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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Abiye has the backing of the Amhara, if the Amhara are ok with the postponement, it will be postponed. But with regards to Cheeseman, he has no backing of any major power in Mogadishu. Even before his 4 year term ends, he is getting all sort of threats that he will be kicked out of Mogadishu. But the consensus is that, the opposition powers in Mogadishu will not allow any postponement without a major reshuffle and representation from of Opposition in the interim government.
  2. Somaliland ha ka daawado Youtube. Ileen depression ayaa ku dhacaaya haduu Gedo iyo Caabudwaaq warkooda dhagaysto. Isagoo meelaha iska jooga ayuu iska qaada heesaha Qaranka Somaliland. Hada isma oga, waa too much youtube Somaliland ka daawaday, maskax guuray. Qaranka Dhidibadaa, Ragbaa u dhigoo shubay dhiigo, nabadda dhaliyee... iyo Dhaaya aragtida fayoobi Qaranka Dhismayay arkaan! La dhagax dhigaayo arkaan! Dhamaystirmaaya arkaan!
  3. In the UK they have the saying "Margaret Thatcher the Milk Snatcher" In Mogadishu they will have "Farmaajo Fuley the Ventilator vandaliser"
  4. Meanwhile, Beesha Cheeseman oo magan waydiisatay Ciidamadda Ethiopia.
  5. Other Independent news reports are also saying a number of locals were also massacred by the Ethiopian bombers. Ciidamada Cirka ee Itoobiya oo duqeeyay Daldhig Al-Shabaab leeyihiin Al-Shabaab badana ku laayay WWW.PUNTLANDI.COM "Guutada Ciidamada Itoobiya re loo yaqaan Eastern Air Force ayaa weerar Cirka ah waxay ku burburiyeen Saldhig lagusameeyo Waxyaabaha Qarax oo Al-Shabaab leeyihiin oo ku yaala Dergaanada Kurteele iyo Yurkud oo Gobolka Bay ka tirsan."
  6. The Goobjoog reporter is spending his 3rd night behind bars. He hasn't been charged just wuxu u xidhanayay Cheeseman.
  7. Australia has turned the corner for the better. The virus was mostly imported through Cruise ships and caused panic early to mid March. However, quick responses from both the Commonwealth and the States made the difference. With just over 60 deaths related to COVID-19 thus far, it has one of the lowest rates when you compare it to the OECD countries.
  8. Australia on course to eliminate COVID-19, modelling shows WWW.THEAGE.COM.AU Social distancing is keeping new infection levels low enough to eradicate the virus from mainland Australia, according to new federal government modelling.
  9. Sidoo kale halkan waxaad ka akhirsataa Gaarhaye. Gaarhaye wariye rer Puntland ah oo inta badan waraysta dadka siyaasiinta. Gaarhaye TV Wuxu 2019kii ka guuray London oo Puntland u guuray. Wuxu diyaaradda London to UAE to Hargeisa. He kept a dairy about his experience.
  10. Waa iska khiyaali. Waxay ku fashilmeen inay qaraxyodii joojiyaan oo wadooiyinka kala xidhmay isku furaan. kolka aad wixii importantka ahaa ku fashilantid, sow inaad filim khiyaali ah iska daawatid mahaa?
  11. Dhiraynta xaafadaha magaaladda Berbera oo la bilaabay.
  12. I do not think Cheeseman and Co will be able to get any extension. Even if he tries to do it himself, he won't. It simple. No one trusts him. In fact, a lot of people in the opposition wanted to get rid of him before his 4 year term ended. So, everyone is just waiting for the 4 year term and he is toast. Some may have argued to give him benefit of the doubt and give him the same 6 months extension that HSM got back in 2016. But there is a huge difference, HSM actually had a process going which was supported by all stakeholders. And that process needed a little bit more time to materialise. Cheeseman has neither a process nor the support or consensus to move anything forward. which is why it is pointless to give him a day let alone 6 months more. The best option is to have a interrim care-taker government with the mandate to hold elections and nothing else.
  13. Awoowe, nothing changed. In Pirate enclave Khat arrives daily in all major towns. The khat dealers bribe the melitias with their daily fix and they are escorted right down to the market. The same goes for major towns in South Somalia including Mogadishu. Driving it into the black market, has only robbed Cheeseman taxation money. In Somaliland, we are realists. We know the effort required is not there and the risk to driving it underground is greater than any gains. We are talking about patrolling 800km of border. It will require access to helicopters, night vision goggles, and many many roadblocks. And to top that, you need actually dedicated resources that will not be corrupted by the cash-cow Khat merchants. At the moment, it is all about working together to reduce the risks.
  14. Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud “ Xarigga Weriye Gurbiye waxa uu muujinayaa astaan keli-talisnimo” HIIRAAN.COM Arbaco, Abril 15, 2020 (HOL) - Madaxweynahii hore ee Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay Xarigga Weriye Cabdicasiis Axmed Gurbiye oo ah agaasime ku-xigeenka...
  15. A scenic cross-country bike ride.
  16. Like any other drug, once it is banned, it goes underground and becomes more dangerous. The world is now moving away from banning drugs and more legalising and managing it with education.
  17. Since it is becoming glaringly obvious that Cheeseman will not be in a position to even hold something similar to HSM's 2016/17 (s)election process, let alone a 1P1V election. A group that calls itself the Somalia Atlantic Council has published two options. I think the first option is the most plausible way forward. The second option they put forward will not fly at all. Cheeseman has no political credit to achieve anything. In fact, he has lost the trust of almost everyone except those still on his paycheck - who are only with him for the $$$$. And secondly, 6 months is a blip in time. Proposed 2020/2020 Election Options WWW.HIIRAAN.COM In clear terms, the Somali people expects with no excuse or delay free and fair election in 2020/2021. But, because of the federal government’s abject failure and disinterest to organize and hold free...
  18. Absolutely. Latest reporting about this is saying that the journalist who broke the news is remaining jail for the second night. But the medical equipment that were removed from the hospital had been returned.
  19. Construction as far as the eye can see....
  20. Shidan dhibta ha laga daayo. Dad qurbaha ku asaasaqay ayaa mashruuc ka raadinaaya dadka wada dega deegaanka inay is colaadiyaan.
  21. Waxa hore loo yidhi Fuleygu waa qoryo badanyay.