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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. @gooni Awoowe hadii aan kuu gula murmo arimaha tax-drivers ku ku fiicanyihiin, waa lagaa gardaranyay. Laakin adiguna wax aanad waxba ka aqoon, dadka ha kula murmin. Deal?
  2. Ethiopian soldiers ready to invade Kismayo. The leader of the Ethiopian army motivates his soldiers that 'Ethiopia and Somalia are now becoming one" This is the second Ethiopian Army leader inside Somalia that makes comments regarding the political re-union between Somalia and Ethiopia.
  3. Actually these 8 cranes are for the container yard. They will be used to stack the containers in the yard and also retrieve them when customers require delivery. Mobile Gantry Cranes have already been ordered and will get shipped from Holland between July and August this year.
  4. @Haatu Beenaale, markhaatigiisa ayuu fogeeya. Keena markhaatigiisi fogeeyay waa iska caday. Awoowe, both Fly Dubai and Ethiopian Airlines landed in Hargeisa today. Bal adba. Mogadishu buudhi bilaa kur ah ayay ka kireeyeen. Sheekadii boodhi bilaa kur ah (A truck body without the truck part) wali maad maqal ayaan filaa.
  5. This Barkhad Jaamac Batuun, the spokesman of Opposition Party who was with today's Fly Ethiopia flight. This is what he has to say about the new restrictions placed on fly-in travellers.
  6. 26th March 2020. Diyaaradda Ethiopia Airlines oo si aan kala go lahayn wali u timaada Somaliland. The statement on Ethiopia Airlines' Website which says Somaliland Airpsace is Open and Airports are fully operating business as usual. Is another DP World Berbera moment. Remember when the Chairman of DP World said, to paraphrase him like 'Somaliland is a democracy and we have the full confidence of Somaliland's government, We do not Give a flying Fig about what the warlords of Mogadishu think" After that statement by the Sheikh, Somalia's headless chicken parliament rushed to pass a motion banning DP World from Somalia. Of course, nothing happened and it turned exactly as the Chairman of DP World said. Now the ultimate question to Somalia's headless chooks, will they take action against Ethiopian Airlines? My guess is that Ethiopian Airlines will resume its Mogadishu flights without any issues. Which in my opinion an Egg on their face. Ethiopia Airlines Website. Somaliland Effective 18:00 GMT, March 19,2020, all flights from Kenya, Somalia, China, Italy, Iran, France, South Korea and Spain are prohibited from Somaliland Airports for 28 days. Somaliland Airspace is open and Airports are fully operational as usual.
  7. DP World places orders for 8 RTG Cranes for Berbera Port. DP World Berbera Orders 8 RTG Cranes WWW.MARITIMEPROFESSIONAL.COM Liebherr Container Cranes and DP World Berbera have signed a contract for the supply of eight RTGs for DP World’s terminal in Berbera, Somaliland.
  8. Maleeshiyaad hubeysan oo xabsiga Gaalkacyo dagaal uga soo furtay maxbuus Gaalkacyo (Caasimada Online) – Wararka imaanaya gobolka Mudug ayaa sheegaya in saacadihii la soo dhaafay iska hor imaad u dhexeeyey maleeshiyaad hubeysan iyo ciidanka ammaanka maamulka Puntland uu ka dhacay waqooyiga degmada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta gobolkaasi. Dagaalka ayaa yimid, ka gadaal markii kooxda maleeshiyada ah ay rasaas ku fureen gaari ay la socdeen taliye ku xigeenka xabsiga waqooyiga Gaalkacyo iyo ilaaladiisa. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in maleeshiyaadka hubeysan ay doonayeen inay xoog ku soo furtaan nin maxbuus ah oo la sheegay inuu ku dhex xanuunsaday xabsiga, kaas oo la socday gaariga la rasaaseeyey, lana rabay in lagu geeyo xarun caafimaad, si loogu dabiibo. Kooxda weerarka fulisay ayaa sidoo kale wararku waxa ay sheegaan inay ay ehel la’yihiin ninka maxbuuska ah oo ay horay Puntland ugu xukuntay dil toogasho ah. Inta la xaqiijiyey waxaa is-rasaaseyntaasi ku dhaawacmay illaa afar qof oo uu ku jiro taliye ku-xigeenka xabsiga waqooyiga magaalada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug. Sidoo kale ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Caasimada Online u sheegay in ragga weerarka qaaday ay si xoog ah markii dambe ku kaxeysteen maxbuuska ay doon-doonayeen. Dhinaca kale ma jiro illaa iyo hadda wax faah faahin ah oo saraakiisha laamaha amniga ay ka bixiyeen shaqaaqadaasi. Xaaladda ayaa saaka degan, base ciidamada Puntland ayaa haatan xaafado ka tirsan waqooyiga Gaalkacyo ka wada howlgallo baaritaano ah.
  9. City of Ceerigaabo, Sanaag. San
  10. The Somali region is a very divided region. You will never see a strong leader from a divided society. Given the existing realities, I think Cagjar deserves better recognition for his efforts.There has been huge changes happening since he came to office. And best of all is the understanding of the problems and trying to find solutions to those problems. I have listened to some of this interviews and he seems to have a good grasp on the issues and has sound understanding of what can be done about it. I have family members who reside on the Somali Region side of border and they tell me that for first time in generations, they see an administration providing services to them. These include Maternity places, schools, water wells etc.
  11. They will also get at least 40% of Ahmarised-Oromo (Christian Oromo) and another 50% from the Southern Communities. It is very much given an Amhara will become a leader in the next elections. And by that, the so called Ethnic federalism will become history.
  12. 24th of March. ishaa macalin ah. Waxa xusid mudan, inaan wax diyaarad caalami ah ka degin dhamaan wixii la isku odhan jiray Italian Somalia laga bilaabo 19kii March. Halka Somaliland daily walba ay ka degaayaan diyaaraduhu, kolka laga reebo hal maalin (19kii March) oo khalkhal galiyeen M00ryaanta ka dilaacday hawada ee Mogadishu saldhigeedu yahay.
  13. I beg to differ. I wouldn't want my loved ones treated that way by my adapted country. Let alone my actual place of birth. It is a constitutional duty that the government is responsible for all Somaliland citizens. Just because they contracted a virus doesn't mean they will be thrown to the dogs. No. They will need to be welcomed and treated with respect while protecting the safety and health of others. I agree, this is extremely contagious virus, but it is nonetheless, one that can be managed. And as Muslims, we will not regret if someone's time is up.
  14. LOL How can you close your doors to your own citzens? even if they have Coronvirus, they need to be welcomed and given as any medical help they required. I do not buy the gest of the argument by Nabar iyo Naxdin's paid bots... Any Somaliland citizen is welcomed but should be quarantined for the WHO sanctioned 14 day period, their names and passport numbers recorded.
  15. The EU Is Abandoning Italy in Its Hour of Need FOREIGNPOLICY.COM In a shameful abdication of responsibility, fellow countries in the European Union have failed to give medical assistance and supplies to Italy during an outbreak.…
  16. After China, Russia sends aid to Italy to fight virus WWW.SMH.COM.AU The Kremlin said Putin had expressed his support for Italy's leaders and had heeded an Italian request for help.
  17. This is yesterday in Hargeisa.