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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. It is very interesting if anyone came to Somaliaonline and made a study on how many topics in relation to Somaliland's security vs Somalia, they would go away with Somaliland being very in secure. It is a case of geedkii midho leh ayaa dhagaxa lagu tuurtuura. Geed aan midho lahayn cid wax ku falysa ayaa iska yar. If the few incidents in Ceel Afwayn had made small taint to Somaliland's image as a safe heaven, then the year 2020 will restore that fact.
  2. Cheeseman actually has done a lot of good things for Somaliland during the last few years. In terms of vindicating Somaliland's positions. Today a lot of people in South Somalia recognise with Somaliland and its people. They now understand that Faqashism has been lurking below the surface hiding in plain sight and Cheeseman is trying to refashion the old facist regime. When you see former Presidents and many of the leaders including upcoming new guns like Thabit, all in sync with Somaliland's positions, that is when you know a grassroots change is happenning.
  3. @maakhiri1 Many people mistake local clan melitias with SNM. Local clan melitias were actually the ones that fought most with their other local clans. For example, in East Sanaag, it was the Gadhwayn clan melitia that attacked Damala Xagare and Hadaaftimo. The Qori-jarato (Cabdi Xaamuud/Gadhwayn) alone had more than 1,000 clan melitia fully armed with technicals. On other hand, The regular SNM were mostly focused on their fight against Somalia's Army. They were few, not more than 2000, highly mobile and highly trained. In the case of do I believe SNM killed innocent refugees. That is not the right question to ask. The right question to ask, was the SNM predisposed to killing innocent people including Refugees? And the answer to that question is No. The SNM never had any plans to attack and kill innocent people. Which why the Refugee camps were still operating fully well into the 1990s, that is 2 years after major cities and towns in the North were completely uprooted and destroyed. The SNM was capable to going to the Refugee camps and causing maximum damage. But that never happened. Having said that, I am sure there were many innocent people that were killed either during cross fire or by some angry SNM rankfile soldiers. The political and military leaders of the SNM were clear on their missions and that was to only attack Somalia National Army Bases. Also the Janjaweed style Faqash allied minitory or clan melitias that were used to terrorise civilians. The O-clan Refugee camps were given a safe passage in 1990/1991. This came after a pack was reached with Omar Jees. Also in 1990, the SNM made an accord with Grand Garaad of Sool clan Garaad Cabdiqani. Which explains why there were no fighting in Sool or Buuhoodleh area from 1990 onwards.
  4. Somalia - ilaahay ha u naxariisto. Waa dad ku aaminay waraabe in xoolaha usii ilaaliyo. I do not blame Ahmed Madoobe, he is dealing with another Donkey that thinks being a lackey for Ethiopians will get his clan favoures. At the end of the day, both Ethiopia and Kenya cross-check the tally of dead Somalis and make a sum of it. And a high five.
  5. Mabruuk Libaan iyo xaaskiisa. Labaddii isku waara ee ubad khayr qaba kala hela.
  6. This how a defeatist argues. He is diverting Afwayne's failure to defend his town from Ethiopian forces and blaming it on SNM. Afwayne well defended most of South Somalia with latest SAM (Surface to Air Missile) installations in Hiiraan, Bakool and Shabeelle regions. That way the Ethiopians never attacked those towns. Instead, since 1977, all major Somaliland cities were bombarded by Ethiopian Airforce from Borama, Hargeisa and Burco. They all came under attack at different times and many civilians got killed. The only reason Berbera was spared was due to Russian military or later in 1980s the Americans. By the way, in 1984 the SNM was in its formation years, it was the SSDF that had better access to the Ethiopians. In fact, many times the Ethiopians asked the SNM to join with SSDF. In 1985 SSDF leadership made a deal with Afwayne to lay arms and return to Somalia.
  7. Berbera Port Authority purchased a modern Pilot Boat for the Port's skipper. The boat is equipped with state of the start communications systems and other navigational aides. The pilot boat is very crucial to the day to day operations of the Port. Also, Berbera Port authority have purchased the second Tug boat within 2 years. First Tug Boat was purchased back in 2018 .
  8. Cabdi Hani waa super star. Video barwaaqada ka dilaacday masha allah. Halkan waa ajaanib keenay heestii Axmed Mooge (Aun) Uur Hooyo.
  9. Wax dhintay ayaa ina-lilaahi waa ina ilayhi raa'jicuun la yidha. Kolka Faisal waa ku saxsanyay. Reer Koonfurku inay asturaan sida maydka xabaal loogu asturo ayaa haboon oo iska aasaan.
  10. Ninkii tiisa daryeelay ayaa tu kale u hanqal taaga. Abiye Ahmed diyaaraddiisa khaaska ah ayu maalin walba sidii naag uu mehersaday honeymoon geynaayo, kolba Cheeseman magaalo kala dagaa oo dalxiis u geeya.
  11. Here is an excerpt of the Addis Abeba meeting ---------- Waxaynu wada ogayn in wada-hadalkii Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya muddo hakad ku jireen. Hase yeeshee, 11-kii Bisha February 2020, ayaa aniga iyo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, si kedis ah ugu kulannay magaalada Addis Ababa ee Dalka Itoobiya. 09-kii February 2020, waxaan safar shaqo ugu baxay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya, si aan u xoojiyo wefti uu hoggaaminayey Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibedda, oo ka ololaynayey wufuudii Shirka 33-aad ee Midowga Afrika iskugu timi. 11-kii Bisha February 2020, waxa igu marti-qaaday Xafiiskiisa Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Dalka Itoobiya, Dr. Abiye Ahmed. Salaan, soo dhawayn iyo kulan kooban kadib, waxa uu ii sheegay in Madaxweynihii Soomaaliya uu isna soo galayo Xafiiska Ra’iisal Wasaaraha in yar kadib. Halkaa ayuu ka bilaabmay kulan kedis ah, oo saddex geesood ah, oo aan hore loo sii qorshayn, oo dhexmaray saddexdayada. Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Itoobiya waxa uu soo jeediyey in uu dhex-galo dhibaatada dhex-taala labada dal ee Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, maadaama ay tahay qadiyad ka aloosan Gobolka Geeska Afrika, oo uu Ra’iisal Wasaaruhuna u ololeeyo nabadda, horumarka iyo Iskaashiga Gobolka Geeska Afrika. Dabcan, Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Itoobiya oo ah shakhsi ku guulaystay Abaal-marinta Nabadda Adduunka ee (Noble Peace Price), isla markaana hoggaamiya dalka labaad ee ugu dadka badan Qaaradda Afrika; Somaliland ahaan waanu aqbalnay soo jeedinta Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Itoobiya. Kulanku intaas ayuu ku ekaa. Waxa loo ballamay in faah-faahinta iyo ajendaha la galo wixii intaa ka dambeeya. Waxa jira Dawlado kale oo iyaguna hore ugu hawlanaa wada-hadalka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, hase yeeshee, kulanka Ra’iisal Wasaaraha lagagama wada-hadal wax tafaasiil ah oo ku saabsan cidda ka qayb noqon doonta wada-hadalka, waxaanu ku koobnaa kulankaasi soo-jeedin iyo aqbalaad.