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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. @gooni Ma waxa la gaadhay kolkii khiyaaliga la isku akhrin jiray? Awoowe, meesha waxa isku dilaaya waa awrkiraale Kikuuyo wadato iyo awr-kiraale kale oo Ethiopia wadato. Anigu waxaan odhan lahaa kan shaatiga dawladnimo ku adeegsanayaa ee jaajuuska Xabashida ah ayaa sii liita labadda. At least kan kale waa warlord cid uu matalaa ayaa iska yar aan ahayn dantiisa shakhsiga ah.
  2. Some people want to frame this as Somalia vs Kenya. But the facts are this tribal in nature and clan motifated. Cheeseman may claim to win some battles here and there but what is important is who wins the war. Which may come long after Cheeseman packs his bags.
  3. It is the exception not the norm. They will be brought to justice and face the music (bullets) when they are caught.
  4. As Somaliland turns a new page and goes full steam ahead into the Local and Parliamentary elections, the two largest political parties are making adjustments. Waddani Party's chairmanship is almost certainly going to be passed to veteran MP Abdiqadir Jirdeh, it is decision that will most likely be welcomed by majority of Waddani's supporters. And he will have no competition for the position. Cabdiqadir Jirdeh from Bali Gubadleh. With regards to Kulmiye Party, this is where bloodletting will take place. The President's (by extension the Government's) preferred candidate for the position is the current Minister for Information and National Guidance Mr. Suleiman Ali Kooreh. Also vying for the same position is Ex-Minister Mohamoud Hashi Abdi who has a very strong and active following. It is most likely that Ina Ali Kooreh will assume that position since the President very strongly behind him. Very close to the Presidency has confirmed the Minister for Interior Col. Mohamed Kaahin has dropped out of the race for Ina Ali Kooreh. (Minister Maxamed Kaahin, President Muse Biixi and Ex-Minister Maxamoud Xaashi) Minister Saleebaan Cali Kooreh
  5. Wasiir Ku Xigeen Wasaaradda Gadiidka Somaliland iyo Mayorka Magaaladda Laascaanood oo xadhiga ka jaray wado dhan 5 km oo isku xidhaysa magaaldda iyo Airportka.
  6. One wonders why these Somalia clan melitias fight inside civilian cities? Why can't they face each other some where that is far away from urban areas?
  7. The only way Garoowe used to represent them was through the clan card. Take away 4.5 clan distributions, and they are naked since most of the land mass of Sool/Sanaag is firmly under SL control and there won't be any voting booths that can be setup in Badhan/LaasQorey. As there is no clear plans ahead and still there is no consensus on most important and contentious aspects of the eleciton i.e. seat allocations, district damacartion, political party role etc. There is real chance that 4.5 will be the default end position yet. So do not discount Garoowe yet. In any case, there will not be any Somalia elections inside Somaliland borders. They will have to select Somaliland MPs from hotel rooms of Mogadishu.
  8. A Pilot Boat for Berbera Port and A Pilot Boat for San Juan Bay Porta Rico built by Irish leader in Pilot Boats Year 2020. Berbera Port is modernising and catching up with its global peers. Safehaven launches new pilot boat for San Juan, Puerto Rico - Baird Maritime WWW.BAIRDMARITIME.COM Irish builder Safehaven Marine has launched Harbour Thunder, a new pilot boat slated for San Juan Bay Pilots in Puerto Rico. The vessel has an LOA of 15 metres, a beam of ..
  9. Not necessarily. Just quarantined for safety purposes. Coronavirus takes at least 7 days to show real symptoms so these people will be kept isolated for at least a week before they are allowed to enter the city.
  10. If I were a betting man, I can say the first man to try his luck to pass the Greek Army was a Somali man. Yaa igu raacsan taa?
  11. There are hundreds of Somalis on the move to enter Europe by foot. What they do not know is that there is very little that Europe offers these days. Probably Germany is the star standout but the rest of mainland Europe is much worse than Turkey.
  12. 'Thousands' of migrants leave Turkey for EU WWW.BBC.COM President Erdogan "opened the doors" for them to exit, saying his country can no longer host them.
  13. So it looks like Yaa Xaliim Yaa Saliiim couldn't bring the rooxaanta out of their graveyards. Cheeseman has actually done his homework with regards to the clan melitia vs Somalia National Army. And this win against Ehlu-Sunnah will bloster his chances of arm-wrestling Galkacyo from Puntland's hands. Already there are a lot of troops in the area South of Galkacyo and it is most likely they will enter Galkacyo in the next few weeks.
  14. In Somaliland we are simple people. Our armed forces are 'Ciidanka Qaranka' that is it. No Danab sh*t, or Haramacad crap or Shabeel bluff... just 'Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland'. And our boys are loyal, patriotic and very effective at their work. Something that cannot be said about those with the many exotic named but actually incompetent to the core.
  15. @Holac LOOOL jaahil wasiir laga dhigay waa habartan dhaadhaanka ah.