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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Masha allah, the Rains are back for the Gu' Season. There was consistent rains starting from April 2019 until Jan 2020. Every single month during those period there was rains. Only in Feb 2020 the rains stopped. The Gu' Season has come early this year, starting March rather than the usual April.
  2. "Hadii nalagu xanto xabashida, We are proud" Former Puntland women's leader.
  3. Waxaan soo xasuustay 'Xoriyoooy imisa nin ayaa ku qaba'? Shan nin ayay tidhi. Faarax Macalin, how many masters does he have?
  4. The man seen in the video is an Alshabab extortionist. Today, the same man, who goes by the nickname Shaaweeye, is a high ranking official under Fahad Yasiin's NISA outfit.
  5. She tested Positive with Covid-19. How can anyone take care of someone else if they too fall sick? only a gold digger has the answer, I guess. Idris Elba's Wife Sabrina Reveals She Has Tested Positive for Coronavirus, Has No Symptoms PEOPLE.COM Idris Elba previously revealed his own diagnosis on March 16
  6. Diyaarad ay Ethiopia leeday ayaa saaka ka soo degtay magaaladda Hargeisa. Diyaaraddan ayaa in doora hawada ku meeraysatay ka dib muran dhanka Towerka Airportka Hargeisa iyo Towerka Airportka Mogadishu ka dhex maray. Ku dhawaad 20 daqiiqo amaro kala duwan oo diyaaradda loo diray, Diyaaraddu kolkii danbe toos ayay Hargeisa uga degtay. Waa kolkii ugu horaysay ee khilaafka Air Space Somalida khalkhal galin gaadhay diyaarad dad sida.
  7. Alright, we will have to take this on the chin and move on. If the Airline companies want to obey ICAO's laws, that is their decisions. But the fact that Somaliland's Airports are operating as normal, is a fact and any Airliner that wants to land will be able to land. Although a lot of people are blaming for the previous Kulmiye administration which helped transfer the Air Space authority from ICAO to Somali hands. I think that is simplistic. In my opinion, there is a lot to this issue than meets the eye. It has a lot to do with China power & reach than anything else. China spends a considerable political and diplomatic power to keep the Air Space related issues in tight check. They do not want any relaxation of those laws less that is used against them with regards to their policy towards Taiwan. In fact, they actually interfere with other countries' Air Space laws in order to keep their goals towards Taiwan in aligned. Also China is one of the largest donors to the ICAO organisation which in turn funds most of the 3rd world's Air Space authorities. It bothers so much that some idi0t some where in Amisom controlled Mogadishu has a say in my Air Space. What a f*cked up world we are living in.
  8. OO, I give you, Somalis do exaggerate things, but that doesn't mean the actual event didn't take place. I mean, as far as General Gabre is concerned, we know he was the top dog. I have little doubt he was capable of a lot more than that. Here is an elder from Puntland talking about in 2013 during Maheega was SRSG. The warlords were given just hours to sign an agreement and failure of doing so they were told that they will be placed under Trusteeship.
  9. Professor Ibbi, a Melbournian and family friend, once talked about how General Gabre used to demand Somal comfort girls. He said in one instance while in Baydhabo, General Gabre found the wife of a member of Col. Yey's Government very attractive. He demanded to have her for the night. This is true story from Professor Ibbi. After lengthy talk and Col. Yey begged the Tigrai bad-ass, the wife was safe. The reason why I bring that story here is that a Tigrai like yourself must be enjoying a senorita from Puntland to the extent of brainwashing you that much. if you know what I mean.
  10. Somalia All Airports in Somalia will be closed effective 19th of March 2020 for 15 days for all Commercial passenger and Cargo flights. Somali Land Effective 18:00 GMT, March 19,2020, all flights from Kenya, Somalia, China, Italy, Iran, France, South Korea and Spain are prohibited from Somaliland Airports for 28 days. Somaliland Airspace is open and Airports are fully operational as usual.