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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. As part of the Gambadhe Dry Port initiative, Somaliland Gov't will build a road from Laascaanood to the Sool/Ethiopia border. This will help transportation and ease of movement of goods in that part of the country all the way inside Ethiopia's Somali Region.
  2. A picture tells 1000 words. Cheeseman oo wax ku adag lagu qasbaayo.
  3. What if voters are profiled by clan when registrations are opened. And on voting day, they do not get the option to vote for a candidate from their own subclan or clan which ever is the differentiator (i.e. if candidates from the same main clan, then barring them voting for someone from their own subclan level). I think that way the outcome will be unknown or cannot be easily predicted. The other option could be to have electrol collages like the US, each region gets a number of seats. And voting is indepedently done by each region's own Electrol Commission. The result of which Party wins the populor vote gets all the Electrol Colleges for the region. In the end, the Party which wins the regions with most numbers gets to have the President.
  4. According to the laws, a Somaliland girl who marries outside Somaliland will automatically lose her citizenship. Kolka Cheeseman hooyadii automatically disqualified weeyan.
  5. Odeygu waa odayadii la yaqaanay. It is good to see Reer Somali Galbeed are getting their mojo back. Wellcome back old fellas. Meesha Reer Koonfur af Somaligu markiisi horeba second-language u ahaa ayaa kharibay.
  6. Ethiopia doesn't care. Another dead person. Until they can no longer hide it, you will never see it nor hear it. The people there are very obedient to the rules, if those higher level tell them this is secret, it will be a secret.
  7. Is this a veiled message to the coward Cheeseman?
  8. @galbeedi You have a romanticised memory of Borama or Awdal. You have a lot of catching up to do. Waar dadkii waa bahaloobay and but thank goodness wali maynu Dugaagoobin sida Koonfurta. We have just grown thicker skin and a bit more hair in the back. If you go to Djibouti, you will know exactly what I mean. The people of Djibouti are still innocent and god fearing, even after 20 years of wave after wave of Refugees. You can still feel 'Bari samaatkii' sidu dadku ahaan jiray. Yes, Boorama is keeping things civil but boy o boy, during the election season, that is when the civility goes out the door and it is all about reer hebel ayaa inaga wata. The ultimate challenge of the century to Somali leadership is how they can lessen Qabyaalad during an election year? Do you have any ideas? Because Somaliland desparately needs a way out of the rat hole. There is hope. In fact, if there is any people in Africa that is capable of transforming itself, it is the Somalis. Change comes naturally to Somalis due to their nomadic lifestyle where they will sleep a different corner of the country every other week. But the biggest barrier Somalis face is Trust, which is in very short supply. But never lose hope.
  9. Don't anyone tell you that there isn't a Somali city which is not divided along clan lines. We know even Boorama is divided into clan ghetos. The divisions in Boorama is not that obvious to the naked eye due to the political weight of the subclans that make up the division. Whereas, the current cut-throat politicking between two heavyweights neighbors in Togdheer is just highlighting or polarising the division. But it is as divided as any other Somali city. Burco cannot be compared to Galkacyo. Gaalkacyo's division is level of its own, where two rival administration run side by side with two different flags and systems. Also, in comparison to the clan division in Puntland where even the Maxamuuds do not share a common city, Burco doesn't look that bad. The Ciise Maxamuud own Garowe 100% and anyone else is a guest. The same goes for Qardho or North Galkacyo where Cismaan Maxamuud and Cumar Maxamuud make 100%. In any case, the division is a relic of Reer-miyi days where clans do not trust even their neighbors. It also goes to the very psych of the Somali culture. Somalis way of greeting each other is actually getting the latest news of the situation of the land: 'Maxaa la shaagay?" "Ma nabad baa?" these are all related to if there are no conflict.
  10. We are il-prepared to deal with an outbreak of this type of disease. Allah help us.
  11. Waa Qamar Suugaani oo arooskiisi ka heesay. anigu kolay hore umaan maqal nin caruus ah oo isla arooskiisi ka dhex heesay. Waa hees lagu fara yaraystay.
