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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Of course, an exemplary election will be held. One which is peaceful, orderly and above all much more transparent and rigirously checked voter ID with IRIS scanners. This time round IRIS scanners will be installed in 1100 voting booths around the country, every voter will be required to proof the ID they are carrying matches the eye IRIS data that is in the data base. A huge technological feat indeed. Somaliland is first in the world to use iris biometric voting system [Hi-Tech] WWW.AFRICANEWS.COM Most countries including Ghana, Kenya and Angola use the fingerprint biometric voting system to identify registered voters.
  2. Dagaal u dhaxeeya ciidamada DF iyo Ahlu-Sunna oo ka socda Guriceel | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Guriceel (Caasimada Online) – War hadda nasoo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in dagaal u dhaxeeya ciidamada dowladda iyo Ahlu-Sunna uu ka billowday magaalada Guriceel. Dagaalka ayaa billaabmay kadib ma…
  3. Madaxweynaha Galmudug Sheekh Shaakir oo qoraal ka soo saaray dagaal shalay ka dhacay Dhuuso Mareeb.
  4. Awoowe Gaalka adiga wax wayn u haysta. Gaalka 'interest' ayuu leeyahay, anaguna 'interest' ayan leenahay. Suuqa 'danaha' lagu kala waydaarsado nin walba dhankiisa ayuu ka soo galaa. Gabbish! Gaadhhayaha Dalka Waliyullahi Faysal Cali Waraabe iyo Madaxweyne Dalka Mujaahid Muuse Biixi Cabdi, hadii isku xanaaqaan iyo hadii is gacan qaadan iyo hadii laabta laabta la isu saaro, wax personal ah maha. Waa Danha ka dhaxeeya ayaa ka wayn oo marna la isku seegaya marna la isku af garanayaa. Laakin adigu meel heerka sare looga ciyaaro kubadda wali ilaahay nasiib kuuma siin, oo waxaad ku cabiraysa experience ka adiga kuu gaarka ah oo ah tii ka dhacday Garoowe ee Deni ciidanka ilaaladda Dhoobo Daareed dhegta dhiiga u daray. Somaliland taariikh ayay u leedahay inay sidii cadaawe u xisaabtanto sidii walaalo wax isu siiso ama isu ogolaato aakhir/laazim. Doqonta ayaa hore loo yidhi rag meeshu ku xifaaltamo in lagu kala tagay ayay mooda. Meeshii rag ku heshiiyay adigu kolay waad ka indho iyo dhego xidhantay. Af-lagaadadii shalay iyo xaaladdi kacsanayd, waxa xigtay islaab xaadhasho iyo gacanta oo la isa saaro oo wada shaqayn sidii hore ka dhaw la wada yeesho. Kolka aad heerka ilaahay ku soo gaadhsiiyo ayaad maskax lagu fahmo yeelan doonta.
  5. Libaaxuna wuxu jooga Dhanka Badda Hindiya.
  6. Galbeedi, The so called 'Faranji' was actually there as just a witness to the agreement. The Agreement itself was hatched by Somaliland's Centre for Peace & Development and was shared with stakeholders. Here is the Gudoomiya CPD oo ka hadlaaya jaranjarooyinka ay ka soo gudubtay. "Arinkan waa arin unkankeeda iyo hal-abuurkeeda reer Somaliland lahayd, Beesha caalamkuna way xoojisay oo way taageertay".
  7. Dagaal u dhaxeeya Ahlusuna iyo Dowladda oo ka socda Dhusamareb – Soomaali 24 Media Network WWW.SOOMAALI24.COM Muqdisho-Soomaali24-Wararka ka imaanaya Magaalada Dhuusamareeb ayaa sheegaya caawa in Israsaasayn u dhaxaysa Ciidanka dawladda iyo kuwa Ahlusunna ayaa kasocota agagaarka...
  8. Somaliland dad badan ayay ku riday cudur aan magaciisa wali la helin laakin sympthoms kiisu la wada yaqaan. Caawa calool xumo iyo ciil ayay la hurdaan ama la seexanayaan.
