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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Political junkies of all colours and strides have described Muse Biixi visit to Addis Abeba and the high level reception he was accorded as nothing less than a 'in your face dunk' on Cheeseman's face. Cheeseman needs to apologise to Guinea Conakry.
  2. Shimbir ayaa maalin dab qaaday oo gurigeedii ayay gubtay. Cheeseman will leave a legacy of burning down his own home region. The town of Buulo Xaawo is a tinderbox waiting to explode, with at least 2 armed clan melitias on either side of the town and the Kenyan Defence Forces stationed not very far from the flash point region.
  3. Fabrication of fake photos, falsification of historic records, out right fraudulent manufacturing of non existent records. These are the skills that they have mastered during the 21 years of Afwayne's rule. Nothing else to show for. It is little wonder that the websites they own are the ones with the most fake and fabricated stories or pictures found. With regards to Somaliland, it is always honesty & facts that wins the day. Duriyadda Sheekhu has 99 problems but fake, fabrication or falsehood are non of it. What you see is all you get. Our modus-operandi is captured in the Silsiladda Xaydha; As you know Xaydha is a no-no for men of honour to eat. The story goes, a couple of friends embarked on a journey and organised their supplies for the travels. They went to the local market and purchased what they thought was Subag-Sixin/Codcod in a jar. Unbeknown to the men what was in the jars, they started their journey. When it reached time to rest and eat something, they found out what they purchased was actually Xaydh (Ghee) and not Sixin/Codcod. Affraid the story about Xaydha will surely find its way to the town, they will forever be cursed as the men who ate a jar full of Xaydh. The men instead pre-empt a story of themselves and started composing poems making fun of each other's situation. The gist of the story is that, the IQ clan fact checks themselves and it is known to the world. So by the time it reaches others it is more or less "war la hayaa xiiso ma leh'. Hayin iyo markaad subag heshaan, Hawd kusoo mariyey Ee aad laba gadiid ka hirqataad, honono’aysaaye Hareeraha ka leefkii markay, gacantu haarowdey Waatay fartii hilib dalqaha, sii harraatidaye Nin wixii hungurigiisa maray, hiifay waa qadafe Hareer baabu isaga weeciyaa, waxan habboonayne Haddii uu hogseeg yahay, maxaad uga hakoon weydey? Silsiladdii Xaydha Qalinkii: Shaafici Qaasim Nuur - Geeska Afrika Newspaper GEESKA.NET Soomaalidu waa ummad suugaanta quudata, gabayga iyo gabyaaguna waxay noloshooda kaga jireen meel sare. Raggii ay Soomaalidii hore qaddarin jirteyna waxa ka mid ahaa wadaadka diinta yaqaan...
  4. It is funny how the Nabar iyo Naxdin social media rats are not throwing their usual tantrums. And the drunkard Foreign Minister is sheepishly avoiding the media.
  5. Oodka, Our Pirateland folks on SOL are putting up on the usual brave face. They know the Cheeseman without much of an effort at all is destroying the 'Clan Federalism' that the Pirateboys championed for so long. If Cheeseman is able to single handedly put a big question mark on the viability of the clan fiefdoms, then I have to say the Pirateboy will have very little chance if a strong leader with a Centralist agenda assumes power in Mogadishu, specially one from the More-yaan group. With failing economy, shrinking influence and most importantly deteriorating security, Pirateland is watching & waiting for the perfect storm forming. It is inevitable that Pirateland will either do something silly i.e. try to follow Somaliland. Or succumb to the forces from Mogadishu. They are between a rock and a hardplace.
  6. Do you remember when the drunkard, Somalia's Foreign Minister, went on TV with this? Dalka Gini oo wax xidhiidh ah la lahayn ayuu sheegay inay xidhiidhkii u jareen. Khamradu kolka aad iska badisid wax walba waa kaa suurowdaa. Maanta bal xiniinyo ha u yeesheen inay Addis Abeba xidhiidhka u jaraan? kkkk
  7. Wasiirul Dawlaha Arimaha Dibedda ee Ethiopia oo si heer sare ah ugu soo dhaweeyay President Muse Biixi magaaladda Addis Abeba.
  8. Anigu kolay waxaan u soo joogay kolkii ay sarta ka dul dhiseen meesha. Laakin waa macquul meesha qabriga ah lafteeduba 80s la sameeyay. Cuqdad nafsi waa cajiib. Quraanka ilaahay dad gaar ah ayaa ilaaliya. Dhawaan waxa la arkay dhawr App oof Quran Kariim lagu sheegay laakin dhawr aayadood la khalday. Waxa helay nin indho'la oo wiilkiisa quraan u dhigaayay. The IQ clan sidaa si la mid ah ayaa taariikhda Somalida laga been abuuro oo dhan u soo qabanaa. Dhawaan waxa Twitter ku arkaayay niman @galbeeditolkiis ah oo Ugaaskii Ciise 150 sano ka hor sawir laga qaaday intay jarjareen oo si kale yidhaahdeen ayay ku sheegeen Ugaaskii Awdal Clan Clan. Internetka meel walba waxay soo dhigaan niman Fardo Fuushan oo ku sheegeen waa Moxamed Cabdille Xassan iyo ciidankiisi. Laakin sawiradda laftoodu waa suldaankii iyo beeshala IQ rag ka mid ah oo Fardo fuushan. Been abuurka intaa leeg, qof aan isku kalsoonayn ayuunba samayn kara.
