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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. The igu-sawir coward crew are no where to be seen. Igu-sawirtii hospitaalka la tagi jiray waa laga baqday.
  2. Things are really getting seriously worse in Mogadishu. Private hospitals which are better equiped than the public ones are now stopping accepting new admisions. This is a sign of real concern, when a Private hospital stops accepting $$$ paying customers. Xog: Isbitaallada Muqdisho oo joojiyay inay qaabilaan bukaano cusub + Sababta | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xog ay heshay Caasimada Online ayaa sheegeysa in inta badan Isbitaallada magaalada Muqdisho ee sida gaarka ah loo leeyahay ay joojiyeen qaabilaada bukaanada cusu…
  3. She had few stints at singing but was well known for playing the keyboard and other instruments.
  4. Also here Faadumo Xaashi Nuur (Amaano) one of the original female singers in Walaalaha Hargeisa.
  5. Rashid Baluu was hindi originally. I only recently learned that he composed the famous outtro song for Radio Hargeisa Outro Song: Tani waa Hargeysoo, Heerarka Gaaban idinkala hadlaysee habeen wanaagsan... it is used up to today.
  6. Yes, Dacar is still involved, he is an honorary director at Hargeisa Culture Centre where he coordinates the revival of the traditional songs and dances. With regards to the picture above, next to Hibo Nura on the far corner, is the Indian Rashid Bullo (Original Hargeisa indian community). He was a well known member in Wallalaha Hargeisa. He has a number of classic songs including "Adaa Haweeeyay"...
  7. The legends in one picture. These men and women were the vanguards of the Somali music at their day and age. Originally part of Radio Hargeisa's Walaalaha Hargeisa (Hargeisa Brothers Band). From the picture, along with Xudeydi, you have Xaaji Basbaas (One of the original male acting talents), Dacar (Poet, Actor and singer), the GOATs Axmed Mooge and Kuluc... also in the picture are Hibo Nuura and Sahra Ahmed (AuN).
  8. There are a lot of young guns coming up. Hargeisa is assuming as the centre for the revival of the Somali arts music, books, poets. The best thing about this is that the great majority are under 30 years of age. There was a time when there was a huge question mark hanging over the viability and the future of the Somali Music and Poetry as the old guards like Hadraawi, Terrabi, Gaariye, Biddeh Bros ,Ganey, Qays etc were getting old and there was no new blood to hand the baton to. But with Weedhsame, Laabsaalax, Xadaari and host of others new poets are taking the helm in Hargeisa, the dhaqan is alive and kicking, and probably with a lot more force and determination to succeed. This young man is Fish*Chips generations born & bred overseas but he keeping the culture alive. He is one of the best Oud players you will see/hear and also has a good voice. It is very hard for anyone to sing like the Mohamed Moogeh but he comes close.
  9. Xaaladda Coronavirus ee Soomaaliya oo kasii dareysa | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Maalin walba waxaa tiro ka badan laba qof laga helayaa cudurka coronavoirus oo hadda u muuqda inuu si deg deg ah ugu faafayo gudaha dalka, gaar ahaan Muqdisho, s…
  10. Wasiir ka mid ah HirShabeele oo u geeriyooday COVID-19 Wasiiru dowlihii cadaaladda HirShabelle oo u geeriyooday cudurka CORONAVIRUS | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Wasiiru dowlihii Cadaaladda maamul goboleedka HirShabelle Xildhibaan Khaliif Muumin Tooxow ayaa maanta magaalada Muqdisho ugu geeriyooday cudurka Coronavirus...
  11. Airport official shot dead in Galkaayo HIIRAAN.COM GALKAYO (HOL) - A staffer at Galkaayo Airport was gunned down Friday night by armed men who were not immediately identified.
  12. A more worrying sign that things are getting out of hand in Mogadishu with regards to COVID19 is the increasing level of locally contracted cases.
  13. Digfeer hospital has been closed due to an outbreak of CoronaVirus linked to it. Isbitaalka Digfeer oo la xiray iyo sababta ka dambeysa | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Waxaa maanta albaabada la’isugu laabay isbitaalka Digfeer ee magaalada Muqdisho, sababo la xariira cudurka faafa ee Corona, sida ay Caasimada Online u xaqi…
  14. Riftoon is Somalised word of the women's perfume 'Reve d'or'. It was a popular perfume for Somali women (Djibouti and Somaliland) during the 1950s and 60s. Most likely imported from Djibouti's French shops. Riftoon ayaa ii uraaye ma Ruunba You can just imagine the romance in those words.
  15. Indeed. Ceerigaabo is coming of age. The road between Burco and Ceerigaabo has contributed a lot to the local economy. More vehicles come and leave Ceerigaabo now, which is an indication that businesses are thriving, goods are coming and going. The more travellers, the more hotels and restaurants needed. The Somaliland's Government's millions that were spent on the road will easily be recouped within years.
  16. Heesta Riftoon oo erayada iyo music labada uu leeyay Xudeydi, waa heesaha midho tiriska ah ee ilaa 10 fanaan codkooda ku tijaabiyeen. Halkan dhawr ayaan soo qabtay Waa Ahmed Moobe Libaan Sir Maxamuud Faysal Cumar Mushteek Hibo Nuura Cabdinuur Alaale Nimco Yaasiin
  17. Also, a troubling development about the first confirmed COVID-19 death in Mogadishu. The old man was undetected for 9 days that he was COVID-19 patient. During this time, he had access to health workers and doctors without any protective gear. Xogta xaaladdii marxuumka Muqdisho ugu geeriyooday Coronavirus WWW.VOASOMALI.COM Dr. Maxamuud Zaahid Maxamuud, oo ah agaasimaha Caafimaadka ee Isbitalka Aaden Cadde oo ah halka uu yaalay marxuunmkii ugu horreeyey ee Soomaaliya ugu dhintay Coronavirus ayaa faah-faahin ka...
  18. Wasiir ka tirsan HirSheebeele is the latest confirmed case of COVID-19. DEG-DEG: Wasiir ka tirsan Hirshabeelle oo laga helay Xanuunka COVID-19 HIIRAAN.COM Jimco, Abril, 10, 2020 (HOL)- Wasiiru-dowlaha Wasaarradda Cadaaladda Maamulka Hirshabeelle, ahna Xildhabaan ka tirsan Baarlamanka Maamulkaasi Khaliif Muumin Tooxow ayaa la xaqiijiyay...
  19. Mayor of Mogadishu contradicts Cheeseman on COVID-19 death toll. -- Mogadishu Mayor contradicts govt’, says ‘many have died’ of COVID-19 WWW.HIIRAAN.COM MOGADISHU (HOL) - Banaadir Governor Omar Filish has warned the spread of COVID-19 could be higher in Mogadishu than the official reports by the government noting ‘many people have died’.
  20. Coronavirus Invades Saudi Inner Sanctum HIIRAAN.COM More than six weeks after Saudi Arabia reported its first case, the coronavirus is striking at the heart of the kingdom’s sprawling royal family.
  21. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto Ahmed Xudeydi. Wuxu ku geeriyooday London maanta.
  22. Somaliland has acquired an advanced COVID19 Diagnostic Lab from Taiwan along with testing kits. This Lab will help return test results within 60 seconds as opposed to the 4-5 day return trip from Nairobi which is how it is done at the moment.