  9. @gooni Somalidu sideedaba horta caqligeedu si fiican uma shaqeeyo, waliba kuwa reer koonfurka ah. Ayagoo aduunka ugu liita ayay hadana faan iyo fadhaadhaq meelaha la joogaan. Sheekooyinka ugu qosolka badan (in a sad way), waa Airport Magaaladda Mogadishu naag la yidhi Guerilla ayay u eegtay oo Security Joogta. Naagtaasi waa Ugandese, ilaahay quwad iyo laxaad ayuu siiyay. Waxyaabaha qosolka badan leh waxa la yidhi ragga Soomaalida farteeda ayay futada ka galisaa, kolkay baadhayso oo gacanta dul iyo hoosba ka marinayso. Odey wayn oo cirkaa u boodaya ayaad arkaysa, ileen waa shaaric meeshu qof wayn ma odhan karo wax-hil-leh ayaa qabsaday, wuu iska aamusaan oo hadhaw ayay si private ah dadka ugu sheegaan. Kolka Gooni adigoo farta futada lagaa galiyay, inaad dadka aad la hadhashid waa kuu naaqus iyo damiir la'aan. Mida kale bal yaa kuu sheegay inay Cadaan indho blue'ga ah yihiin? Bal inaad cuqdad nafsi qabtid, miyaad sawiran kari wayday inay rag Soomalilanders ah noqon karaan? waar ileen tanoo kale.
  10. The Pirates have been involved in so many crazy under world dealings from Human Trafficking, Piracy, Terrorism and now Nuclear Waste.
  11. Back in August 2019 the IC gave Cheeseman to have the Elections laws in place by Decemeber. That was 2 months ago. And the so called Election Law (Which is in reality just an empty shell) doesn't even address any of the main contentious issues. It neither says anything about seat allocations nor does it have a constituency damarcations. Also, doesn't address Political Party's relevance in the equations. And the most important of all is the non existence of a Consitutional Court which will handle disputes. The so called NIEC also do not enjoy support from anyone, really. Even inside Mogadishu. All in all, this slow motion train wreck will come to a full stop soon. And by the 11st hour it will go back to 4.5 again.
  12. The minister has backtracked his accusations of HASS Petroleum funding anti-peace elements in Buuhoodle region. However, the fact that Buuhoodle is becoming a black market for all sorts of things including insecurity. The Somaliland Gov't must do something about this.
  13. Following enactment of federal electoral law, Somalia’s international partners urge all Somali stakeholders to work together to hold elections on time | UNSOM UNSOM.UNMISSIONS.ORG Mogadishu – Somalia’s federal electoral law has now been approved by the House of the People and was signed into law by the President on 20 February. This law is part of the essential electoral legislative...
  14. It has been an amazing year for the nomads. For almost 12 consecutive months there was regular rains every single month. Not heard off in the recent history. Hopefully this will continue and global warming will have a silver lining for Somalis. Reknown journalist Abdisalaan Hereri goes back to the basic lifestyle and it is so refreshing. Enjoy.
  15. It is just unimaginable. The first Somalia President arriving in Hargeisa like a Mistress of Ethiopia's Prime Minister. Muse Biixi madaxweyne damiir soomaliyeed leh oo dhag xumida Somalida ka raaci lahayd ogsoon. Unlike lowlife Cheeseman. Wuu ka dhiidhiyay runtii. Taariikhda ayaana xusi doonta.
  16. It is mind-boggling really indeed. A lot of Southerners couldn't believe the fact that Muuse Biixi rejected the Ethiopian Prime Minister's visit. In the South, leave alone stopping Ethiopia's Prime Minister from coming to Mogadishu, they will never stop even a low ranking officer from arriving in Mogadishu or PUntland or anywhere else. They are now waking up and smelling the reality in Somaliland.
  17. Hopefully Saalaxo will find the guts to also report when the Pirates are defeated.
  18. What amounts to a huge win for Ahmed Madoobe, the US asks Cheeseman to reverse deployment of Somalia's Army to Gedo region. This brings his little dream about getting his clan back to Kismayo in dead. The US also demands Cheeseman to sit with Ahmed Madoobe. Something Cheeseman has been refusing to do ever since months leading upto the elections of Jubaland and after the elections.