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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The UN has turned to Sheikh Sherif and Hassan Sheikh's Madasha Xisbiyadda for help in bringing a solution to GalMudug. Another smack in the face of the incomptent Nabar iyo Naxdin. Sheekh Shariif iyo James Swan oo ka hadlay xiisada ka taagan Dhuusamareeb | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET London (Caasimadda Online) – Hogaamiyaha Madasha Xisbiyada Qaran Shiikh Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa kulan xasaasi ah Magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska kula qaatay ergeyga gaarka ah ee Qarama…
  2. He said the IC takes a 'deep breath' on news from Somali politics. Well they will need more than a deep breath in the next few months. But his call for a Forum for Maamul-Goboleed is another smack in the face of Cheeseman who dismissed a similar Forum that was established by HSM. This is just the start of a long winded political defeat of the Nabar iyo Naxdin bandwagon. .
  3. It seems like Xaaf has re-elected himself as President as well, his group have elected a new Speaker of Parliament and Vice President, effectively leaving President Xaaf in his position. ------- Xildhibaanada Galmudug Garabka Xaaf oo doortay madaxweyne ku-xigeen iyo guddoomiye baarlaman | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Gaalkacyo ( Caasimadda Online) – Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Galmudug ee garabka Madaxweyne Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf ayaa maanta Magaalada Gaalkacyo ku doortay guddoomiye baarlaman iyo...
  4. That is plausable. But is the alternative better? not disclosing the faith of Janan is, in my opinion, a crime against humanity. Khashojjigii Saudi Arabia yay masalayaan mise China ayay is moodeen? ileen China ayuunba prisoners organs intay kala baxaan nolol iyo dhimasho la waaya. @gooni Maskax guur ayaa kugu dhacay maalmahan. Qofka binu aadamka ah ama sifo sharci ah ku xidhaano, ama dil toogasho ah lagu fuliyo ama waa la sii daaya. Laakin waa la waayay, wax caqliga gala maha.
  5. All the different sides in GalMudug are united in one thing, they want Hassan Cali Khaire to stop interfering. Will HAK able to recover a huge political set back from GalMudug? The Self-Declared President of GalMudug Sheikh Shaakir talking to VOA. Wareysi: Sheekh Maxamed Shaakir WWW.VOASOMALI.COM Xaaladda siyaasadeed ee Maamul Goboleedka Galmudug ayaa kasii daraysa iyadoo garabka taabacsan Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaaca ay sheegeen inay doorteen madaxweyne cusub, kaasi oo loo doortay...
  6. Sheekh Shakir wuxu la meeraystoba Khaire kolkii lacag iyo wakhti ba dhameeyay wuxu isku doortay Madaxweynaha GalMudug. Walee waa siyaasi khatar ah. All we wait is for Xaaf to declare his own Presidency. There is most likely another President from Khaire camp.
  7. Ehlu-Sunnah leader has elected himself as President of GalMudug.
  8. Soon to start 1. A road connect Ceerigaabo to the fishing port of Mait. 2. A brand new Fishing Port in Mait that will accommodate fishing vessels.
  9. What is the chance of Cheeseman even pulling off something similar to HSM's S/Election process? I think it is next to zero. HSM had a lot of political credit coming into his final year. He spent that credit very wisely and pushed along. However, Cheeseman has created such a toxic political environment that it is highly unlikely a smooth coordinated S/election process will ever take place. I remember it was in July 2019 when Khaire spent a whole 2 weeks in Dhuuso Mareeb and after more than 6 months there is no end in sight for GalMudug elections. If it is taken Khaire and Cheeseman 6 months and still counting, can you imagine trying to coordinate issues across a wider geographic setting? Ra’iisul Wasaare Khayre Oo Dhuusamareeb Ku Qaabilay Wafdi Ka Socda Wasaaradda Difaaca Qatar - Mustaqbal Radio WWW.MUSTAQBALRADIO.NET Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Xasan Cali Khayre, ayaa maanta magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta Galmudug ku qaabilay wafdi ka socda wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga dalka Qatar...
  10. Barigii hore Sawaxiliga ayaa la baranjiray, hada waa Af Amxarada.
  11. Joint Statement on Somalia’s Electoral Law | UNSOM UNSOM.UNMISSIONS.ORG Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* reaffirm their commitment to supporting preparations for the 2020/2021 federal elections. In order for elections to be held on time, it is essential that... After 3 years of banging their heads on the wall and not moving an inch forward. Cheeseman accepted for the UN write a draft law regarding the S/Elections.
  12. While Mr. Baile is counting his tax money, the people of Mogadishu are either counting their dead people or counting their lost income. They are worlds apart. Nabar iyo Naxdin is busy stashing cash in the slush funds and dining and wining in Djibouti & Addis Abeba since Nairobi is off limits these days. Here is one of Cheeseman's closest men (former head of Police in Mogadishu) now a security adviser, in Addis Abeba enjoying his room service.
