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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. In the case of Central Somalia/Puntland, it is actually a case of the customer knocking on the supplier's door to do business. You can't turn that sort of customer away. it is a win-win solution. With regards to Ethiopia, what will be a game changer is when the Ethiopian government privatises the Ethiopian Shipping Lines company and at the same time allowed private Import/Export companies to operate inside Ethiopia. This will allow competition to determine which port to use rather than government monopoly. There is a lot of work being done behind the scenes regarding this. In fact, DP World is in the process of openning a dry port near Bishoftu just outside Addis Abeba.
  2. By comparison, Kenya's Mombassa Port was handling 1.4 million TEU in 2019. And Djibouti's Doralleh Port was 1.2 million TEU. For Berbera Port to leapfrog into the league of biggest ports in the region in such a short span of time, is nothing short of miracle.
  3. Mr. Hereri from Universal TV has created a program on Berbera Port. Key notes; 1. Construction New 400m Container Terminal will be completed by Oct 2020 and open for business by Jan 2021. 2. The current old Port handles 150,000 TEU containers. It is expected to grow to 450,000 TEU by end of 2021 or 300% growth. In 5 yrs, Berbera Port is projected to handle 1 million TEU containers. 3. A new Tug-boat has been ordered for old port. 4. A new Pilot Boat is coming for Berbera Port, which is equipped modern Comms. 5. Berbera Corridor road upgrade is on track to be completed by 2021.
  4. Currently the old Port of Berbera is being dug to remove accumulation of sand. The original depth of the Port when it was used as a Naval Base by US was 16m, enough to accommodate even Nuclear Carriers. Sand being dug out of the old Port sea bed is being used to reclaim land in the new 400m container terminal being built. It is an innovative way to kill two birds with one stone. As we speak, the old Port of Berbera is now able to accommodate large container vessels like the one below.
  5. It looks like the Berbera's tax-free policy toward Puntland Businesses, has practically closed down Bosaso Port. At this time of the year, it is usually the open season "Bad Furan" and is supposedly the busiest time for Bosaso Port. But there is next to zero activity, according to longtime resident of Bosaso city. Probably no businessman wants to be left behind, they moved to Berbera.
  6. @maakhiri1 This is not about being happy or not. I couldn't careless what he says, but the only reason I am sharing this here is to drive an old point, today's pseudo nationalists are remnants of Afwayne's regime and their offspring. They have zero credibility and crying about 'Midnimo' and 'Somaliniom' is just a shameful way of them to hide their deep seated hate. With regards to Talks, that is not even possible. Not a chance. Somaliland is not going to throw a lifeline to a sinking boat.
  7. The irony is deafening. These goons were yesterday making life hard for ordinary people in Hargeisa with around the clock curfews not to mention daylight robberies of private property, extra-judicial killings and disappearances. Today, the same people are stuck inside a hotel or houses, and cannot go to the local Masjid to observe their religious duties. And still, they have not grown one or two brain cells.
  8. This is Cagjar talking intelligently talking about this. Ficil walba iyo go'aan walba oo qofku ama dawlad gaadho, aakhir results keeda ama natiijadeda halku saldhigto ama ku danbeeyo ayuunba daliil u noqota inu go'aan fiican ahaa ama go'aan lagu khaasaray. Maanta kuwii yidhi midnimo Somaliyeed ayaan doonaynay inaan ilaalino, ilaahay amarkii waxa maanta ka jira geeska africa ayaa daliil u ah. Raggi hargeisa dumiyay, waxay si fiican uga shaqeeyeen in aanay Soomaali mar danbe isaaminin oo la kala irdhoobo.
  9. Waxa hore loo yidhi doqonta xadhiga u dhiib ayada laasim isku dabi doonta. Siduu u socday, aakhir wuxu yidhi, Terrorist attacks Afgoi xaq waaye, xaasuuqi hargeisa xaq waaye. ahahahah Ilaahay caqliga fuud kaaga shub.
  10. Jen. C/raxmaan Guulwaade oo sheegay inuu sax ahaa duulaankii dowladdii Milateriga ku qaaday Gobolada Waqooyi - Jowhar Somali Leader WWW.JOWHAR.COM Jen. C/raxmaan Cabdi Xuseen Guulwade oo ka mid ah Guddiga uu magacaabay Madaxweyne Farmaajo ee Wada hadalada Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland ayaa sheegay inuu sax ahaa duulaankii dowladdii...
  11. I was watching it while on a crowded train to work. Probably I missed that point. Another point he raised was that he said "Qiimo Raqiisa in Qalbi Dhagax lagu bixiyo ayaan ka ordaynay". Which in my opinion, think that Cheeseman could have bargained with the Ethiopians to get favours from them. Which is even more sinister. With that said, What Qalbi-Dhagax revealed on release biles to the Handing over episode. Cheeseman begged Abiye Ahmed and his officials to keep the man in jail or send him to the firing squad. Why ask? This is an interesting story. It is worthy of a feature film, the man they sent to the 'Death on the Gallows' as the Texans speak goes, has returned to haunt them for the rest of their lives.
  12. This is Qalbi-Dhagax talking about the events that led to his release and how Cheeseman left no stone unturned to keep Qalbi-Dhagax in prison or even suggested for death penalty.
  13. Here is an interview with Sanbaloolshe key points: 1. He got involved only after getting news about Puntland/GalMudug both vying to get their hands on this man in Gaalkaio and Ethiopian Secret Services closing on him. 2. He ordered to transfer him to Mogadishu and alerted the PM and Cheeseman about the captive man. 3. He trashed the idea that Qalbi Dhagax was giving himself in, but rather said he was forcefully handed over to Ethiopia 4. He says he never had any direct discussions with Ethiopians, only fullfilled the orders from PM Khaire and Cheeseman. 5. He underscores that Country to Country Rendition policy is not part of his job. 6. Asks Cheeseman and his gov't to de-list ONLF from the Terrorist List, since Ethiopia has long removed ONLF from its Terror List.
  14. @galbeedi Besides the backtracking of an already signed agreement, what is the wider implications on this? How can they ask the IC to funnel all Aid/Development through N&N? It leaves very bad taste at the back of everyone's tongue. He should have rather stuck with it, at least that could have earned him a lot of respects from some quarters but now, dhan walba kaa ka dhintay. If you know what I mean. On another note, this reminds me of the old Lion vs rest of animal kingdom story, where the Lion takes everything at the end, ma badh mise badh-kale, badh libaax ayaa leh, badhka soo hadhay ma in mise inta kale, in Libaax ayaa leh, jabka soo hadhay ma jab mise jabka kale jab Libaax ayaa leh. Imika Mogadishu wixii la siiyo Mogadishu ayaa leh, wixii goboladda kale la siiyo badh-ayay ku leeday.
  15. hmmm. xooluhu shugux shugux kama ilbaxdo. All it takes is a $500 dollars. Few dollars for Logo design, few dollars for new suit and some more dollars to get so called journalists to come to your hotel. And you have Saalaxo running with it like he found his new Daddy.
  16. It looks Planning Minister was trying to sneak this project under PM's radar, but it fails spectacularly. Missing from the list are Jowhar and Dhuusomareeb/Cadaado. Also, Mogadishu got the same funds as village sized Garowe. What was rationale behind this?
  17. Gudoomiyihii Degmada Taleex ee Maamulka Garoowe oo Tukaraq lagu soo dhaweeya