  12. Cali Maxamed Geedi was: Ragga Geela leh (Xabashida) Ninka daba-yaal (Col. Yey) Ka sii daba-yaal (Cali Maxamed Geedi). Qof taariikhdiisu ku bilaamatay Jaajuusnimo waliba ka ugu xun oo ah inu jaaajuus kale ka sii hoos shaqaysto. Inu dadka ka dhuunto ama is deldelo ayaa ku haboon, inu microphone ka soo muuqda waa liignimo. Halkani waa Xalane. Waa Ciidankii Xabashida ugu horeeyay inta la xasuusto taariikhda ee xeeb Soomaaliyeed calankooda ka taaga, sanadku waa 2006. Taariikha waxa aabe u ahaa Col. Yey, waxa jaajuus ka ahaa waa Cali Maxamed Geedi. Guulaha uu gaadhay Meles Zenaawi ee diwaanka u gali doonta.
  13. Diktoore, Just flip some coin...
  14. According to Ministry for Finance, the first 6months of 2019, Somaliland imported close to $200 million worth of Khat. or if annualised, $400 million dollars. Muddo Lix Bilood Kaliya ah oo Somaliland Sheegtey In ay Kaga Baxdey Cunista Qaadka $190 million. | WARSOM.COM - Wararka Soomaaliya,warka soomaaliya,Somalia News WARSOM.COM
  15. At a tax rate of 5%, that is equivalent to $720 million worth of Khat imported through Mogadishu Aiport a year.
  16. They have chewed more than they can swallow. The Pirate boys see the end coming. Their best days are surely and truely behind them. When they called the shots in South Somalia, not because they were any better, but because there was nothing else in South to compare it against to in terms of administration. Those days are coming or have come to an end. As Mogadishu assumes more control and specially the H-clan builds its area in terms of Administration and infrastracture. It translates more power and more influence, a direct correlation to Puntland's declining political influence and deminising econimic and military prowess. There is almost next to zero for Pirate boys to bargain with Mogadishu. Probably a realisation that they are coming to terms with. They offer Mogadishu almost nothing either by way of influence on the ground in the deep South or by influence on regional dynamics. They may try to jump from the frying pan and into the fire by trying to go alone, something some of their intellectuals have been dipping their toes in and out and some of their diaspora have entertained wholeheartedly. It is a dead-end though. The curtins is closing down. How soon and how fast, is the question really.
  17. This is a well rehearsed statement which totally is a hearsay that holds no water. There was an empty shell of Somalia Army still around by 1990. If this statement was meant to be said in 1988, then it could hold water because the Somalia Army still had flesh and bones. But in 1990, it was totally and absolutely on its last legs. The SNM's strategy to export the conflict to the South was a decisive knockout bunch. The Somalia Army in the North only needed for the Air supply from South to be cut and they were done.
  18. Unless Cheeseman sold you out right, there is nothing to fear from Hargeisa. Somaliland and Ethiopia have a demarcated border. They will not trespas. However, Somalia and Ethiopia have no formally defined border. The current border between Somalia (Italian Somalia) and Ethiopia is a Provisional Administrative Line agreed between British Administration and Ethiopians in 1950. This border can be changed at any time.
  19. In fact, to transfer his dead body to Nairobi from Lagos, the clan members had to do 'Qaadhaan', due to the expensive Air service at the time. And after he got to Nairobi, he had to be flown to border town using a small aircraft. And then transported on truck to his final resting place. A long and undeginfied journey. He must have been glad to finally be rested, after several days of loading/unloading a dead body. In another sad but be-fitting death, was General Gaani who died in a hotel room in Nairobi. It took almost week and after the hotel management recieved complaints from other guest about the awful smell coming of Gaani's room.
  20. From below zero. This is the schools of Hargeisa in early 1991s. Students bring a tin-can to sit on. The months before, it was clearing the area of mines and unexploded ordnance.