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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Dubai's DP World to upgrade, maintain Eritrean ports - Gulf Business GULFBUSINESS.COM Formerly isolated Eritrea is normalising foreign relations after signing a peace deal in July 2018 with neighbouring Ethiopia
  2. Maareeye was Ex-Deputy Manager of Berbera Port back in early 2010s. He stole close to $200 thousand dollars from the Berbera Finance office and fled the scene. He later emerged in Mogadishu as an MP and then Minister. So, in essense, this man is a criminal and should be arrested. But again, Mogadishu is home to criminals.
  3. @maakhiri1 It is much much more plausible for Mogadishu to go under Abiye Ahmed's government than for Mogadishu to ever again rule Hargeisa. The facts on the ground support Abiye's proposals of bringing Mogadishu under his umbrella. He has been trickle feeding the 'Unity' ideas and even now his soldiers in farflung afield understand the politics and their rules of engagement vis-a-vis a future United Pan Ethiopian country. If I were a citizen of Somalia, I would be very worried.
  4. Puntland is on a declining trajectory. If Cheeseman is not the man to finish it off, it will be any other that follows him but with a centralist ideology. 'Clan Federalism' is not sustainable in the majority of South Somalia, specially regions from Mudug all the way to Shabeeleha Hoose are pro-centralist. And this is where the power and future of Somalia will be dictated from. With regards to Jubaland, it is really how much Kenya is prepared to risk. If Kenya is hungary enough to keeping its possessions, then Jubaland will be around after Cheeseman. But if Kenya is not willing to plunge itself into the quagmire like Ethiopia has done multiple times, then Jubaland and specially Ahmed Madoobe is history. The beggars from Baydhabo have no choice really. Whoever sits in Mogadishu, they will get in line with his policies.
  5. And who is going to make Cheeseman come to Hargeisa? If Cheeseman comes to anywhere in Somaliland be it East Sanaag or anywhere else, it is a political setback for Hargeisa. And in the case of fringe areas, it will draw a military response and total control of those areas. Abiye Ahmed went to Asmara after Abiye relinguished all claims to the disputed regions. The only way Cheeseman or any other leader of Ex-ITalian Somalia can come to Hargeisa, if they relinguish claims and inform all releveant bodies that they no longer consider Somaliland as part of Somalia. Wixii intaa ka soo hadha waa shimbirayaw heesa, hees wanaagsan heesa.
  6. This is hardly a foreign policy. It is actually a policy of bending-over in the hope of getting favours in return. It reminds me of the classic Indian in the work place, where they lick shoes on their way up the ladder. Cheeseman's calculations is that, if he is able to bendover and please the Ethiopians which ever way they like it, then that will sway them from dealing directly with the regional leaders. In short, when Ethiopians can get everything they ever wanted in the blink of an eye, why ever look any other way or go any other route? It is a very open and tempting preposition and an offer too good to refuse. Which is why Abiye Ahmed is heads of heels. Never had anyone gotten a free raid like the one Abiye is enjoying now. Somalia is now reeling from the spillover of 'memorandum of understanding' with regards to the maritime demarcations with Kenya. Can you imagine how many signatures and memo's that Cheeseman has put his signature to? Only time will tell.
  7. Guurti Chairman Saleebaan Nuur hilariously shares the events with the Parliamentarians. "We will not welcome Cheeseman to Hargeisa, even if Abiye Ahmed is carrying him like his own luggage'
  8. First of all, there is no such thing as 'debt relief.''. Since you are forced to knock on all the countries' doors beg them to pay off your debt.
  9. It is Sri Lanka's turn to throw few coins into the begging bowl. This is humiliation at its lowest form. --------- Sri Lanka to contribute Rs 163 million to Somalia HIIRAAN.COM The Cabinet has approved the decision to contribute 163 million rupees as a total contribution from Sri Lanka for the arrears amounts recovery and loan concessionary package for the reformation process of...
  10. Kolka waxa uurkaaga ku jira iyo waxa afkaaga ka soo baxayaa aany isla socon, waa sidan oo kale. Its cringe worthy Cheeseman ha loo sheego Somaliland apology cidna ugama fadhido. Anigu xiniinyo ayaan Afwayne iskaga dhicinay oo nagama guulaysan. Dadka laga guulaysto ee ayaa la apologise gareeya. Laakin reer Somaliland waxay aany marnaba u dul qaadan karin in laga been sheego wixii dhacay. In runta laga sheego, dadkii xasuuqa gaystay la tilmaamo ayaa more important noo ah.
  11. Exactly. Everyone knows that it is a money making business. In fact, for some countries it is part of the Government Budget i.e. Burundi Gov't takes a cut directly from the soldier's income a sum of money. So why would a do-no-gooder that still humiliating your cawro (Your daugther, wife mother etc) in the broad daylight, and yet living large with middle-income-country salary. It doesn't make a lot of sense.
  12. The idea of Hargeisa and Mogadishu talking to each other was actually an old policy by the European Union. Although, on face value, President Siilaanyo's attempt to go that path can be categorised as fruitless, at best, and failure at worse. But, personally I think, there are some intangibles values that we have gotten out of it. I.e. no one can come to Somaliland today and say it to our face to talk to Mogadishu. We have a history to point to and lessons to draw from that will challenge anyone that comes to us with that kind of rubbish. So, I think President Muse Biihi will build on those lessons learned and play hard ball politics. Unless there is clear milestones and results, what is the point? I think that is where we are today.