  9. Oil makes less than 10% of GDP in UAE. And Qatar majority of its income comes from Liquefied Natural Gas (LnG). Gas is not going peak anytime soon. It is one commodity that has been raising in demand and will do into the future. But Oil/petroleum will peak, as electric vehicles and hydrogen cells become cheaper and more reliable. Already the UK is phasing out combustion engine cars and light vehicles like Motor Bikes etc by 2035 (or 15 years from now). it is expected that other EU and UK's aligned countries like Australia, NZ and Canada to follow their lead.
  10. Taiwan is a highly developed country which Somaliland can learn a thing or two from. Specially in its industrialisation. Aside from Scholarships and access to Doctors from Taiwan, Somaliland is also interested in bringing Taiwanese manufacturers to open shop in Berbera Free Zone. So the plans are big. Hopefully it will all workout.
  11. Of relevance to the topic, Faisal Roobleh, formerly a staunch opponent of Somaliland and man who used to attend every gathering or conference that somehow is anti-Somaliland in nature, has been changing his tune as of late. This is his latest posts. ------- Federal Member States: Lessons to be learned from Somaliland Somalia, as it exists today, is a geographic expression with three layers of mini-states: (1) Somaliland, (2) Puntland and Jubbaland, and (3) Hirshabelle, Southwest, and Galmudug. These three layers are at different stages in state formation and deal with both Villa Somalia and the outside world accordingly. Somaliland is a class by itself. Most Western journalists treat it as an independent country. Ethiopia and Djibouti do so although under the cover of trade cooperation. Donor countries also recognize that Somaliland has secured peace, a modicum of state stability, and a heightened self or national confidence and cohesion that needn't be disrupted. The 2012-2016 compact (a phantom new deal), now a relic document collecting dust in a shelf inside Villa Somalia, treated Somaliland as a separate entity from the rest of Somalia. It was inadvertently a de facto recognition of Somaliland by both Villa Somalia and the International Community. Farmajo, therefore, must not disturb Somaliland, maintains the IC, or else his aid will suffer. The second category is a loose association consisting of Puntland and Jubbaland. Until recently, Puntland was treated by Villa Somalia as a strong pillar in keeping the federal system together. However, due to devious politicians from that region, the hard work done towards federalism since the end of the Somalia civil war is largely compromised. The root cause of this is Puntland's own intricate clan system that is highly politicized. Each and every politician from Puntland (be a parliamentarian, a minister, or even civil society leaders) highly utilize clan and sub-clan politics for political offices. One of the major problems President Said Deni is facing is not Villa Somali being strong, but rather clan political peddlers, especially those ministers close to Villa Somalia, weaponzing sub-clan politics. In the last three years, Villa Somalia’s vicious politics of division has proliferated Puntland to a point where it created discordant conditions. As to Jubbaland, it has never been given time to complete federal member state formation. Early in its infancy, it was at war with Hassan Sheikh's administration. We recall Abdullahi Godah's bravado and his provocative statements when he was interior minister. Following a respite and a short-lived stability, thanks to the administration of Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud's final awakening to endorse collaboration than confrontation, Farmajo came to office in 2017 with venom and political, some say, clan vendetta against Ahmed Madobe. Facts are now emerging that he even tried to kidnap Ahmed Modobe while he was on a business visit to Mogadishu. Jubbaland is today anything but stable, and the state formation process is severely hampered. As a matter of fact, it is on the verge of war with Villa Somalia as Farmajo manipulates military might and the mischief of clan politics. By sawing hyperbolic clan sentiment in Gado, the region is on the verge of military conflict. The third group is nothing but an extension of Villa Somalia. Leaders in this group have voluntarily given up their constitutional rights and legitimate roles that are guaranteed to states. They seem to be comfortable to exist under the shadow of Villa Somalia as long as their positions are protected by Farmajo. The trio region is weak in governance and seems to enjoy less credibility with the people they claim to represent but pride over the cozy relationship they enjoy with Villa Somalia. Concluding Remarks 1. Puntland must reassert itself even if it emulates Somaliland by calling for a full autonomy short of secession and continue the course until Villa Somalia comes to the table for a serious deliberation around the draft constitution. If it cannot do that, it may as well join hands with group three. One of the successful attributes of why the leaders of Somaliland seem strong is that they rely more on the support of their people and most of the time ignore donor sentiments when it comes to state formation and politics. And that is the right way to govern your