effect anything unless it has the full backing of the FMS and their leadership. It is a complete hogwash if you think the Parliament will go alone and make its own decisions. The Cheeseman disbanded Forum that used to bring all the FMS leadership and FGS, will have to be revived. And it is only then that agreements can be reached. I want to see a Forum that will bring Cheeseman and Ahmed Madobe together. The ultimate symbol of defeat for Cheeseman.
  18. Awoowe doodu in badanba way kaa xidhneyd adiga ayaan is ogayne. Kol hadii aad garawsatay inay kaa xidhantay, waa alx. Welcome ayaan leenay. Mida aqoonsiga aad ka dhawaajisay, aqoonsiga dawlado badan oo haysta ayaa jira oo hadana aad u liita. Waxa ka mid ah Somalia, South Sudan iyo Burundi.
  19. Indeed. That is the plan, for Berbera to resume its role as regional hub for trade and commerce which it lost to Djibouti after 1960s disastrous failed union with Ex-Italian Somalia. There are plans to use Air Cargo to deliver goods using the newly refurbished Berbera Airport to the landlocked states of South Sudan and Uganda, at more competitive rates than Kenya is offering. Container carrying trucks from Berbera Port await at Puntland's Buuro Wadal checkpoint. These trucks are tax exempted in Somaliland as the goods are destined in neighbouring Somalia/Puntland. Only standard handling and forwarding fees were paid.
  20. That is the most obvious conclusion. But listen to this clueless woman. She absolutely has no clue what she is talking about. She puts all her eggs on so called toothless rotten Parliament signing the Election Bill. Even they sign election bill, it is as good as toilet paper, that is unless the FMS have clear in put into the laws. And with the current toxic political environment which Cheeseman created, it won't be easy to bring all and agree on anything. The biggest F*** up is about to take place in the next few months.
  21. Reer Sool dad la gumaysan karo maha, awoowe. Waa dad ayagu choice kooda uga mid noqday Somaliland. masha allah dheh, lagama masuugo horimarka ka socda gobolka Sool. The participants that were invited from Galmudug and Kilka 5aad, were left dumb-funded at the level of peace and tranquillity that exists in Laascaanood. They made comments that they were not expecting this at all. Not a single civilian carries arms in the city. It is a far cry from 10 years ago when every tom, dick and harry would openly wield their guns in the streets. The peace and stability has also encouraged businesses and civil society to flourish.