  13. Previously donors used to actually bring in-kind support like blankets, water-jars, food items etc all from UN Warehouses. But thesedays support is provided in 'e-cash' direclty paid to the recipients mobile phones; Who then buy what they need from the local market. The new way is much more efficient and saving money for the UN itself too. Because now they don't need to ship food items or clothing or jerricans etc. Also renting warehouses, logistics and security.
  14. Don't get me wrong. The last thing anyone needs to do is bury their heads in the face of this. The least anyone can do is amplify their plight and unfortunate ordeals, in the hope that will help change the situation on the ground for them. Sweeping it under the carpet, like it doesn't exist or happen, is the worse option. I rather support the propaganda against removal of AMISom than to be silence about it and accept it at face value.
  15. President Muse Biixi Abdi went to Addis Abeba as the President of Republic of Somaliland. PM Abiye accorded the protocols of a President. Cheeseman was very happy to have shaken hands with the "President of Somaliland'. To the International Diplomatic eyes and ears, the take is that Cheeseman has capitulated to soldier Muse Biixi Cabdi. Cayayaanku ha iska hadlaan, laakin this is in the bag.
  16. For AMISOM, Somali Women are Spoils of War INTPOLICYDIGEST.ORG Using medical care to lure vulnerable women to their base camps, AMISOM forces have sexually exploited and raped young Somali women. This is one survivor’s harrowing story.
  17. I am not too sure about the pictures but it is open secret that the number of Amisom soldiers either marrying or having illegitimate children either through rape or for-money (prostituting) with local women is increasing. Here is a Human Rights Watch report on the increasing rape by AMISom soldiers on local girls. "Idil was one of 21 women Human Rights Watch interviewed who told us they had been sexually exploited or abused by the African Union’s Ugandan or Burundian troops. The AU Commission code of conduct, with which AMISOM troops must comply, not only prohibits sexual abuse such as rape, but also sexual exploitation – taking advantage of someone’s vulnerability, of differential power, or of trust, for sexual purposes." AMISOM’s toll on Somali Women and Girls WWW.HRW.ORG
  18. The first AMISom children are now reaching school age.
  19. Cheeseman's Spokesman, changing tunes. "Madaxweynaha Somaliland"....
  20. Somalia is no China. The moment Somaliland becomes self-suffient and other countries find it indespensible in terms of economy and security, that is when the pendulum swings to Somaliland's favoure. Already that is being felt as of now. A lot of countries are questioning why they are holding Somaliland back? What is the alternative to Somaliland? Even Somalis from Somalia are questioning. Here is Adam Aw Hirsi, former Minister of Jubaland, saying that Somalia is not ready for Somaliland. There is no reason why Somaliland will need to change course.
  21. Faisal Rooble's Post: ------------ Damaging the Political psych of the Young President Farmajo's hypocracy has a long-term damage to the nation of Somalia, particularly to the young. As most of you recall, Farmajo came to the office of the presidency by promoting patriotic agenda and criticizing his predecessors on their lineancy towards Ethiopia's long term goals. He promised to the nation that he will reinstate Somali patriotic values. He hoisted the pictures of Presidents Aden Osman and Abdirashid Sharmarke, and Prime Minister Abdirazak Haji Hussein on the walls of his office. He ideolized President Aden in partucular. And I my say that was perfect. But his actions are different, shocking and may completely damage the psychology of future generations to come. Let us quickly take a stock of some of his actions that confuse the clean-hearted Somali youth: 1. He handed over a Somali war hero to Ethiopia and called him a terrorist - The Qalbidhagx case. Qalbidhagax was held in a room next to the Somali Prime Minister's office and a stone's throw away from that of the President - in Villa Somalia. 2. Farmajo promised to Ethiopia full access to Somali ports whenever Ethiopia wants to use. 3. He flooded Somalia's border region's with Ethiopian military personnel. 4. He used Ethiopian soldiers to kill Somali voters in Baidoa and stole the election of that region's President. 5. He terrorised and intimidated residents of Dusamareeb by amassing Ethiopian fadno Darash (rapid deployment units) only to have his way with the election of that region's President. 6. He brought into Mogadishu about 600-700 security personnel and spy agents from Ethiopia who closely work with NISA. 7. The vidoe bellow features Gedo region personnel taking orders from Ethiopian military officers. In it, the Ethiopian colonel strictly gives young Somali soldiers orders as to how to conduct their job. In the end, the Ethiopian colonel says "we are one and we have one common goal." I feel so sad for the young who was shown a light then subjected to this. Farmajo's damage goes deeper into the political psychology of Somalinimo. It has a long term damage. Some may even think that Somalinimo is a jock and a commodity to be played with as Faramjo and his team memebrs are doing.
  22. An Ethiopian General gives orders to Somalia National Army officers (SNA). Gives them instructions for rules of engagement. Says our two countries will eventually be united under the flag. Isha macalin ah.
  23. News from trusted sources in Addis Abeba confirmed that there was a meeting today between President Muse Biihi Abdi and Cheeseman. The meeting was facilitated by the hosting nation Ethiopia's PM Abiye Ahmed and the African Union. Also present was the UN's SRSG James Swan. President Muse Biihi's key demands for any talks with Cheeseman was that the talks will need to be International in nature and the two sides must received equal status at the table. Given the fact that both President Muse Biihi and Cheeseman were accorded almost the same protocol when they arrived in Addis Abeba, it seems those demands were fully accepted by Cheeseman without any fuzz. Nothing has come out yet in terms of the agenda of the meeting, but what many privy to the meeting are saying is that, a number of points of high importance were discussed. On other news, Somaliland's President had marathon one-to-one talks with a number of African leaders and Foreign Ministers.