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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. I think the issue here is not to just target a particular group of people, because if you do that then you are not learning a lot. The idea is to be able to deal with an outbreak. To learn ways and methods to control an outbreak. And that is the advise the medical doctors have told the President. Rather than put a stop sign at the gate. This is a global issue and also an opportunity to lift your game and try to see with the tools you have how far you can stretch it. Right now there around 3000 people in quarantine. What the professionals have learned so far is the supply of masks and protective gear is low and need to be boosted. Other key needs have been identified. Groups of teams in roster have been created to carry out spot checks and route tasks, there is a chain of command. Etc. etc. All that, while you are still in control of the situation, because when the virus comes you have no control and learning as you becomes a difficult task or impossible task. So you better be ready when it comes and surely it will come regardless of what measures you take. Minister for Agriculture Mudane Ahmed Mummin Seed recently mentioned that Somaliland's food security has never been better, it has stock piled enough cereal and wheat to last for full year. All from state own farm lands in Awdal, Maroodijex, Gabiley, Togdheer and Oodweine. And hopefully if we get this locust outbreak under control, there is more land cultivated during this rainy season. Why is this important? You have to be prepared for yourself and your own food security as well as your medical expertise. Which is why I think the frontline medical teams need to be on the front foot in order to improve and learn and grow. You have to be fighting the fight and not just learning how to fight from a book.
  2. Granted the whole point is about health and not accommodation, yet, one has to make the most of the situation. It iprobably true the South Koreans footing the bills themselves and hence why they had to resort to the cheapest available on the market. But in the case of Somaliland, the fact that the costs of quarantine is covered by the quarantined people themselves and hence boosting the local ailing hotel businesses in these 'lockdown' times. I think that is a good move in both worlds. Below is UN employee being tested, twice daily for temperature, cough or other known symptoms of COVID-19, at his quarantine residence located about 10km outside Somaliland. By doing these routine checks and implementing systems and precedures, the different teams involved in responding to COVID-19 have improved tremendously over the last couple of weeks. And thanks to these practical exercises and tasks, those involved in the frontline are now more confident in themselves and their precedures in dealing with COVID19.
  3. Covid-19: Ethiopian drug ready for clinical trials Covid-19: Ethiopian drug ready for clinical trials WWW.THEEASTAFRICAN.CO.KE The drug is hoped to cure patients by boosting their immune system.
  4. 'It's like a jail': Australian GP's unplanned trip to South Korea WWW.THEAGE.COM.AU Out of Africa: the coronoavirus outbreak meant Melbourne GP David Zheng fled Madagascar - to South Korea.
  5. Somaliland waxay dadka kale dheertay waa ganacsato kolka loo baahdo aan hadalka laba-labayn wixii waajibkeeda ah gudata. Way ku mahadsanyihiin.
  6. It is getting seriously desperate. US accused of ‘piracy’ over mask ‘confiscation’ WWW.BBC.COM Berlin officials say 200,000 masks have been diverted to the US under a law invoked by Donald Trump.
  7. It is inevitable that the virus will reach all corners of the world. The idea is to just control the spread and slow it down.
  8. Way ku fashilmeen. Waliba Ethiopia Airline si toos ah ayay dib ugu bilaabaysa duulimaadkeedii Mogadishu. That is like adding insults to injury.
  9. COVID19 will go into the history books as the virus that brought those who thought they were high and mighty to their knees.
  10. US Navy captain pleads for help over outbreak WWW.BBC.COM The captain warns of an "accelerating" coronavirus outbreak on his aircraft carrier docked in Guam.
  11. Yes, there is customs office, Somaliland Bank branch, police station, A Somaliland Roads Authority office where vehicles can get a car number plate. For the locals, there is a new primary school and a mother child center. All that build in the last 2 years. Having consolidated Tukaraq and its surrounding towns, the focus is now set to capture the last village of Buurowadal which falls between Tukaraq and the Somaliland and Somalia border. And hopefully that will also be done within Muse Biihi's presidency.
  12. Kolka kee ayaa North Korea u saansaan eeeg, ma kan ilaa IOG soo saxeexo aan la tabin karin, mise kan adiga oo reer koonfur ah aad soo ogaan kartid oo indhahaaga oo shan ah aad ku so xaqiiqsan kartid? @gooni caligii waa kaa suulay runtii. dadku horimar ayuu sameeya, adigu dib-u-socod ayaad bilowday.
  13. USA Travel advisory: "Flights departing from Hargeisa, Somaliland for Addis Ababa are still available on Ethiopian Airlines (ET). Currently ET is the only carrier flying out of Hargeisa. Although flights can still be booked on the Ethiopian Airlines website please be aware that departures are often consolidated to every other day or every third day in order to fill flights. If you have booked an ET flight from Hargeisa please communicate with ET and the Hargeisa airport about scheduling changes." UK Travel advisory: "There are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Somaliland. Local authorities in Somaliland have announced a number of precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus including restrictions on travel: From 30 March the Somaliland authorities will be refusing entry to individuals who started their journey in Europe or America. Individuals travelling from Europe or America with Hargeisa as their final destination may be denied boarding by the airline. All passengers arriving into Somaliland through Egal International Airport in Hargeisa will be subject to mandatory 14 day quarantine. Quarantine will be in hotels designated by the local authorities. The cost of staying at the hotel during quarantine will be borne by passengers. You may need to demonstrate that you can afford the cost of your hotel quarantine before boarding your flight. Please contact your airline for more details. All arrivals will be subject to entry screening which may include temperature measurements and checks on recent travel to affected areas. Those people displaying symptoms linked to coronavirus may be transferred to a nearby isolation facility while further tests are carried out. The Somaliland authorities have announced the closure of all land borders for three weeks from 1800 on 26 March and the closure of all sea ports. You should check for updates with local authorities before travelling to the border. Advice to return home is aimed at British people travelling abroad rather than those who are permanent residents overseas, including in Somaliland, who are urged to follow the advice of the local authorities. British Nationals who wish to leave should contact their airline or travel company and insurance provider as soon as they are able, and keep up to date with the latest developments. See Return to the UK. The authorities have encouraged members of the diaspora not to travel to Somaliland at this time."
  14. Waagii aan geeljire ah ahaa, xoolaha kuwo ayaa jira kiniinka diida (kiniinka caalka/dabo shubanka xoolaha). Kuwaa inta afka loo kala qabto ayaa xabad kiniin ah oo fartaa leeg qasab/force lagu siiya waliba biyo loo raaciya. Malaha warka Somaliland ka soo baxa, we will have to shove it down your throat.
  15. Cadnaan, kol hadii aad rumaysatay tii Djibouti, tan laabta u sii daa.
  16. The political Party Pickering, I guess it comes with the territory. At least they are not gunning down each other like the Pirate enclave. Ceel afwayn is yesterday's story. But yes, you have a point, Puntland belo oo dhan ayay nagaga gudbantay. Which is why we do not want to see her weak enough, but also not strong enough, just meel la manage garayn karo. If the situation gets out of hand, remember we are just a stone throw's away from interfering.