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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Somaliland has identified 3 people from Djibouti who have shown all the symptoms of COVID19. They are in quarantine.
  2. A lazy journo. They went to Stock Photo site and searched for Somalia. Apparently that is the 1st photo on the list on that website. Even automated machine learning software could have done a better job. Nice try though. Somalia Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock WWW.ISTOCKPHOTO.COM Search from 60 top Somalia pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. Find high-quality stock photos that you won't find anywhere else.
  3. Galbeedi Like I said in another thread, you need to take what Djibouti has to say with a lot of salt. This is a dictatorship that is facing its biggest challenge yet. The people had it. With regards to Corona Virus in Somaliland. Let me tell you one thing, by nature, Somalilanders do not hide anything. What you see is all you get. If there was any Corona Virus in Somaliland, before the doctor is notified about it, the rest of the world will know it. Because that is the nature of Somaliland people.
  4. Somaliland was under military occupation from 1980s onwards, so any loans taken by Afwayne after 1980s is the sole responsibility of Koonfurta Somalia. However, any loan prior to 1980s, we will assume our fair share of it. And we won't be defaulting on it. It was a sad affair, I tell you that. If street beggars were like countries, then Somalia was the type of beggar that puts his head down in prayer position and begs passers-by for few coins. You cannot take that shame away. Here is a quote from my previous post: "Somalia getting new loans when it is defaulted old loans is like the old saying goes: Habartii xaabada la kici wayday." It doesn't make sense.
  5. A government official was yet the target of organised crime syndicates operating from Bosaso. Sarkaal ka tirsan Puntland oo Boosaaso lagu dilay – Puntland Post PUNTLANDPOST.NET Dableey hubaysan, ayaa maanta bartamaha magaaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari ku dilay, sarkaal ka tirsanaa ciidanka ilaalada Canshuuraha Berriga… Sii akhri
  6. Puntland oo ka hadashay Qarax is-miidaamin ah oo ka dhacay Magaalada Garoowe. - Horseed Media • Somali News HORSEEDMEDIA.NET Maxamed Cabdiraxaam Dhaban-cad Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Puntland oo ay weheliyeen Wasiiro kale ayaa si faahfaahsan u sharaxy qaraxii ka dhacay Magaalada Garoowe caawa fiidkii. Wasiir...
  7. "Soomaaliya maxaa lacagta loo siinayaa oo inaga na loo siin waayey." You need to paraphrase him correctly if you want to quote what Faisal has to say. And I agree. Somalia getting new loans when it is defaulted old loans is like the old saying goes: Habartii xaabada la kici wayday. It will be extremely irresponsible on the part of the world body like the World Bank to write new loans for a phantom government that represent no one but their back pockets and their cronies. And particularly, additional money will only make the problems worse not fix them. Faysal is 100% correct, Somaliland is the only administration that has the capacity to enter a loan because it has a stable income (tax base) and stability. The minute AMISom leaves Mogadishu, is the minute everything stops including the Port, the Airport and what have you. Because there is no grassroots reconciliation and peace on the ground. Everyone in Mogadishu is waiting for a chance.
  8. Halkan waa meel banaan ah oo wax deegaan ah ka ag dhawayn. Waa halka maamulka Garowe ka samaystay goob sidii budhcadda dadka ku baadho. Wax astaan maamul ah ama dawladeed ah kama muuqdo.
  9. Here you see Tukaraq town, what a change over the last years, a new School, a new MCH for mothers, a new Police Station. A lot more people and business/Shops open. Tukaraq Health checkpoint
  10. Waddada isku xidha Hargeisa iyo Salaxlay oo paved road laga dhigaayo. Waxa hada lagu tartamayaa waa kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha sida wadooyinka iyo wax soo saarka beeraha etc.
  11. Turning sod the road that will connect Ceerigaabo to the port town of Maydh.
  12. The Document available on IMF Website: Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative-Decision Point Document
  13. It is spreading up the ranks of top elite like wild fire. Boris was meeting the UK's top health experts just 24 hours earlier. You'll never know how many of he shared the virus with.
  14. Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus WWW.THEAGE.COM.AU British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus and will self-isolate during the worsening emergency.
  15. I don't think an easy fix like shutdown the Airport will get you anywhere. How long do you want the Airport to close? two weeks, two months, two years? You can't tell when the risk of COVID19 is minimised. In my opinion, it is inevitable COVID19 will show up in all corners of the world. You can't stop it. By learning to manage the risks, which this opportunity is providing to the different stakeholders, they will be in a better position to respond if and when real issues arise. Wixii operational issues ah, of course will be stream lined. It will get better.
  16. LOOL Marfash yada Hargeisa si fiican ayaa ula socotaa. reer badan ayaa laga bilaa, it is a career destination for a lot pirate girls. halka dad kale jaamacado u soo dirtaan, adigu orod oo shaqo tag ayaa tidhaahdaan. Awoowe, it is all good, the masjid is fully open though Waa la cibaadaysanayaa inu ilaahay sharka duriyadda ka ilaaliyo. Anyways, get back to the topic. Waxan ma naaso miyaa? ahaha
  17. Timodheery, hadii aan ku karbaasho soo hooyo hoosta ka gali maysid. Hadii aad niiko joojin waydo, waa i taqaan shaabuugii (not sure if you even know it) ayaa soo qaadan doona. Speaking of il-repute, that is Geerashaynta... lool There are two types of Marfish... Geerashaynta marfish.. and then there is the normal youth merfish. Geerashaynta apparently is a honeypot for Pirate girls, mostly from relocated from Nairobi (Not sure what is going there, Nairobi ma dhaqaale daro ayaa ka jirta??). Anigu beenta ma aqaan . Waxan aan kuu sheegaya waa top secret, mates only
  18. LOOL You just described the Reer Koonfur sweat shops. Both Djibouti and Bosaso and Mogadishu marfishes are said to be hot sweaty places. Surely they stink too. Thanks in part to the cool fresh air of major cities in the highlands of Somaliland, the Somaliland marfishes are places for creativity, music, poetry. Probably I will take you for a tour, how about that? On a serious note, someone needs to remind the fat fella that this is not a time for sunbathing let alone holidaying.