people. Whether Puntland can learn such a lesson from its neighbor remains to be seen. 2. Jubbaland has shown a meek face in a time of adversity. One serious problem with Jubbaland is its over-consciousness of what the donor community (USA and EU missions) would say if Ahmed Madobe asserts himself. Such psychology led to the erosion of Ahmed Madobe's confidence in his people and in the cause for which he says he stands. Guaranteed Jubbaland is complex and the clan relationship is more precarious here. However, Ahmed Madobe can't watch things deteriorate and always give in to what the donor community says while Mohamed Farmajo amasses troops in Gedo. He better assert himself in the face a brewing invasion. Until now, Farmajo has been waging a psychological war and Soviet-style propaganda against Jubbaland. Now, it seems he wants to declare war! And Ahmed Madobe's side has been awfully silent because of fear of what the donors would say! If such a silence continues, the governed in Jubbaland will also lose confidence in its leadership. Delay is death! 3. The third group does not need any recommendation. President Ware was the first of the pack Farmajo successfully tamed. In October 2017, he was a focal advocate for federal member states’ rights and roles. He emerged as the spokesperson for the states following a conference in Kismanyo. Upon his return, though, Farmajo so severely punished him by stopping about $400,000 promised for institutional building. I was with him at Halane Camp in Mogadishu, when President Ware received a scornful call from the Deputy Minister for Finance and told him the “he was not getting the money.” Mr. Ware almost fainted then abruptly left the meeting. From that day one, he became an obedient soldier of Farmajo’s. The other two have followed suit. The question still remains whether federal member states learn lessons from Somaliland on confidence, having clear goals and objectives, and relying more on the wisdom of their people than IC officers in Nairobi and Addis Ababa. ---------
  12. Munaafaqadda waa lagu ogaa. But the days when One leg in, one leg out used to get them the best of both world is coming to an end.
  13. Faarax Murtiile iyo Xamda yar. Heestan adiga oo camping u baxaaya ayay si fiican kuugu duxaysa.
  14. Maamulka Garoowe wants to play with one leg the Federalism, and on another leg copy Somaliland's independence positions. It just shows the love child of Col. Yey and Meles Zenawi, Federalism was born out of wedlock. And it seems that is what the root of the issue is here.
  15. Puntland to Review Its Membership in Federal Institutions – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Garowe (PP News Desk) – With relations between Puntland State and the Federal Government of Somalia at a very low ebb, Puntland… Sii akhri
  16. Dr. Sada Mire, an archaeologist talks about her work in Somaliland and the importance of preserving archaeological sites.
  17. Oodka, Awoowe, Ceerigaabo taar ayaan ku leeyay, Hargeisa taar ayaan ku leeyay, Gabiley taar ayaan ku leeyay. Nin taar badan ayaan ahee, sidaa iila soco. Building ka dhawaan ayaa la dhisay. It is called vandalism when historic sites are changed or modified. The same thing is happening to Madina Al Minawara where historic graveyards are being vandalised with newly built buildings. Anyway, here is Doonbira's graveyard also vandalised.
  18. LOOL this is not foreign Aid. This is actual 'begging'. It is different from Foreign Aid. Foreign is usually a two-way traffic, the donor is giving something in return for something i.e. diplomatic favoure, access to resources or just old geopolitical influence.
  19. Here is Cabdiwaaxid Hindi. Halkeedii ayuu dhigay heestii Ugaaso ee Cabdi Tahliil.
  20. Laascaanood Fire Brigade is advertising that it will be taking new recruits for the year 2020.
  21. The fittest gets the jobs. Somaliland Fire Brigade Authority oversees training course to select the fittest from would-be new recruits freshmen fire fighters for Berbera municiplity.
  22. The UK has also taken similar steps to recognise Somaliland documents. SOMALILAND MARRIAGES ARE VALID The case of MM v NA (Declaration as to Marital Status) [2020] is very niche, but may be of interest to practitioners with clients who got married in Somaliland (or in other non-recognised countries) and wish to rely on that marriage for immigration purposes. Immigration lawyers must think about a marriage’s validity whenever they are making a visa application on the basis of a relationship. Although more often than not the answer is straightforward, there are some tricky cases. Examples we have seen include whether a marriage is valid if it was entered into relying on a fake identity, or whether a polygamous marriage can ever be valid. But what about a marriage which took place in a state which is not recognised by the UK? This was the situation for MM and NA, who got married in the Republic of Somaliland in 2013. For immigration purposes, it is sufficient to say that the High Court officially found the marriage to be valid and entitled to be recognised in England and Wales. Refusing to recognise such marriages would deprive entire populations of their right to legally register their birth, marriage, death etc. That could not, of course, be reasonable or justifiable.