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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Ali H. Warsame who is a keen Somaliland topics follower did some comments on this, after he saw the successful completion of EU funded road linking Hargeisa to Kalabaydh towards Togwachale.
  2. @Tillamook Nothing malicious. Just trying to balance out. This forum has a lot of Somaliland topics but not much from the failed state of Somalia. Btw, what is the upcoming meeting about? Care to elaborate what is on the agenda, mise waa tolka-kept-secret
  3. Rep. Ilhan Omar announces marriage to alleged lover Tim Mynett on NYPOST.COM Rep. Ilhan Omar has tied the knot again. The Minnesota Democrat announced on Instagram Wednesday night that she’d remarried, apparently to the political consultant she allegedly had an affair
  4. Historic images of Somaliland's Camel Corps Police force. I love the turban, it should make a comeback.
  5. indeed. That is a good suggestion. We already have the Freedom Partk (Beerta Xoriyadda Hargeysa). Probably this will be dedicated to the fallen martyrs i.e. Martyrs' Square.
  6. Suldaanka

    Caasho Badhi

    This is a type of Ghecko that is native to semi-dersert areas of Somaliland as well as parts of Ethiopia's Somali region.
  7. Kenya invites Ethiopia into endemic border issues with Somalia Kenya has sought Ethiopian contribution to resolve issues along its common border with Somalia. The rift recently resulted in Kenya warning her neighbour to desist from acts that bordered on threatening its territorial integrity. Representing President Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya’s Minister of Interior; on Wednesday met with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in Addis Ababa. Fred Mataing’i posted on Twitter that they: “held substantive talks … on Kenya’s desire for more avenues of collaboration to tackle endemic issues along the Kenya-Somalia border with the view to enhancing regional stability.” Abiy is also a close friend of the administration in Somalia. He has hosted the Somali leader on a number of occasions and has attempted mediation of a maritime rift between the two neighbours. The case is to be decided by the International Court of Justice later this year. It is Matiang’i‘s second high profile visit within the region where he was representing Kenyatta. He had over the weekend been in Mogadishu where he met with Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo. The meeting came after a phone conversation between Kenyatta and Farmaajo last week, during which the two agreed to deescalate tensions. Kenya’s warning to Somalia was connected to armed inroads by Somali federal forces into Kenya’s Mandera county. The Somali forces were engaging with forces of the regional Jubbaland forces when the said incursions into Kenyan territory were recorded.
  8. Dhanka kale wado'da isku xidha Garowe iyo Bosaso oo ayaduna aad u jajaban iyo maamulka Garoowe oo lacag u waayay inu dhiso.
  9. Cheeseman says this costed 4.5 million US Dollars. I can say it costed between 20 and 50 thousand dollars. The rest was pocketed.
  10. It is true the UK will be ending support to the Counter Terrorism forces in Somaliland. But it is all from re-alignment of focus. The UK will focus on funding of Civilian Policing projects i.e. improving buearatic skills of policing work such as case management, humanrights, improvements to Prisons/Detention center operations. While the EU will now be tasked to take responsibility of budgetory, training and equipping of Counter Terrorism forces in Somaliland.
  11. So we say thanks to @Abtigiisiyo Abiye Ahmed for openning up the borders and allowing people's freedoms including freedom to use mobile phones.
  12. Going live on Facebook from Daroor/Gaashaamo area (about 50 km beyond the border Somaliland/Ethiopia). Thanks to Telesom 3G signal which reaches deep inside Ethiopia's Somali region.
  13. It is indeed. If they leave earlier and all that facility comes under the full control Somaliland Government again, I don't see any issue with that. In fact, I think Somaliland gained a lot. They may stop using it, but I think they will have to complete all the projects that they have started including the naval base which was under contruction as of December 2019.
  14. The Airport is almost complete and will be openning soon. It is not yet official, but lets assume that UAE has changed its mind. In anycase, we say thankyou for rebuilding Berbera Airport with modern facilities including radar, operations rooms and best of all a brand new 4km long runway that is capable of handling the heavyest cargo airplanes and millitary aircraft. The Airport has also been installed 12 aircraft hangers and repair shops. Currently being built is the new civilian building for Arrivals and Departures. Indeed, Somaliland will be in a better position to negotiate with future interested parties to pay more if they wanted it rented out to them.
  15. It seems Djibouti found the only country that is able to disregard the Court's rulings is Turkey. The Singaporean company that signed a similar deal not long ago must have backed out due to the legal cloud hanging over the port's management. In any case, the Turkish company that is awarded is a small fish when you compare to the big boys that manage port operations. It is not even in the top 20 largest port operators.
  16. kkkkk kkkk Awoowe, arinkaagu waa bakhtiga ma cunee fuudkiisa ayaa daldalshaa. Bal meel kala gee!!! Horta mid aan isla ogolaano. Meesha dhiiga qubanaya, dhulka gubanaya, hooyadda qaxoontiga noqotay, caruurta gurigoodi lagu gubay, iyo kuwa qoryaha sitaa dhamaan waa Soomaali. Soomaali ayaa is dilaysa. Waxba midna walaal ha iiga dhigin, midna gaal in lala dagaalamo haboon ha iigu khuukhin. America filimaanta waa daawatay ayaan filayaa, waxa jira khidad la yidhaa 'Bad Cop' 'Good Cop' oo loo isticmaalo criminals si macluumaad looga helo ama ay u qirtaan danbiyo ay galeen. Soomaalida waxa lagu ciyaaraya isla khidadaa. Inta badan 30kii sano ee la soo dhaafay Bad Cop waxa matalaysay Ethiopia, halka Good Cop matalasay Kenya. Hada Kikuuyoada ayaa Bad Cop kuu matalaysa ahalka Ethiopia Good Cop. Laakin waxba iskama badalin siyaasaddii iyo goal kii ay ka lahaayeen Somalida. Taa horta si fiican biyo iskaga daa daaji. Haataan iyo xaal, meeshaas Buulo Xaawo iyo Gobolka Gedo waa Soomaali waxa is dilisay waxayna ku salaysantay oo guntu tahay waa arin Qabiil.