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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Anigu odhan maayo odeygu been cad ayuu sheegaya, waa laga yaaba inay sidaa ula eekoonaatay. Meesha ka hadli mayno odey hebel oo gurigiisi iiyo xaaskiisi ka sheekaynaya. Waxa aan ka hadlayna waa madaxtooyadda iyo arin dhiibis nin Somali ah oo loo gacan galiyay Ethiopia. Sida uu hadalka u dhigaayo, Cabdi Xaashi waa ogaa in arinkani aad xasaasi u yahay. Laakin wuxu hadana ino sheegay inay ka hoostay oo aanu siinin misaanka ay leehayd iyo xog-doonkii dawlad lagu ogaan jiray. Wax caqliga gali kara maha, labadaa marxaladood ee Cabdi Xaashi kalmahada aadka u raqiiska ah isku dhaafiyay. Hadii Wariye fiican meesha joogo, su'aalo badan oo muhiim ah oo qaawin kara hadalka Cabdi Xaashi ayaa meesha ka soo baxayaa. Sidee ku dhacday nin dhan oo uu ogyahay inu la soo qabtay oo waliba Passport Ethiopian ah wata, inu Dawladda isku soo dhiibo? Halkee ka keenay Passport ka cusub? Maxaa keenay degdega ka muuqda sida wax loo dhameeyay? Cheeseman waa ogaa siday wax yihiin oo waa kan yidhi Cabdi Xaashi saqdii dhexe ayu telephone u soo diray oo ku yidhi Madaxtooyada iigu kaalay. Waxa waax oo dhan fuuqsanysa, Dawladdu press release kii ay sheegtay in la soo qabtay qof argagaxiso ah falal danbiyeed ku jira oo loo gacan galiyay Dawladda Ethiopia maadaama aanu Soomaali ahayn, se yahay nin Ethiopian ah. Waxaan sugnaa waa facts aan ka helno Sanbaloolshe.
  2. This was the press release from Cheeseman's government. How can you reconcile that to this. I am eagerly looking forward to Sanbaloolshe's tell all interview about this saga.
  3. Genel Energy on track to spud the first well in 2020. Currently a huge drilling operations camp being built near Qara Dhagax, Eastern Togdheer.
  4. Hasha awrkeedii diiday, awr kale u ololshay, afartaba dab laga saar wa abaahi seegta. He thinks he is joining a proper Army, little does he know that these are Ex-M0ryaans in uniform.
  5. Ciidamada Somaliland oo saldhig kala wareegay Puntalnd | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) ― Warar aanu ka helayno deegaanka Boocame ee gobolka Sool ayaa waxay sheegayaan in Ciidamo ka tirsan Somaliland ay goordhoweyd la wareegen Saldhigii deegaankaasi oo...
  6. Competition is good for all. I think, a totally free movement of goods is a good thing, and tariffs. What should differentiate is the service, the connections and infrastructure. That way the full potential can be reached, because it is a survival of the fittest, smartest and savvyest. Ethiopia is the cake. There was an Oromia Regional Business consortium led by the Oromia Vice President that recently came to Berbera. They are very keen to divert some of their businesses to Berbera. Also, there are plans to establish a dry port in Juba, capital of South Sudan. The idea is to use Berbera's International Airport to deliver goods from Berbera Port via dedicated DP World Cargo Aircraft from the newly refurbished Berbera International Airport.
  7. I think what @Che -Guevara doesn't know is that this is also in Puntland's interest. Since Somaliland doesn't tax, there is an incentive for Puntland to tax the products. There is already a tax office for Puntland at GodQaboobe. The thing is, the central regions in Somalia have already ditched Bosaso for Mogadishu Port. But since Cheeseman came, there has been a lot of tax increases. If Mogadishu's Bakaraha Market at one time used to offer cheapest market price products, today it is the opposite. The products in Bakahara are very expensive when you compare it to same products available at Togochale market. For Puntland, it is a choice, they can work with the market and be innovative i.e. make it easier for businesses from Central regions to shop at Gambadhe and in the process collect a lot of more tax that would noramlly go to Mogadishu. Or they can make it harder but eventually the market will win either through blackmarket or contraband and in the process Puntland will actually experience faster decline as the prodcuts arriving in its markets are not taxed and probably in better shape (i.e. quality of frieght handling, Puntland Business currently unload from containers and load on dows and many products get destroyed or damaged.).
  8. Hargeisa is experiencing foggy weather for the past few days. Normally the fog used to disappear by around 10am. But these last few days the fog is around the clock.
  9. What this means is that, Somaliland's big importers will be able to build wholesale warehouses. The products on offer will be much cheaper than any similar/exact product that is imported through Bosaso Port, as these products will not be taxed by Somaliland. Small businesses in Puntland will be able to skip the middlemen and buy bulk products directly.
  10. Climate change is having a positive effects on Somaliland this year. The raining season which started in April last year is still going. Normally rains that take place in late December and January are called "xays" and are localised to coastal areas. But this year the Xays rains are raining down as far as Burco, Hargeisa and Borama. Borama this morning.
  11. A new Police University, funded by the UK, will be established. Qualified trainers will drawn from UK's Scotland yard as well as Commonwealth nations. The University will be able to train young officers for leadership roles in the police
  12. Well, Ethiopia may have 7 lifes like a cat, but it is surely running low in how many more chances left for it. It all depends how the coming election goes. It is most likely be a bloody one.
  13. Puntland oo kasoo horjeesatay sharciyada doorashooyinka iyo batroolka Soomaaliya HIIRAAN.COM Khamiis, Janaayo, 09, 2020 (HOL)- Madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Puntland, Siciid Cabdulaahi Deni, ayaa sheegay inay kasoo horjeedaan sharciga batroolka Soomaaliya oo dhawaan ay meel mariyeen labada...
  14. Caana boodha ciyaar mood oo ku soo carar KSA iyo SL waa laba dal oo kala madax banaan. A conference about the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, that does not include Somaliland, is nothing but hubris. A reality check is in store for them.