  13. The famous Bakaraha Market no longer is as vibrant and as bustling as it once was. This due to a combination of many things topping these are 1. security and 2. Taxation. In terms of Security, firstly there are so many checkpoints that it is not even funny. Getting to the market ordinary people have to navigate through checkpoint after checkpoint. There are cases of checkpoint soldiers demanding bribe money or even kill people. Yet, despite all the checkpoints there are still Alshabab. And the other issue affecting taxation by both Alshabab and Cheeseman's Government. The business community neither get any service from these tax money, no fire fighting service, no security, nothing. There were many cases of fire breaking out and damaging businesses buildings. The end result is a city under siege. whose only bright spots are getting bombed out of business or taxed out of business.
  14. Magaaladda Hargeisa oo in mudo ahba hadh iyo habeen roobku kala qaadin.
  15. @maakhiri1 Waxaad isku khaldaysa dagaaladda qabaliga ah, ee laba beelood oo jaar/daris ah isku dhacaan iyo Organisation SNM. Waa kala laba. Dagaalka qabaliga ah SNM ka hor waa jiray, SNM ka dib waa jira, SNM kolkay jirtay waa socday. Waliba 1980kii Siyad Barre siyaasaddihii uu kula dagaalamaayay SNM ayay ka mid ahayd dagaaladda qabaliga ah. Reer walba reerka dariska la ah ayuu ku xudho-xudheeyay. Way jirtay in marmar dagaalo Qabiil boqolaal la iska dili jiray, waxa ka mid ah dagaaladdi Haye-Haye (Haye Bari iyo Haye Galbeed), waxa ka mid dagaaladdi ka dhici jiray Ceerigaabo. Waxa ka mid ah dagaaladdi Buuhoodle. Waxa ka mid ah dagaaladdi Kilka shanaad ee jahbadda ONLF/WSLF iyo beelo degaanka ah ku dagaalami jireen. Waxa ka mid ahaa dagalaadi Gabiley iyo waqooyiga Awdal/Lughaya oo ciidan beeleedyo si wayn looo hubeeyay dad badan ku laayeen. Inta badan dadkiii SNM taageerijiray difaac ayay ku jireen oo kolka rugtaada iyo reerkaaga lagugu soo doonto, waad iska celinaysa. This is Abwaan Qaasim oo gabay ka tiriyay sidii Dawladdi Afwayne u hubaysay beelaha. Ma-Geydada Isaaq nimanka dhacay mahadin maayaane Marreexaan Gedood iyo Absame nama miskeedaane Dadkan mawdku noo soo hor kacay waannu maax duminne Midgihiyo Sabtana waan u talin Maagga Samarroone Maarraha Ugaaslabe la baxay waa masala dhaafe Akishaha masiibadu waddaa waa milga habow'e Ma-Hadhada Bartire nagula kacay waaba loo marag'e Abasguulka Malaggiisu galay mudh isa soo siiye Inuu Gerina noo soo mir tegey meel fog laga sheegye Maqalloo Gahayluhuna waa noo min tiriyaaye Mindiyaha Jidwaaq iyo warmuu miridhi dooneeye Sheekhaashti midabbayn jirtaa noogu maag badane Isna Muxumud reerii ka guur magansigoodiiye Malluugahays beddelay waa waqtigu maad u leeyahaye Madax-gaabtu riiq maleh dagaal laysu maan baxaye In Maxaysatada lagu dhugtami wayska maan garanne Maajeenta Qarafbaa belbelin midhan ku tuuraaye Guul lama maroorsado haddaan looga dhalan meele Maayaddii Tumaalkiyo hadday murugtay heestiiye Mawdii Durbaankiyo la waa mooya-tumihiiye Illayn waxay mashxaraddii ahayd maalmo nabadeede Ways muujin sheekadu sidii maamka loo dhigo'e Halkaan Calanka ugu soo muday magansan doontaaye Muddaduna sidaan filayo waa maalmo dabadeede Gobannimada kii maal baxshee cadaw mahiibsiiyey Iyo magaca ka u dhiidhiyee miiratada laayey Nin kastaba abaal waxa la marin ka u mutaystaaye Saddex-Magac-Alle inaan dib loo murugsanaanayne Markhaataan ka dhigayaa tixaha marag ha loo yeelo Muranbaaba laysugu dhintee maanso iga reeba @gooni inaad intan dhaantid ayaan u haystay. Laakin iska celi beestayn ayaa tahay.
  16. It was in the plans for the SNM to create a rebellion in the South. Which is understandable since the political capital is in the South and very far from the operating theatre of the SNM. In fact, the 3rd SNM Chairman Col. Abdiqadir Koosaar was assassinated while organising what will become the USC in Mustaxiil area. One can actually say that the USC was the brainchild of the SNM, the very first leadership of the USC were Ex-SNM leaders i.e. Mr. Wardhiigley etc. The very first melitia under the banner of the USC were actually either drawn from SNM rankfile H-clan members or newly trained clan melitia in SNM run training camps. In any case, the SNM's had its hands all over the USC. It all seems surreal how things have unfolded. Afwayne was bogged down in the mountainous regions of the North, he made the biggest mistake when he moved all his eggs to the North. All the USC done was just walk down to his residency and round up the policemen since there was hardly any military left in the South. The SNM defeated Afwayne militarily, politically and tactically. It is a complete defeat, in such a short span of time - from creation in 1981 and victory in 1991 - 10 years. You cannot find any other rebel group in the world to have done that record.