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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Reer Baydhabo must be feeling proud that their country is learning a lesson or two on how to get few coins into the begging bowl.
  2. Bangladesh comes to Somalia’s rescue Bangladesh comes to Somalia’s rescue HIIRAAN.COM Since time immemorial Bangladesh has been taking on aids, grants and financial assistance from the global community. But now, it is providing debt relief to another nation, in a testament of the progress the...
  3. Somaliland currently produces more educated youth than any other Somali region. There are very limited places available in Somaliland to employ these young people. Hence, the surplass are leaving to pursue their careers wherever they find it. As with Faisal Cali Waraabe, he is the leader of one of the main opposition parties. His actual job is to critise the government's policies and leadership. He is doing a fine job at that. If you want to hear all the things the government is doing right, you will need to tune in to the Minister for Information Saleebaan Cali Koore. Or just watch how the government has spent its 2019 Budget in the Budget Recap Video.
  4. A port in Mait is going to be a game changer for Sanaag region. The region is so rich in resources and farming opportunities but it lacks infrastructure. Hopefully these new initiatives will turn the page. Ceerigaabo needs a decent Airport to service its tourism potential. Just the Somali people making pilgrimage to their founding fathers resting place. Sheekha maydhyaaloow, sheekh Isaxaaqoow, awooow shar naga hay. The founder of Samaroonia The founder of Daaroodia
  5. This is a global issue. From India to South Africa. The root cause are sexual frustration and sickness in the head. I commend on talking about this issue, exposing the Koofiyad-Bacle (Clan elders) who profit from it. The Gov't needs to inact the right laws banning of dealing this issue through the Xeer system. The perpetrators need to face the music.
  6. One yard-stick to measure if these are SNA or just repurposed clan melitia, is when Cheeseman leaves office, if they still identify themselves and keep their allegiances to whoever replaces Cheeseman. But as we all know, they will ditch the insignia and get out their clan cards.
  7. The US's new assertive and demanding policy will be a total failure. They actually do not understand the Somali psych and modus-operandi. It seems Mr. Yamommotto or whatever his name is, don't have a clue on how to engage with Somalis. The last thing Somalis response to is coercion and threats. The silence of the other International Partners needs to be noted.
  8. It is not only Cooper or Pete, it is actually the majority of whitemen who work in the humanitarian sector be it with UN or EU or US itself. That classify themselves as homosexual. I wonder why you would assume there are no homosexuals working Mogadishu? One of the key characteristics of Somalilanders is that, nothing is hidden. What you see is what you get. And it is also the root reason why Somaliland is safe and there are no terrorism or piracy or human traffickers. If there is a single incident of any sort, it is reported and known to everybody. There is no safe heaven. Back in 2018 there was a law passed by the Parliament which included the word 'Gender'. It was caught by good Samaritans that this word 'gender/jinsi' is a word preferred by homosexuals as it also includes their orientation. The word was changed to 'Sex/Lab/Dhedig". In order to remove any hidden meaning. In Mogadishu,, even your passport has the word 'gender' found in it. You guys are in for a long ride.
  9. Duufaan knows about the German guy, whoowhoo!. But guess what, I bet you that he doesn't know a single name or face from Ugandans or others in Xalane. It is the nature of this type of people, stick their heads in the sand and pretend nothing evil is taking place. At least, give credit, in Hargeisa, we have power to take action. Can you seriously take any actions towards the Ugandans or the myriad of foreigners exploiting young boys/girls in the broad daylight in Mogadishu? No. So please, spare us the crocodile tears.
  10. Massive road works for Berbera corridor project.
  11. He could become, in theory, the leader of the free world. Homosexuals are found everywhere these specially in the corridors of power.
  12. If we go by the 'igu-sawir' political analysis, it is Shaakir that is looking dominant in this photo-op. Calankii Galmudug isaga ayaa is dhinac dhigay... who is the boss!!!
  13. It used to take 4 hours to travel between Hargeisa and Borama. And when President Siilaanyo funded the 30km Dilla - Borama Road, the travel time has been cut to 2 hours. That means, the 30km rough road between Dilla and Borama used to take 2 hours. Now this is the same road.
  14. Russia has been in the news for quiet sometime now. But what is more likely to happen is the first UK military base will be established in Somaliland in the not too distant future.
  15. All the signs of resource curse can already be seen in Somalia. With a powerful country like USA, Cash rich Qatar already buying their horses in the game. It is going to be one of the world's textbook examples of how not to tap into one's resources. Nin aan waxa jooga garan, waxa soo socda ma garto. Fortunately, in Somaliland the people are where the power is. And one thing that differentiates Somalilanders from others is that, in Somaliland everything is discussed in the daylight, nothing is hidden. Anyone knows everything that is to it in Somaliland. It is just our nature and our way of doing things. In the case of Somalia, it is very much like Mafia bosses. A lot of things is done behind the curtains, a lot of heads roll and a lot of blood is shed to settle petty scores.
  16. Abdisalaan Hereri goes to Sanaag, a program about Burco to Ceerigaabo Road.
  17. Projects that will be finalised This year. 1. Burco - Ceerigaabo Road - 300 km of fully locally funded paved road will be finished in September 2020. This road has already cut the travel time between Burco and Ceerigaabo by half. People now can have their breakfast in Hargeisa and have lunch in Ceerigaabo. A tremendous improvement. 2. Berbera corridor Road - 200km modern highway that will connect Berbera to the trading town of Togwachale will be completed by October this year. 3. Berbera Port expansion - the new 400m Berbera Port Container Terminal will be completed by October this year 4. Berbera International Airport - the newly refurbished with new 4km runway, will be opened later in the year. Projects that will be turning sod in 2020 1. Hargeisa - Burco Road via Oodweine, funded by African Development Bank and Somaliland Government, this 180km hinterland road will cut travel time between Hargeisa and Burco by 1/2. The current road via Berbera is total length 300km. The new road via Oodweine will be 180km. Travellers will be saving over 100km of fuel expense and a lot of time. This road will also help cut time to far Eastern regions i.e. time to reach Ceerigaabo will be further cut. 2. Djibouti - Jigjiga Road via Borama, also Funded by Africa Development Bank, this is 250km Road that will link Djibouti and Jigjiga passing through Borama. 3. Drill babe Drill - The first Oil well of many will get drilled this year. 4. Ceerigaabo - Mait Road - a 30km steep downhill/uphill road that winds down through Daallo Mountains and crosses Tabca Pass. This road will cut travel time to and from coastal communities. 5. Mait Fishing Port - A port that will serve as an economic hub for Sanaag regions to tab into the rich fishing seas on its shore.
  18. The US is no longer a behind the scenes arm-twister rather it is on the front foot fighting to save her agent-in-chief Cheeseman from political embarrassment. Now that they have fired their shots, lets see if they actually get anywhere with it. It is just got very interesting. Gloves are off.
  19. US Embassy off the rank to congratulate Qoor-Qoor.
  20. The US Embassy has tweeted what amounts to a veiled threat to those opposing Cheeseman. It is open secret the US Somalia is steering the ship in Somalia. And that Cheeseman is a CIA frontman dancing to their tunes. So the idea that 'Awoodii beesha caalamka' is misleading. It is now been reduced to few countries among them USA, Qatar and Ethiopia. These 3 countries have unsurpassed power to get what they want and do what they want.